Our Vision For America: We Will Lift Up Our American People And Build A World For Our Children

Our Vision for America is for Us to Lift Up Our People so that Every Person in America Lives a Life of: 

1) Happiness, Dignity, and Respect. 

2) Self-Confidence in Who You Are and in the Personal Greatness that is Within You.

3) Pride in Yourself and in Your Accomplishments.

4) Belief that You Can Achieve Anything that You Work Hard For.

5) Excitement and Enthusiasm for the Unlimited Opportunities that Every New Day Offers You.

6) Dedication, Devotion, and Passion to Pursue Your Personal Greatness and to Fulfill Your Life Purpose that will Positively Change Our World For The Better.

Our Vision for America is for Us to Raise Up Every Man and Every Woman by:

7) Building Within You all the Knowledge, Personal Skills, and Career Skills that will allow You To Fish In Abundance On Your Own so that You Will Achieve Your American Dream and Accomplish a Lifetime of Success For You and For Your Family. 

Our Vision for America is for All of Us as a Country, and as a World, to come together to:

8) Build A World of Peace and Happiness and Prosperity for Our Children, for Our Grandchildren, and for All Our Generations of Family into the Future, where All Our Children are Safe, where All Our Children are Happy, where All Our Children are Enthusiastically Motivated to Pursue  Their Lives of Purpose and Greatness, and where All Our Children are able to Achieve Their American Dream for Themselves and for Their Families.

Our Children are our Future, and Our Children are Our Most Valuable Treasure.

The summarized points of Our Vision For America are listed further along on this page.

In addition, on pages throughout this website we have written all 65 of Our Policies and Plans that we creatively and strategically designed for Your Benefit, each on its own website page.

Therefore, Every Policy and Plan is written in detail on 65 separate website pages.

These 65 Policies and Plans provide the Foundation For Our Vision, and so by implementing them we will be able to Successfully Accomplish Our Vision For America For You.  

When You read Our Policies and Plans, then You will fully understand how Our Alliance and Our Movement are going to Unite America.

How our 65 Policies and Plans are going to Lift You Up so that You will Realize Your Personal Greatness that You Were Born With.

How our 65 Policies and Plans are going to Build You Up and Motivate You to Fulfill Your Life Purpose.

How our 65 Policies and Plans are going to Raise You Up so that You will Achieve Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.

And how our 65 Policies and Plans are going to Build A Wonderful and Incredible World For You and For Your Children. 

American politics has lost its way.  We have lost our focus on what is really important to us as a Nation.

Our politicians have stopped listening to You, the Amazing and Wonderful People who make up our Nation.

Our politicians have stopped showing Respect to You and to Every Person, and they have stopped working to Achieve what is important to You and to Your Families. 

When our politicians have allowed our Country to get $35 trillion in debt, with this debt rising by an additional $1 trillion every three months, putting this massive debt onto Our Children, and causing an economic crisis that throughout history has always caused a country’s economy to collapse, then our politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.

When the politicians have chosen to increase anger and animosity between America and other countries, putting us the closest we have ever been to nuclear war, instead of working with Respect and Communication toward other countries that will create World Peace, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.

When the politicians have allowed Our People to become homeless, to live in poverty, to go without medical care, and to become financially bankrupt because medical costs are so ridiculously high, while the politicians instead spend your tax money on their own personal interests and on giving your money to other countries, putting us even further into massive national debt, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.   

When the politicians have allowed tens of millions of illegal immigrants to enter our Country, most of whom are nice people but who are not able to financially support themselves like past immigrants to America have been required to do, taking away needed educational, housing, and medical services from our own Americans, increasing our national debt by hundreds of billions and soon to be trillions of dollars, and taking money away that we could be spending to help Our Own Americans who need our help, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.

When the politicians care so little about Our People who are living in poverty that the politicians only give each person a very tiny little fish each day, just enough for us to barely survive one day at a time on without us being able to look forward to a bright future, and just enough so the politicians can force us to keep voting for them so they will keep giving us a very tiny little fish, instead of Our Country teaching and helping Our People to Learn how to Fish on our own so that You Can Achieve Abundance and Achieve Your American Dream For You and For Your Family, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children. 

