We Will Have A National View Of Abundance Instead Of Scarcity: How The White House Does Not Understand The Concept Of Taxes Because They Have A Viewpoint Of Scarcity Instead Of A Viewpoint Of Abundance

Our current White House administration is incorrect and has an oversimplified view of how much tax revenue can be collected by raising the federal income tax rate.

Our current White House incorrectly thinks that the income tax rate is the only variable in collecting taxes, and so they erroneously think that if they raise the tax rate by 5% or 10%, then they will collect an extra 5% or 10% of total tax revenue.

They misunderstand the concept of taxes because they do not realize that there are many additional variables and factors beyond the tax rate that affect the amount of taxes that will be collected.

For example, when the tax rate is increased, then our American people will choose to reduce the number of new businesses they will start, and they will choose to reduce the amount of money they invest, because starting new businesses and making new investments becomes less profitable with a higher tax rate, while the risk of having a loss remains the same.

In addition, with higher tax rates, then some existing businesses may make the decision to close, just like fast food restaurants in California closed when the governor of California raised the minimum wage by a large amount.

Higher tax rates will cause some existing businesses to close because they will not be making as much profit as they were before, which will cause some business owners to think that the reduced profit is not worth the risk of loss.

In addition, when fewer new businesses are started, and more existing businesses are closed, and less investments are made, then less employees are hired, lower wages are paid to everyone, and unemployment goes up.

The knock-on financial effect to our government of having fewer people being hired and unemployment going up is that these unemployed people will not be paying any taxes, and they will instead be receiving financial benefits from the government.

In the same way, lower wages means that lower-paid workers will also pay less in taxes than they would have paid if they were receiving higher wages.

Therefore, the potential increase in the amount of taxes collected with an increase in the tax rate is always either partially or fully offset by the decrease in the amount of taxes collected because new businesses were not started, new investments were not made, some existing businesses were closed, new employees were not hired, wages were reduced for large numbers of people, and unemployment increased that caused the government to pay more benefits to the higher number of unemployed people.

The result is always that the White House ends up collecting far fewer taxes than they estimated they would collect when they incorrectly thought that the tax rate was the only variable.

An example of this occurred in the 1960’s when the government raised all the income tax rates, including raising the highest income tax rate to 90%.  However, these exorbitant tax rates caused such a decrease in new businesses and new investment, caused such an increase in existing businesses closing, and caused such a decrease in the number of people being hired, that the government collected only about the same amount of taxes that they had been collecting before the taxes were raised.

Even worse, the economy slowed down so much and for so long that raising the taxes turned out to be a financial negative for the amount of taxes collected over the long-term by the government, and so raising tax rates actually decreased the amount of tax revenue collected by the government over the long-term.

On the opposite side of this, decreasing tax rates and reducing business regulations work in a positive way to increase the amount of tax revenue collected by the government.

If a government reduces taxes and decreases business regulations, then this increases the number of new businesses started, reduces the number of existing businesses closing, increases the amount of investment being made, increases the number of new employees being hired, increases the wages being paid to workers, and decreases unemployment.

Therefore, reducing the tax rate and decreasing business regulations can often cause the government to collect more taxes than they were when tax rates were higher.

However, our current White House does not understand this concept because they only see the tax situation from the incorrect and oversimplistic view that if they raise the tax rate then they will increase the amount of taxes collected equal to the increase in the tax rate.

As a result, the current White House is falsely claiming that when a White House administration lowers taxes like the previous White House administration before them did, then this was a $2 trillion tax cut that resulted in $2 trillion less being collected in taxes.

This is completely false.

The lowered tax rates and decreased regulations actually caused tax revenue to increase in recent years because lower tax rates and decreased business regulations combined to increase economic growth.

However, the current White House does not choose to understand this concept, and instead they incorrectly take advantage of the increased economic growth caused by the lower taxes and reduced business regulations in their tax estimates.

They take this higher level of economic activity that would not have occurred without the lower tax rates and decreased regulations, and multiply this higher economic activity by the higher tax rate that they would choose to charge.

As a result, the current White House incorrectly and falsely tries to say that the previous administration reduced taxes by an amount equal to the difference between the tax rates that the two administrations would have charged.

This is false because the current White House is attempting to take the best of both variables.

They are trying to take the higher economy that was caused by the lower tax rates and reduced regulations, and multiply this higher economy by the higher tax rates that they want to charge.

