All we need to do is turn on the television, or listen to the radio, or read a newspaper, and we are shocked by the disrespectful, unkind, mean, and...
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The Great Work Ethic That We Need To Have From Our President Every Day
There is no question that the position of President of the United States, if worked at with the maximum amount of effort every Day that needs to be...
We Need New Leaders Who Care About You
One of the worst problems we currently have in America is that we have a very large number of our political leaders who are more interested in...
You Will Overcome Adversity And Conquer Your Challenges: Plan Your Work And Work Your Plan
There will be times in Your Life when You are faced with difficult challenges and adversities. However, do not ever become discouraged because...
You Can Always Turn A Negative Situation Into A Positive Situation
“Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created...
The History Of Empires: We Need to Save Our Country By Learning From 3,000 Years Of World History
When historians have studied the history of powerful countries and empires around the world that have collapsed, they have found that fallen empires...