When the politicians have allowed drugs to enter our Country that have killed hundreds of thousands of Our People every year, especially Our Young People, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children. 

When the politicians have allowed our public school systems to go from being first in the world to    being 37th in the world, and where the politicians have allowed our schools in minority and low-income communities to be far below the standard of education that is necessary for a Lifetime of Successful Achievement for Our Children, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.

When the politicians have allowed crime and gun violence to be higher than it has ever been in American history, and when Our Children are not being protected in our schools, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.

When the politicians have not put safeguards and rules in place for social media, which has caused Our Children to suffer from anxiety, depression, and a lack of self-esteem because of the non-existence  of social media safeguards and rules, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children. 

When the politicians have allowed our Country to have low quality and oftentimes contaminated food and water sources, and when they are not paying attention to the fitness levels, health, longevity, and life expectancies of ourselves and our children, causing for the first time in American history Our Children to have an average life expectancy that is less than we have, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.   

When the politicians have made decisions that have not protected our Earth and not protected our Climate, putting Our Environment, Our Climate, and Our World in serious danger, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.

When the politicians are so unable to control their spending of your tax dollars that their incorrect idea is to increase taxes on you to pay for their ridiculous spending, and when they are dishonest about who is actually paying a large amount of taxes so they can falsely generate anger and division between us that they can use to try to get votes to help them stay in power, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.

When the politicians have intentionally been trying to divide us by focusing on race and on our slightly different skin shades from each other, instead of focusing on the fact that we are all related to each other, and instead of focusing on Our Kindness and Our Love and Our Humanity for each other, so that the politicians can falsely generate anger and division and hatred between us that they can use to try to get votes that will help them stay in power, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.

When the politicians have become so focused on fighting each other from their positions of extreme polarization that they care more about voting with their parties in a group think, than they care about voting for what is Best For You and For Your Families, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.

When the politicians, for the first time in American history, continually give speeches where they criticize, and belittle, and show complete disrespect for half of all Americans, then they have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.

When the politicians have forgotten about the 49% of people who did not vote for them, and they only care about some of the 51% of people who did vote for them, causing more than 49% of Our People to feel like You have no representation, and causing You to feel like You are not being listened to by anyone, then the politicians have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.    

When the politicians have been taking away our freedoms that were given to us by God and by our Constitution, so they can try to generate more political ruling power for themselves as the unethical rulers in the authoritarian government they have been trying to force onto us, then they have stopped doing what is Best For You and For Your Children.       

As a result of everything that our politicians have done against You and against Our Country, then Our Alliance and Our Movement have spent the past few years researching and studying all of the problems that we need to solve in America.

As a result of our years of work, we have Created and Designed Our 65 Policies and Plans that will solve all the problems and all the challenges that You personally face, and will solve all the problems and all the challenges that we are faced with in America.

Our 65 Policies and Plans have been Created and Designed to match Our Philosophy of Let Us Build A World For Our Children.

Our Goal as adults should always be to Build A World For Our Children that is Better than the World we inherited.

We should Always want to leave Our World better than we found it. 

As the Native American Belief states, “We don’t inherit the Earth, we borrow it from our children.”

Therefore, we have borrowed the Earth from Our Children, and so it is our responsibility to return a Far Greater Earth to Our Children that is in Better Health than how Our Earth was when we borrowed it.

We also Love this quote: “A society is Great when old men plant trees in whose shade they will never sit.”

This quote tells us that Great Countries are focused on Improving Their Country for their Children.

When every Generation focuses on Improving their Country for their Children, with no biased thoughts about making short-term decisions that only benefit their own Generation, then Our Country will continue to Improve throughout History because Every Generation will be Working To Leave A Greater Country For Their Children Than They Began With.

When each Generation does this for Our Country and for Our Children, then Everyone and Every Generation Wins.

So that we can accomplish this Improvement of Our Country, we have written 65 Policy Plans on this website that will allow all of us to fulfill our Let Us Lift Up Our American People And Build A World For Our Children Vision and Philosophy that We BELIEVE in.

All of our 65 Plans are Created and Designed to Make Your Life Better and Happier For You and For Your Children.

