We Will Stop High Inflation and Decrease All Prices For You and For Your Family

Our Movement has written 65 Policies and Plans on our website and in our book that work together in Harmony to Benefit You, to Benefit Every Person in America, and to Benefit Our Country.

Included in our 65 Policies and Plans are our 12 Major Economic Policies that will solve all the economic problems we are currently facing in Our Country, while also providing Tremendous Benefits to You and to Every Person in America.

In addition, our 12 Economic Policies will work together to reduce inflation and to amazingly lower the current prices so that you will be paying less for products in our economic system than you currently are paying.

Inflation in America has been completely out of control since 2021.

When the Trump administration left office, the inflation rate was only 1.4%. 

However, the current President, Vice-President, and U.S. Congress vastly overspent several trillion dollars in 2021 and 2022, resulting in the current government borrowing money to pay for this overspending.

When the government borrows money to pay for things, then it has the same effect and result as the government printing new money and inserting this new money into our national money supply.

When the total amount of money circulating in our money supply increases by such a large amount because of the trillions of dollars of overspending, then this has a devaluing effect on our U.S. Dollar.

As a result, when the government added money into our money supply, then this caused our U.S. Dollar to decrease in value, which caused prices of everything to go up and high inflation to occur.

In the nearly four years since the Trump administration left office when inflation was only 1.4%, the inflation rate has never gotten back to that low number.

With the huge amount of government overspending in 2021, then inflation initially spiked to 9%, and although it has gradually decreased since then, inflation is still well above the Federal Reserve’s desired target level of 2%.

The average rate of inflation for 2020 was 1.2%, which was the last year of the Trump administration.  Since then, the average rate of inflation for 2021 was 4.7%, for 2022 was 8%, and for 2023 was 4.1%.

Since 2020, consumer prices have increased by a total of 21%, with many products increasing by far more than this amount, including housing increasing by more than 60% just between June 2021 and June 2022.

Therefore, the inflation that we have had in America during the first three years of the current administration has been the highest inflation rate we have had in America for more than 40 years.

In fact, inflation would have gone even far higher if the President and Vice-President had been able to get what they wanted, because they tried to spend trillions more on additional bills they were attempting to get approved by Congress.

However, the U.S. Congress voted against those spending bills proposed by the President and Vice-President to keep them from being able to spend this further additional money that would have caused inflation to get even much worse for Our Country.

Therefore, the total amount of inflation that has occurred while the current administration has been in the White House has caused all the prices of everything to increase by a very large amount during the past four years.

This high inflation also caused the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates eleven times between March 2022 and July 2023, dramatically increasing interest rates by a total of 5 percentage points in one of the fastest rate hikes in American history.

Such a dramatic and steep interest rate increase has put tremendous pressure on homeowners with mortgages because homeowners have been forced to pay monthly mortgage payments that are more than twice the amount that their monthly payments had been before the government began its overspending spree in 2021.

With these higher mortgage payments, then homeowners have also had to raise rent prices on homes so that homeowners could bring in enough rent to pay their mortgage payments.

As a result, home and apartment renters have also had to pay much higher rental prices during these past three years, which has been very difficult for individuals and families who rent their homes and apartments.

In summary, then, for the Benefit of Our American People, it is crucially important that we get our consumer prices down and get our inflation rate lower than it has been for the past four years.

It is very strange that the current White House administration has no plans or ideas about how they are going to try to bring down inflation.

Their extremely irresponsible overspending caused our very high rates of inflation to occur, but now they have no ideas on how to correct their mistakes and are just ignoring the problem.

They are ignoring the inflation problem because they do not care enough about Our American People who are struggling financially, and they are ignoring the inflation problem because the President and Vice-President have no understanding or knowledge about the economy, no understanding or knowledge about the causes of inflation, and no understanding or knowledge about the solutions for inflation.

But why would we think that the President and Vice-President have any understanding or knowledge about the economy or inflation because they have never owned a business and have never even had a regular job outside of government positions.

The same is true of the person they have nominated to run for Vice-President, who also has no experience ever running a business or working for a business.

Therefore, their entire group has absolutely no understanding of how the economy works.

The 65 Policies and Plans that Our Movement has designed all work together in Harmony to Benefit Every Person in America.

Therefore, Our Economic Policies and Plans will work together to lower the inflation rate and even decrease the prices that you are paying.