However, this is false mathematically because if the current White House’s higher tax rates had been in place, then the higher tax rates would have restricted the economy so much that the economy would not have created or allowed the higher economic activity that the current White House is now falsely trying to multiply the higher tax rates by.

Here is an example of this concept.

Let us say there are two people in an apple-picking competition at an apple orchard.

Let us say that the two people are given a choice of either walking around the orchard for two hours to pick the apples, or driving a golf cart around the orchard for two hours to pick the apples.

The agreement is that if a person chooses to walk, then they will have to give 25% of the apples they pick to the orchard owner, and if a person drives a golf cart around then they will have to give 20% of the apples they pick to the orchard owner.

In this example, the percentage of apples given by each competitor represents the tax rates payable by each of them, and the golf cart represents how much faster an economy moves and grows when tax rates are reduced and business regulations are decreased.

Let us say that the walking competitor picks 400 apples in two hours, and so has to give the orchard owner 25% of what is picked, which is 100 apples of tax revenue.

In comparison, the competitor on the golf cart can move around faster to pick 800 apples in two hours, and so has to give the orchard owner 20% of what is picked, which is 160 apples of tax revenue.

Therefore, the competitor on the golf cart had to pay 60 more apples in tax revenue than the walking competitor did, even though the golf cart competitor had a lower tax rate to pay.

The reason that the golf cart competitor had to pay more apples is because the golf cart, representing the faster economy caused by the lower tax rates and the reduced business regulations, was able to generate more revenue by getting around faster to pick more apples than the walking slower economy with the higher tax rate could generate.

If the current White House looked at this apple situation in the same incorrect way they are trying to look at tax revenue and raising tax rates, then they would say that the competitor with the golf cart was given tax cuts equal to 5% multiplied by the 800 apples picked, and that 40 more apples should have been paid by the golf cart competitor as “paying their fair share”.

In addition, the current White House would incorrectly say that they will raise the tax rate next year on the golf cart competitor to 25%, which in their oversimplified and incorrect thinking will bring in 200 apples of tax revenue instead of 160 apples.

However, what they keep not realizing is that this would not work because when they raise the tax rate then the economy will slow down, and so the competitor with the golf cart will have the golf cart taken away.

This will result in the golf cart competitor going back to walking again, going back to collecting only 400 apples again, and going back to only having to pay the orchard owner 100 apples instead of the 160 apples that the competitor paid when the competitor had the advantage of the golf cart providing lower taxes and reduced business regulations.

Unfortunately, though, the irresponsible and financially dangerous current White House administration has already chosen to spend their falsely expected 200 apples of revenue for this year because of their desire to overspend.  Apples that they are never going to collect because they are raising the tax rates that will slow the economy and result in only 100 apples being picked, instead of the 200 they have falsely estimated and already spent.

As a result, our budget deficit and national debt are going to increase by 100 apples this year ($3 trillion actual increase in budget deficit and national debt) because our current White House falsely and distortedly thought they were going to collect 200 apples by using a golf cart (with higher economic activity from lower tax rates and decreased regulations), but when they took the golf cart away (when they increased tax rates) then they only collected 100 apples by walking.

This is going to result in only 100 apples collected, instead of the 200 apples that they falsely estimated and have already spent, and their mistake is going to cause our budget deficit and national debt to increase by $3 trillion this year.

However, instead of our White House learning their lesson from their mistakes, they are so incorrect, unrealistic, and unable to see that their policies do not work, that they have decided to double down and dishonestly tell everyone that they need to raise taxes again because the problem and the reason we have a budget deficit is because “the wealthy people are not paying their fair share”.

As a result, when the current White House raises the taxes again, then this will cause all the apple competitors to move even slower than a walk, which will cause even less than 400 apples to be picked by each competitor, and so will cause even less than 100 apples of taxes to be given to the orchard owner (the Federal government) by each competitor (taxpayer).

Therefore, the policies of the current White House administration are completely wrong economically and have resulted in a continual increase in our federal deficit and national debt for our Country. 

Many years of these mistakes have caused us to become $35 trillion in debt, with the largest increase in this debt occurring during the past four years.

The politicians who have caused this downward economic trajectory, if given enough time in power through elections, will cause a complete Economic Depression and potential economic collapse for America like we are currently heading toward.

The only way for America to get ourselves out of this situation is for us to elect better political leaders who understand that slowing our economy by raising taxes, and increasing our national debt by overspending, do not result in a successful Country.  