1. We BELIEVE in all of these 65 Policies and Plans, and Our Alliance and Our Movement will implement every one of these Policies and Plans to Benefit You and to Benefit Your Children.
2. And as we implement these Policies and Plans, we will continue to work with our absolute maximum effort to Accomplish and Achieve every one of these 65 Policies and Plans for You so that our Ultimate Finished Plans will turn out to be even better than how we have currently written them.
3. We fully BELIEVE in All of Us working together as a Championship Team, and so We BELIEVE that All of Us working together will come up with additional improvements and details that are even far beyond what we have currently written in our Policies and Plans.
4. Our 65 Policies and Plans are all tremendous starting points that we are going to implement, but we know that when we are all working together as a Championship Team to fulfill the details of each Plan, then together we are going to add additional benefits that will make our Policies and Plans even better than how we have currently written them.
5. The reason this is true is because All of Us have ideas and thoughts that can improve and perfect any Policy or Plan.
6. Therefore, when You Join Our Movement, then You will have the Opportunity to suggest additional details and adjustments to our Policies and Plans.
7. So that you are able to make Your Suggestions to Our Movement, we have created on our website a page where You can choose to write online to us with Improvements and Details You would like added to our Policies and Plans.
8. You can also write online to us with Your Ideas for New Policies and New Plans.
9. We will read Your Ideas and Suggestions Every Day because we fully Respect and Realize that You have unique Ideas and Thoughts that are better than we have thought of yet, and we know that Your Ideas and Thoughts are going to be far better than anyone else has ever thought of.
10. Each and Every Person is a Beautiful and Wonderful and Unique Individual, and Each and Every Person Lives a Life that is different from the Life that any other Person on our Earth has ever Lived.
11. And so, You, as the Beautiful and Wonderful and Unique Individual Who You Are, have a completely different and unique Perspective on every Detail of Life that no one else on our Earth has ever had.
12. Therefore, we want to hear and read and understand Your Perspective and Your Point of View because for us to be able to do our job with Love and Caring and Understanding For You, then we need to understand what You are thinking and what You are feeling.
13. The 65 Policies and Plans we have that will Unite America, Restore Our Families, Allow You To Achieve Your American Dream For You and For Your Family, Create World Peace, and Let Us Build A World For Your Children include:
14. Your President will not be a member of any political party so that Your President will represent Every Person in America. Instead of how it is currently is where the President only represents half of the Country, causing half of our Americans to feel like no one in the White House is representing them or caring about them.
15. Your President will Speak to Every Person and Act toward Every Person with Kindness, Respect, Caring, Thoughtfulness, Dignity, Professionalism, and Understanding. By Your President setting this Example for all Americans, then Our Country will become a far Nicer, much Kinder, more Respectful, more Caring, more Thoughtful, more Dignified, more Professional, and more Understanding Place For You And For Your Family To Live.
16. We will pay off all of America’s $35 trillion of national debt so that we do not leave any debt for Our Children or for Future Generations.
17. We will eliminate all racism by creating and developing the understanding that we are all one related family, and that it does not matter if we have slightly different shades of skin from each other because our shades are what make each of us unique, and All Our Shades Are Stunningly Beautiful.
18. We will show Absolute Love, Caring, Respect, Thoughtfulness, Understanding, and Dignity to every person, no matter who our ancestors are, no matter who we Love, and no matter how we identify ourselves.
19. We will provide free medical care for everyone in America with the Greatest Medical Care System in the World.
20. We will accomplish this free medical care by creatively combining a $2,000 per year Government-paid medical account for Every Person, along with fully paid critical care medical coverage for Every Person.
21. This will provide free medical care for Every Person and for Every Family that is far better medical care for You than any previous medical plans have ever been, while also reducing all medical costs by 50% to 70% and saving $780 Billion every year for America from what our government is currently spending.
22. We will motivate and inspire You, Every Person, and Every Family to take care of Yourselves physically and nutritionally by allowing You to keep all of the $2,000 in your government-paid medical account Every Year if You do not spend it throughout the year for medical care.
23. This will provide $2,000 dollars to You of Bonus Income Every Year when You stay healthy, and this will provide Your Family with $2,000 of Bonus Income Every Year for Every Family Member You have who stays healthy.
24. We will purchase critical care insurance for Every Person and Every Family, which means that if serious medical issues occur for anyone, then the Government-paid critical care insurance will pay all medical costs.