Here is how Our Policies will lower inflation and decrease prices:

  1. One of our 12 Economic Policy chapters on our website and in our book discusses Our Economic Plan to allow You and Every Person to Start Your Own Business without you having to pay any taxes on Your Business Profits.

You can read about Our Business Plan for you to own your Tax-Free Business in our chapter titled, “Our Revolutionary Tax-Free Plan For You To Own Your Own Business: You Will Get To Keep All Your Profits Without Paying Any Taxes.”

By us allowing you to Own Your Business and not have to pay any taxes on your Profits, then this will Greatly Benefit You and Your Family because you will be able to make very large Profits from Your Business without paying any taxes on Your Profits.

Our Plan for you to Own Your Tax-Free Business will also bring inflation down and decrease consumer prices because:

i. Since business owners will not be paying taxes on their Profits, then business owners will be making more Net Profit on everything they sell.

ii. Since business owners will be making more Net Profit on everything they sell, then they will have the option, if they choose, to lower their prices and still be Very Profitable, just as Profitable as they were before.

iii. What the business owners would have paid in taxes can be used to offer discounted prices to consumers.

iv. Therefore, consumer prices can decrease by the same amount as the taxes that are being saved.

v. By businesses lowering their prices, then the inflation rate will be lower and prices for products will decrease.

  1. One of our 12 Economic Policy chapters on our website and in our book discusses Our Plan to tax corporations on revenue instead of taxing them on corporate profits.

You can read about Our Tax Plan on corporations in our chapter titled, “We Will Eliminate Federal Income Tax: Your Financial Investment Will Make You An Owner Of America.”

Taxing on revenues is a much more efficient way for America to tax corporations, and is also a far more Beneficial way for America because taxing corporate revenues instead of corporate profits will stop corporations from being able to use accounting methods to keep their accounting profits low in an effort to avoid paying as much tax as they should pay.

Corporations paying taxes on revenues also has advantages for the corporations because it makes it far easier for corporations to set a sales price, due to the fact that the corporations will know exactly how much tax they will owe at every sales price point.

Therefore, a corporation only needs to know its total cost of producing a product to be able to determine the price that the corporation will sell their product for. 

The simple mathematical formula will be:

    Net Profit = Sales Price – Total Production Cost – Sales Price x (Revenue Tax Percentage)

In addition, being taxed on revenues makes it very simple for corporations to compute and pay their taxes because the tax they owe is simply a percentage of the sales price.

Therefore, taxing corporations on corporate revenue instead of on accounting profits is a Win-Win for Everyone involved.

Amazingly, not only is Our Plan to tax corporations on revenues instead of on profits a Win-Win for Everyone, but taxing on revenues will also bring inflation down and decrease consumer prices because:

i. When corporations are taxed on profits, then they care to a certain degree about lowering their production costs because lowering production costs will increase their profits.

However, this increase in their profits will also increase the amount of taxes they have to pay on their profits. 

Therefore, the net profits they currently make from lowering production costs are:  Increased Profits minus Tax on the Increased Profits, for a net positive to the corporation that is less than the production cost reduction.

This means that when a corporation pays taxes based on its profits, then the corporation will actually have to pay more taxes because of the reductions they made in production costs that have increased their profits.

Therefore, the increased taxes that the corporation will have to pay when it lowers its production costs will reduce the corporation’s incentive to spend money on reducing their production costs.

ii. However, when corporations are taxed on revenue, then they are very highly motivated to lower their production costs because 100% of the production cost savings will be pure profit for the corporation for these reasons:

By reducing its production costs, then it will be less expensive for a corporation to produce its products.

The corporation will be able to sell its products for the same price it was selling them for before the reduction in production costs, which will keep its revenue the same but increase its profits. 

However, since the corporation is paying tax based on revenue and not based on profits, then the corporation will only have to pay the same amount of taxes it did before its production costs were lowered. 

Therefore, the corporation will make a net profit that is equal to 100% of the production cost savings.

iii. Here is a mathematical example of this:

A. If a Corporation is Taxed on Profits: Sales Price of $10 minus an $8 Production cost equals a $2 Profit per item.

If corporate tax on profits equals 20%, then the corporation will pay a total of 40 cents in taxes per item sold, and so the corporation’s net profit after taxes will be $1.60 per item sold.

