We Will Solve The Immigration Crisis By Respecting Our Immigration Laws That Protect Our Country And By Making It Far More Attainable For Our Hardworking New Immigrants To Achieve Their American Dream

We Will Solve The Immigration Crisis By Respecting Our Immigration Laws That Protect Our Country And By Making It Far More Attainable For Our Hardworking New Immigrants To Achieve Their American Dream

Our current political leaders, including our President, have taken a very extreme position on immigration by allowing an estimated 10 million immigrants to cross our Southern border illegally in the past three years. Having a border that has allowed many millions of...
Our Free Universal Health Care System For Everyone That Lowers All Medical Costs By 50% To 70%, Saves America $780 Billion Every Year, And Pays You And Every American A $2,000 Bonus Income Every Year When You Stay Healthy

Our Free Universal Health Care System For Everyone That Lowers All Medical Costs By 50% To 70%, Saves America $780 Billion Every Year, And Pays You And Every American A $2,000 Bonus Income Every Year When You Stay Healthy

We need to make sure that Every Person in America has Excellent Health Care, and we need to lower people’s medical costs tremendously because medical costs in America are ridiculously priced. We will create a Universal Health Care System that will provide free medical...
We Will Protect Our Children And Stop All Child Trafficking

We Will Protect Our Children And Stop All Child Trafficking

As we work together To Build A World For Our Children, above all else we need to make sure that Our Children are Safe. Unfortunately, there are millions of children worldwide who have been forced into child trafficking. Hundreds of thousands of these children end up...