25. This will keep Every Person from ever having to worry about getting into medical debt, and will keep Every Person and Family from ever worrying about becoming homeless or bankrupt because of medical debt.
26. We will restore our understanding and emphasis on natural health care, nutritional care, and physical fitness for Everyone, including for Our Children.
27. We will protect Our Earth and protect Our Climate so that we will leave Our Children with a healthier Earth than the Earth we borrowed when we began our generation’s watch to protect it.
28. We will make our government Work For You and Serve You like a government is supposed to Work For You and Serve You.
29. We will make our government be accountable to You for every penny of your money that is spent because our Policies state that when You are a Citizen of America then You are an Owner of America.
30. We will bring our government together as one Championship Team by making every politician represent every person in America, all 100% of Americans, both the majority and the minority, and not just represent the 51% or less of people who voted for them like they have been doing.
31. We will eliminate the polarization of Congress by requiring Our Congress to Work For You. We will accomplish this by having Our President Veto Every Bill that Congress proposes that is not a compromise between all political parties, that does not represent and consider Every American Citizen, that does not consider and take care of both the majority of Americans and the minority of Americans, and that does not have bipartisan support from all political parties.
32. We will eliminate all your federal income taxes by changing taxes to become your Financial Investment in America that allows You and Your Family to Own Your Shares of America.
33. We will pay You an Investment Return on your Financial Investment in America, thereby providing You with future financial security that is far greater than social security.
34. We will pay You an Investment Return that will grow to become Your downpayment on Your Purchase of Your Home.
35. We will help to Restore Families by linking the Shares that You own with the Shares that Your other Family Members own, thereby providing You and Your Family with more Ownership Shares in America, which will provide Greater Benefits for All of You.
36. We will provide You with Citizen Ownership Cards every year because You will be an Owner of America.
37. Your Citizen Ownership Cards will have many Benefits for You, including for You and Your Family to get in free to every National Park, every National Seashore, every National Wilderness Area, every National Building, every National Attraction, and every National Museum. Because as an American Citizen You are an Owner of All of These.
38. We will Re-Establish and Build Patriotism and Pride in America because the Better that America does financially, then the more Financial Profits You and Every Person will receive from Your Financial Investment.
39. This Motivation for American Success will result in All of Us Supporting America and Working Together Far Better As A National Championship Team For America.
40. We will Create additional Value and Benefits for American Citizens with Ownership Shares in America that non-citizens do not have.
41. We will Create additional Value for our American Citizens who have been Citizens longer than our new Citizens because Our People who have been Citizens longer will have earned More Ownership Shares than new Citizens have earned.
42. We will pay off our $35 trillion of national debt, and then we will save additional money by spending less than we bring in Every Year, which will allow us to have a Budget Surplus Every Year.
43. With these additional savings Every Year, then we will create and build a National Financial Endowment for America, just like colleges and universities do.
44. We will invest our National Endowment with outstanding private investment companies that will be profitable and return 11% to 12% per year like they currently return, so that our National Endowment grows Every Year.
45. We will also invest our National Endowment in Corporate Partnerships with outstanding American Corporations that will be very profitable and grow our National Endowment.
46. We will ultimately pay the entire government budget every year from only the Profits of our Endowment so that America’s National Endowment becomes permanently sustainable. This will allow our government to become permanently self-sustainable, which will allow us to eventually eliminate all federal taxes for Every Person and Every Family in America.
47. We will Restore Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.
48. We will provide a free nationwide Business course that teaches Every Person and Every Family how to start Your Own Business.
49. We will provide a free nationwide Financial course that teaches Every Person and Every Family how to manage Your Own Personal, Family, and Business Finances.
50. We will become a Nation of Entrepreneurs by allowing Every Person and Every Family to begin Your Own Business where you keep All Your Profits from Your Business Tax Free, and where you do not have to pay any taxes on Your Income from your Business. This will give You and Every Person in America the Incredible opportunity to Achieve Your American Dream and to Build Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.