B.If a Corporation is Taxed on Profits: If this corporation keeps the same sales price of $10 but reduces its Production cost by $2, making its Production cost $6, then this will increase its profit before taxes to $4 per item sold.

C. If the corporation has to pay 20% of this profit in taxes, then the corporation will pay 80 cents in taxes per item sold, and the corporation will have a net profit of $3.20 per item sold.

  1. If a Corporation is Taxed on Revenue: Sales Price of $10 minus an $8 Production cost equals a $2 Profit per item.

If we put the tax on its revenue at 4% so that the tax will equal the same amount of revenue tax as the 20% profit tax was in A), then the corporation will still pay 40 cents in taxes per item sold, and the corporation’s net profit after taxes will still be $1.60 per item sold.

D. If a Corporation is Taxed on Revenue: Just as in B), if this corporation keeps the same sales price of $10 but reduces its Production cost by $2, making its Production cost $6, then this will make the corporation’s profit before taxes become $4 per item sold.

If the corporation has to pay 4% of its revenue in taxes, then it will still only pay 40 cents in taxes per item sold, which will give the corporation a net profit of $3.60 per item sold.

This is a 40-cent improvement on net profit when the corporation is being taxed by revenue instead of being taxed by profits.

Therefore, the corporation will be able to lower its sales price by 41 cents to $9.59 and still make the same amount of profit that the corporation was making before the corporation lowered its production costs.

This example shows that taxing corporations on revenue, instead of taxing them on profits, will allow the corporations to lower the sales prices of their products when they make production cost improvements, thereby reducing inflation and lowering the prices that you have to pay to purchase their products.

As a result, taxing corporations based on revenue will provide a tremendous incentive for corporations to work hard to lower their productions costs, and by lowering their production costs then they will be able to lower their sales prices by an equal amount that will reduce inflation and lower the prices for their products.

  1. One of our 12 Economic Policy chapters on this website and in our book discusses Our Plan to allow You and Every Person to Start Your Own Business and not have to pay any taxes on Your Business Profits.

You can read about Our Business Plan for you to own your Tax-Free Business in our chapter titled, “Our Revolutionary Tax-Free Plan For You To Own Your Own Business: You Will Get To Keep All Your Profits Without Paying Any Taxes.”

Our Economic Plan for you to own Your Tax-Free Business will also bring inflation down and decrease prices because:

i. During the pandemic, one of the main reasons that major public corporations sold far more products than normal, and made far more profits than normal, was because a very large number of small businesses closed or were forced to close by the government, which made it much easier for the major corporations because they had less competition.

ii. This decreased competition was a major factor in prices going up that led to high inflation.

iii. Our Plan to allow You and Every American Person to Start Your Own Business without paying taxes on Your Profits will vastly increase the competition that smaller businesses provide and generate against the major corporations.

iv. This increase in competition provided by smaller businesses will cause consumer sales prices for products to be reduced by major corporations.

  1. Major corporations almost always have a price advantage over smaller businesses because major corporations can make wholesale purchases of their products in bulk, which allows them to pay a lower wholesale price than a smaller business has to pay, because corporations can purchase materials in bulk at lower prices to build their products with, and because corporations can sell their products in very large quantities which allows them to lower their sales prices and make less profit per item sold.

However, since You and Every American Person’s business will not be paying taxes on your profits, then you will be able to compete more directly on price with major corporations.

This price advantage that You and Every American Person will have on Your Businesses because of us not charging you any taxes on Your Businesses, will result in you creating and generating increased competition against major corporations. 

This competition that you create between you and major corporations will result in the prices of products decreasing and the inflation rate being reduced.

  1. Because You and Every American Person who owns a business will not be paying any taxes on your Profits, then you will have the option, if you choose, of selling your products at a less expensive price, which will still allow you to make the same Net Profit that you would have made when you had to pay taxes.

Likewise, when major corporations are taxed on revenue, then major corporations will make an increased profit equal to 100% of any lower production costs they are able to generate, and so corporations will also be able to lower their prices when they reduce their production costs.

Therefore, these competitive advantages for You and for Every Business Owner, and the production cost advantages for every major corporation, will result in increased competition between the two of you that will result in lower prices and a decrease in inflation.

  1. One of our 12 Economic Policy chapters on this website and in our book discusses Our Plan to allow You to not have to pay any Capital Gains tax when You sell Your Home.