The White House administration’s continual mistakes and refusal to learn from their mistakes reminds me of a joke that my Dad used to tell me many times for the past 40 years.

The joke is about two men selling watermelons from the back of their truck. 

The two men go to a farm where they purchase 200 watermelons at $2 each, and they load their truck completely full with these 200 watermelons.

The men drive to an area beside a road and begin selling their watermelons for $1 each.

They sell all the watermelons in their truck and so they feel very good about the work they have done and the money they have collected from their sales. 

However, when they count their money, then they realize that they only have half as much money as they started with.

The two men cannot figure out what has gone wrong because they have sold all their watermelons, until one of the men says, “I know what to do, we need a bigger truck.”

This is exactly what our current White House administration does.  They always want to raise taxes, but when they do raise taxes then this results in a slower economy and less tax revenue coming in than before they raised the taxes.

However, just like the two men and the watermelon truck, instead of our current White House people realizing and learning from their mistakes, they instead decide that they need a bigger watermelon truck by raising taxes even more.  

Therefore, our current White House administration does not learn from experience, does not learn from their mistakes, and does not learn from history.

When a group of people continue to make the same mistakes over and over again, then it makes us wonder whether they are smart enough to see that when they raise taxes then this is a negative for our economy.

Or, whether they realize it is a negative for our economy but they do it anyway because they have a personality where they want to have power, where they want to control people, and where they want to control everything.

A personality and a philosophy where they want to try to spend as much of your tax money as they possibly can on their policies that do not work. 

Where they want to spend as much of your tax money as possible on their policies that do nothing but restrict and hold back our American people.

They do not want to trust our American people and give us the freedom to be able to be successful on our own.

They want to hold all of us back by giving us a tiny fish every day, just enough of a fish to barely survive on, so that we cannot get ahead.

They want to hold us down in poverty because they want us to think that we need to keep voting for them in the next election so that they can keep giving us a tiny fish to barely survive on every day.

50 years of being given a tiny fish every day is not a plan, and it definitely has not worked for anyone or anywhere in America.

To see that it has not worked for any of the past 50 years, you can just look around at the entire state of California, New York City, Washington DC, Baltimore, Chicago, and every other American city that has been politically controlled by these false and incorrect thinking politicians for the past 50 years.

In comparison, we have a far better philosophy where we will help everyone to learn how to fish on their own so that you can catch enough fish for You and for Your Family so that You Can Live Your Life In Abundance.

We will support you when you need help, even more than the current White House does.  Because we have been where you are now, unlike our current politicians, and so we completely understand and can relate to the challenges and difficulties that you are facing.

But while the current White House administration wants to keep you in poverty to try to force you to keep voting for them, I Love You and I Want For You to be Tremendously Successful so that You and Your Family Can Live in Complete Abundance. 

Therefore, while we are helping you when you need us, we will also be providing guidance and opportunities for you to be able to fish tremendously well on your own so that You Will Live Your Life Feeling Proud of Yourself and Proud of Your Own Accomplishments, so that You and Your Family Are Very Happy and Financially Secure, and so that Your Life Has the Incredible Meaning and Purpose That You Desire.

We will work hard with You Every Day so that You Can Build A Wonderful and Financially Secure World For Your Children.   

Our current White House does not understand this concept because they only see the world from the viewpoint of scarcity.

They think there is a finite and limited amount of money and resources, and that their job is to distribute out this money and resources very thinly to everyone so that no one in America has enough to be happy. 

Their unethical and dishonest plan is to hold us down as much as they can so that we incorrectly think we need to vote for them so they can keep giving each of us just enough of a tiny fish for us to barely survive.   

We do not agree with their viewpoint of scarcity.  We know it is completely wrong.

We BELIEVE in the Viewpoint of Abundance, where A Rising Tide Raises All Ships so that every one of us Together can be Tremendously Successful.

It is our Viewpoint of Abundance that has inspired me to write the 65 Policies that I have designed and written on this website. 

65 Policies that will help you when you need help, but which will work Together with You to Lift You Up into Abundance at the same time.

So that You and Your Family Will Live Your Lives in Abundance and in Financial Security.

Providing You with the Strong Foundation that enables You To Create Generational Wealth and Achieve Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.


A woman buys fruits and vegetables at a farmers market. Selective focus. Food.

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