51. We will eliminate all capital gains tax when you sell Your Home so that you are able to keep Your entire Profit from the sale of Your Home For You and For Your Family. You will have invested money in Your Home for many years making repairs, improvements, paying insurance, and paying mortgage payments, and You will have put countless hours of work into taking care of Your Home. Therefore, You and Your Children will be allowed to keep all the Profit from the sale of Your Home.
52. This will build Great Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.
53. We will eliminate all taxes on the Profits and on the Dividends You receive from your ownership of stocks on stock exchanges, which will encourage and motivate Every Person in America to Benefit by becoming a Financial Investor.
54. This will allow You and Every Person to Create and Build Great Generational Wealth for You and for Your Family.
55. We will eliminate all Estate and Inheritance taxes because anything You own in Your Estate has already been taxed, and so Your Estate should not be taxed twice just because the government wants to. Your Children will get to keep all this money that You have worked so hard for.
56. Your Children will be financially secure, which will make You very happy because Your Children’s financial security is why You have worked so hard for all these years.
57. This will allow You to transfer Your Generational Wealth to Your Children that You have Created and Built through all the years of hard work that You have put in for Your Children.
58. We will increase Your Child Tax Credit because this is very beneficial for the mental health of expectant Mothers, for the mental health of Children, and for the mental health of current Mothers. Child Tax Credit is also very beneficial for Every Family who needs this financial support.
59. We will eliminate all illegal border crossings, which will save hundreds of thousands of American Lives by making Our Country safer and by stopping dangerous drugs from coming into America.
60. We will vastly improve and speed up our immigration system for people and families who apply for legal immigration.
61. We will eliminate illegal immigration that is dangerous and very costly for the Immigrants, for You, and for America.
62. We will immediately stop all wars and bring about World Peace by Communicating with Respect, with Friendship, and with Love to Every Country in the World.
63. We will create World Peace and Climate Protection by working in partnership with Every Country in the World so that we help Every Country to succeed, and Every Country helps us to succeed.
64. We do not need to compete with any of these other Countries because our World is not a world of scarcity where we all have to fight over the same crumbs of bread. Instead, our World is a World of Abundance, where Every Person and Every Country will Succeed Tremendously at the same time when we work together.
65. We will build Village communities that will eliminate all homelessness. Our Villages will provide housing for our homeless, for our foster children, for our homeless military veterans, for our expectant single mothers, for our people who are struggling with mental issues, and for our people who are fighting drug addiction.
66. In Our Villages we will combine housing, medical care, school and college education, personal development training, public speaking training, career and skill development training, drug addiction therapy, counselors, foster care support, and onsite jobs with Village corporate partners.
67. Our Villages will not only eliminate all homelessness, but they will also save our government many Billions of Dollars Every Year compared with what is currently being spent for homelessness that is not even being effective.
68. We will Help, Love, and Support every expectant Mother. We will bring strength to them and build personal strength within them, and we will solve and protect them from all their emotional, mental, and financial fears.
69. We will provide housing for mothers and children in our Villages that includes medical care, nutritional support, counseling, education, financial planning, corporate jobs within our Village locations, adoption support for mothers if desired, and adoption support financial contracts for mothers if desired.
70. We will build modernized Senior communities that will show our respect for our older family members, and that will restore a High Quality of Life and Purpose for their Lives again.
71. Our Senior communities will include housing, nutritional support, fitness facilities, lifestyle facilities, and medical facilities that raise our Seniors’ Quality of Life.
72. We will build these modernized Senior communities so they include daycare centers, schools, nutritional restaurants, indoor parks, and petting zoos which will create intergenerational bonding between our youngest family members and our oldest family members.
73. Our Senior Communities will be a Huge Win for Everyone because our communities will greatly help to develop our Children through the wisdom, role-modeling, and guidance that their Grandparents will give to them, while also providing Health, Quality of Life, Value, Meaning, and Purpose for their Grandparents’ Lives.
74. We will overcome America’s Health Epidemic and America’s Childhood Health Epidemic by tremendously improving the Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Emotional Health of every adult and every child in America through free nutritional courses, free physical fitness knowledge courses, free physical fitness activity courses, and free memberships at fitness centers and gyms.