You can read about Our Plan for you to not pay any Capital Gains tax on Your Home in our chapter titled, “We Will Eliminate All Capital Gains Tax On Your Profit From The Sale Of Your Home: Let Us Help You To Build Tax-Free Generational Wealth For Your Children.”

By you not having to pay any Capital Gains Tax when you sell Your Home, then You will make a much higher amount of Profit on your sale, and this additional Profit will Greatly Benefit You by allowing You to Build Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.

Our Plan for you to not have to pay any Capital Gains tax on Your Home will also bring inflation down and decrease prices because:

i. Since you will not be paying any Capital Gains tax on the sale of Your Home, then this will allow you to make a larger Profit even if you lower the price that you sell Your Home for.

ii. This will bring the price of homes lower and will benefit all home buyers.

iii. Therefore, because you will not have to pay any Capital Gains tax, then Everyone wins because You will make a Larger Profit, the Buyer will be able to purchase a less expensive home, and inflation in America will decrease because the sales prices of homes will be lower than they were before.

  1. One of the largest inflationary pressures in America is caused by our healthcare and medical care system that charges ridiculously high medical costs for every product and service they provide.

    i. Our Healthcare Plan provides Free Healthcare for You, for Your Family, and for Every Person in America.

    ii. Previous government efforts to provide national healthcare have not worked at all because the government has always involved and included insurance companies and medical facilities partnering together on all costs, which is a main reason that medical costs are so high because both insurance companies and the medical industry benefit from higher prices.

    iii. However, Our Healthcare Plan has never been thought of before by anyone, and Our Healthcare Plan is completely unique because we give You, we give Every Member in Your Family, and we give Every Person in America a $2,000 government-paid medical account every year that you get to keep in cash each year when you do not spend it.

    iv. Therefore, Our Healthcare Plan creates 330 million customers who together are going to create a free market competition between medical providers by negotiating with every medical facility for lower medical prices and better medical services.

    v. As a result of this free-market system that we have created together, then all medical facilities will be forced by free market forces to decrease their prices, which will reduce inflation.

    vi. All medical facilities will also be forced to provide better and higher quality medical services, will have to become more customer friendly, and will have to become completely transparent with their prices and with their services.

    vii. Therefore, Our Healthcare Plan will provide the biggest earthquake and change to the American medical industry in American history.

    viii. Our Healthcare Plan will create all of this amazing transformation while also providing the most outstanding medical care in the World, while saving our government $780 Billion every year from what is currently being spent, and while inspiring Every Person in America to take care of themselves and Stay Healthy.

    ix. Medical costs and drug prices will decline by 50% to 70%, which will reduce inflation and decrease consumer prices across Our Country.

    x. And Most Beneficially, Our Country will become the Fittest and Healthiest Country in World History.

    xi. You can read about Our Amazing Healthcare Plan in our chapter on our website and in our book titled, “Our Free Universal Health Care System For Everyone That Lowers All Medical Costs By 50% to 70%, Saves America $780 Billion Every Year, And Pays You And Every Person A $2,000 Bonus Income Every Year When You Stay Healthy.

  2. There are many additional Benefits for You that Our 12 Economic Policies will provide, including:
  1. By making Your Businesses Tax Free, then this will result in our neighborhoods having more businesses in them. More businesses require the hiring of more workers, and this additional hiring will reduce unemployment in America because more of Our American People will be employed in all these many new Tax-Free Businesses.
  1. Having more Tax-Free Businesses being owned will increase the number of businesses in America, which will increase the number of workers being hired for all these new businesses and reduce the supply of available workers.

This increase in Demand for workers, and decrease in Supply of unemployed workers, will significantly change the intersection point of the Supply and Demand curves for workers, which will result in wages going up very significantly for Everyone.

Businesses will have less available workers to hire because many previously available workers will have chosen to become self-employed by starting their own Tax-Free Businesses instead of working for someone else, and many previously available workers will have been hired by all the many new Tax-Free Businesses that have started.  

Therefore, the unemployment rate will decrease tremendously, and there will be far less people available to be hired.

This change in Supply and Demand of workers will put Our Country on the Path to Every American being able to make a Living Wage with just one job.

  1. By having more businesses and more corporations competing against each other, then this will increase the supply of products, resulting in the prices of products decreasing and inflation being reduced.
  1. The increase in Profits that you will make from Your Tax-Free Businesses and from the sale of Your Home will give you more money to make investments with.

Since we are also eliminating taxes on all Your Profits from stocks and other investments, since we are eliminating taxes on all the money you make from stock dividends, since we are eliminating all estate taxes and inheritance taxes, and since we are eliminating taxes on all the money you are making from bank interest you are paid from your savings, then You will have even more money that will allow You to Build Tax-Free Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.

You can read about Our Economic Policies that eliminate your taxes on all your stock investments, that eliminate all your taxes on stock dividends,  that eliminate all your estate taxes and inheritance taxes, and that eliminate all your taxes on the bank interest you make on your savings accounts in several chapters on our website and in our book titled, “We Will Eliminate All Taxes On The Profits And Dividends You Make From Your Financial Investments”, and “We Will Eliminate All Estate And Inheritance Taxes: Let Us Help You To Build Generational Wealth For Your Children,”  and “We Will Eliminate Federal Income Tax: Your Financial Investment In America Will Make You an Owner Of America,” and “Our Economic Plan That Will Solve America’s $35 Trillion National Debt Crisis.”

  1. All of this Tax-Free Generational Wealth will allow You to be very financially secure when You retire, which will vastly add to the Social Security money You will receive and will be a far larger amount of money than the Social Security that You will receive.
  1. One of the easiest ways for you to start Your Own Business is with companies like Amway, Herbalife, Mary Kay, and Forever Living Products, among many others, and you will be able to make Profits from your business that you will not need to pay any taxes on.

These companies also allow you to purchase products for you and for your family at discounted prices.

Therefore, by us allowing you to have these businesses Tax-Free, then you will benefit in two ways because you will be able to purchase products for you and for your family at a discounted price that will save you money, while you are also able to make Profits from Your Business that you earn Tax-Free.

There is no question that this will lead to companies being set up across America that offer you business opportunities to both purchase products at discounted prices and make income from your purchases.

Pinduoduo is a company in China that offers discounted products for group purchases with the goal of saving money for consumers, and our Tax-Free Business Plan will allow a similar business model company based here in America to Greatly Benefit many of Our American People. 

  1. One of Our Economic Policies is that Our Congresspeople will be responsible for monitoring, overseeing, and managing all federal government spending in their districts and in their states.

The purpose of Our Economic Policy is to stop wasteful government spending by having Congresspeople make certain that all government money is being spent with maximum efficiency and maximum effectiveness.

No longer will Congress and the White House vote on a Bill to spend an amount of money, and then pay no attention to how this money is spent, which has been resulting in a very large percentage of Your money being wasted and not being spent effectively.

By managing our government money efficiently and effectively, then our government will not need as much money, which will allow us to implement all of Our Economic Policies that eliminate taxes For You.

You can read about Our Economic Policy for our Congresspeople to monitor, oversee, and manage all our government money being spent in their districts and states in several of our chapters on our website and in our book, including the two chapters, “Our Economic Plan That Will Solve America’s $35 Trillion National Debt Crisis,” and “We Will Eliminate Federal Income Tax: Your Financial Investment Will Make You An Owner Of America,”

In conclusion, we have created and designed 65 Policies and Plans that will Greatly Benefit You, Greatly Benefit Your Family, and Greatly Benefit Our Country.

Of Our 65 Policies and Plans, 12 of Our Policies are Economic Policies.

All 12 of Our Economic Policies provide Individual Benefits For You, For Your Family, and For Every Person in America.

In addition, Our 12 Economic Policies will work together to reduce inflation and lower prices for products across Our United States.

We are the only People in America who have put all of Our 65 Policies and Plans in writing, we are the only People in America who have put all of Our 12 Economic Policies in writing, and we are the only People in America who have formulated a Concrete Plan for how we are going to Reduce Inflation and Reduce the Prices  that You are having to pay for all consumer products and services.

Therefore, Our Movement is far advanced beyond any candidate or any political party in America.

Our Policies and Our Plans are ready to go forward to Benefit You immediately, and we greatly look forward to Implementing Our Policies and Plans to Benefit You by Our Alliance and Our Movement working with any and all candidates and political parties so that We Will Reunite America and Provide Tremendous Financial Benefits For You, For Your Family, For Every Person in America, and For Our Country.

We BELIEVE For America!



Our Philosophies Of Life