75. We will begin a 10,000 steps challenge for every adult and for every child in America that allows You to Earn Points you can redeem for free healthy food and healthy products at nutritional restaurants and nutritional stores.
76. We will begin a new and exciting President’s Council on Physical Fitness Program for every child, every school, and every adult.
77. We will create the Most Outstanding Schools in the World for Every Child in America, including in our minority, inner-city, and lower income communities.
78. We will have School Vouchers that allow Every Child and Every Family to have school choice and school coupons to attend any school they want to in America.
79. We will protect our Children in schools from any outside threat by providing school resource officers who Love and Care About Every Student just like the Students are their own Children.
80. We will create strong gun safety that will protect our Children and our Families by requiring gun owners and gun users, just like drivers of motor vehicles, to take a written test and a practical test to obtain a renewable gun license before they may purchase or use a gun.
81. We will help the safety and mental health of all our young people by making adjustments to violent video games that through studies have been shown to cause an increase in aggressiveness and gun violence.
82. We will drastically reduce crime, not only because we will enforce laws, but also because by bringing Our American People back together and unifying our Country, and by helping every person to be Successful in their Own Lives, then People will choose to treat each other with More Kindness, More Respect, More Thoughtfulness, More Understanding, and More Love.
83. We will redesign our criminal justice system and our prison systems so that we really do Rebuild the Lives of our inmates who have made mistakes in the past, so that our inmates are able to go on to Live Happy, Proud, Successful Lives of Purpose and Achievement.
84. We will keep Your Children and Your Families safer by supporting our Police, and by making certain that every Police Officer is treating every American of every race with complete Dignity, Respect, Thoughtfulness, and Kindness.
85. We will implement rules and regulations for social media that will protect the safety, mental health, and physical health of Our Children and Our Families.
86. We will implement rules and regulations for social media that eliminate division between us and Reunite Our Country by providing surveys, percentage tables, and article lists that will allow All of Us to Respect and Appreciate viewpoints that are different from our own.
87. We will reduce the cost of college back down to what it should be, and we will reduce it back down to what it used to be, so that every person who has the desire to attend college is able to do so.
88. We will financially and emotionally support Black Colleges and Universities as we lift them up to the Greatness that is already within them.
89. We will provide Free Business courses and Free Financial Management courses to Every Person in America. Business courses for You to help You to start Your Own Business that You will earn All Your Profits tax-free, and Financial Management courses for You to perfect how to manage and invest Your Personal and Family Finances.
90. These courses, along with all the additional support we will provide in our 65 Policies and Plans, will help Every Person in America to become able to Fish In Abundance for Yourself and for Your Family, instead of having Our People just barely surviving and scraping by because unethical politicians are only giving them a tiny little fish each day.
91. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you feed him for a Lifetime.” By us helping Every Person to Learn How To Fish In Abundance for Themselves and For Their Families, then Every Man and Every Woman will be able to feed Themselves and Their Families In Abundance, with Self-Confidence, with Life Purpose, and with Tremendous Personal Pride for a Lifetime.
92. We will help Every Person to find His or Her Own Life Purpose and Passion so that Every Person will Live an Incredibly Meaningful and Wonderfully Valuable Life Full of Dignity, Personal Pride, Self-Confidence, and Complete BELIEF In Yourself.
93. We will help and support Every Child and Every Adult to BELIEVE in Yourself, and to BELIEVE that You can Achieve Anything You Desire In Your Life when You are willing to Work Hard For It.
94. A Lifetime of Success, Accomplishment, and the Achievement of Your American Dream Will Become The Reality Of Your Life For You and For Your Family.

“We don’t inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.”

“A society is Great when old men plant trees in whose shade they will never sit.”

The summarized points of Our Vision For America have been written on this page, and Our Complete Vision For America has been written in great detail on our 65 website pages that discuss each of our 65 Policies and Plans.

We have written all 65 of Our Policies and Plans on its own page, and these individual pages provide You with all the Very Creative Details of each Policy and Plan so that by reading them You will fully understand how Our Alliance and Our Movement are going to Unite Our Country, how our Policies and Plans are going to Allow You To Achieve Your American Dream For You and For Your Family, and how our 65 Policies and Plans are going to Build A Wonderful and Incredible World For You and For Your Children. 



Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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