You Create Your World By What You Think About: To Heal As A Nation We Have To Heal As Individuals First

Your thoughts have the power to Create Your World and to Create Your Life How You Want Your Life To Be.

We can look at a limitless number of examples of this.

Here are some quotes from the past.

“One’s own thoughts is one’s World. What a person thinks is what he becomes.” – Maitri Upanishad – 1,000 B.C.

“We are shaped by our thoughts.  We become what we think.” – The Buddha – 500 B.C.

“We can only do what we think we can do.  We can only be what we think we can be.  We can   only have what we think we can have.  We can do what we are.  All depends on what we think.” – Robert Collier

“The universe is transformation; our Life is what our thoughts make it.” – Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

“The divinity that shapes our ends is in ourselves.  It is our very self… All that a man or woman achieves is the direct result of his or her own thoughts… A person can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up their thoughts.” – James Allen

Therefore, throughout world history people have understood that our thoughts have Great Power, and they have understood that what we think about Creates who we become.  

And as we become the Creation of our thoughts, then who we have become Creates the Destiny for Our Life.   

Mother Theresa understood that our thoughts have power when she said that she would not attend an anti-war rally in Washington, but that she would attend if they called it a Peace Rally.

She said that calling it an anti-war rally focused people’s thoughts on thinking thoughts of war, even though they are against war, which would be a negative thought pattern and not lead to peace. 

While calling it a Peace Rally would focus people’s thoughts on thinking thoughts of peace, which is a positive thought pattern that would help to create and generate Peace.

Mother Theresa very obviously Believed in and understood the Power of Thoughts.

We have also seen where Muhammad Ali and Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner taped photographs of themselves on their bedroom ceilings above their beds, photographs where they were performing tremendously and winning in heavyweight boxing and in the track and field events of the decathlon.

They Believed that seeing themselves being successful in these photographs on the ceiling above their bed as the last things they saw before they went to sleep, and as the first things they saw when they woke up in the morning, would cause them to think positive thoughts about their abilities and about their future success while they slept through the night and when they first woke up in the morning for the day ahead.

This strategy was obviously very successful because Muhammad Ali went on to become the only three-time World Heavyweight Boxing Champion in history, and Jenner went on to set world records in the Decathlon by achieving eight personal bests in the ten Decathlon events during the 1976 Olympics to win the 1976 Olympic Decathlon and be crowned the world’s greatest athlete of that entire time period.

Therefore, Muhammad Ali, the world’s greatest boxer ever, and Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner, the Olympic Decathlon Champion, also Believed in and understood the Power of Thoughts.

In my own life, when I was the Player/Head Coach of a professional football team in Great Britain, we won 56 games and only lost 2 games, including winning three National Championships and two European Championships.

In addition to being the Head Coach of the professional team that won these Championships, I was also the Great Britain National Team Head Football Coach where we won the European Nations Championship while we competed Country against Country just like our USA teams do in the Olympics.

During these years, I always emphasized to my players the Power of them thinking positive thoughts and Believing in themselves.

I continuously worked hard to get my players to BELIEVE that they could accomplish anything they set their minds to, and in this effort I always wrote the word BELIEVE on the front cover page and on the back page of every scouting report and every game plan that I gave to each player before every game we played.

Both the professional team and the Great Britain National Team had been in last place when I became their Head Coach, and no British team had ever won a single game in European competition when I took over as Head Coach each of the two teams.

But we set the all-time national record and league record in my first season with a perfect 14-0 record, and both of my teams won European Championships in our first attempts without ever losing a single European game.  Including my Great Britain National Team, where we won the European Nations Championship over all our European opponents by a combined 99-12 score margin. 

Later, when I became the first American to ever be the manager/head coach of a professional soccer team in England and in Europe, then I brought with me this positive thinking and BELIEVE concept to my players and to my soccer team.

I only spoke positive thoughts, and I wrote the word BELIEVE on everything, including on the front cover page and on the back page of every scouting report and every game plan that I gave to each player before every match, including on motivational items I taped onto the dressing room walls, including on the front page of the motivational book that I wrote and was published throughout Europe, and including on every page of every day in my own daily journal.

Shortly after taking over the Club, I was quoted in a national newspaper saying, “Getting to the First Division in three years is not a promise,” Smith says, “it’s a goal.  There’s not much difference between a Third and a First Division team.  In every area of life you pretty much become what you Believe you can become.  And if I have to stand up and say we’ll be in the First Division in three years and get people to Believe that, then to me that’s what has to be done.”

We went on to have success in two FA Cups, reach the Semi-Final of the national FA Trophy, and win the Club’s first Cup Championship in 40 years, and the Ted Lasso television series continued forward with my eternal positive thinking and BELIEVE mantra throughout their series.  

After I returned to America, when I owned and was the general manager of a television station for ten years, I Believed so strongly in our thoughts having the power to Create Our World that I required all of our news anchors and reporters to only tell positive stories on our newscasts and shows.

While all the other television stations sensationalize their newscasts and tell all the most negative news stories that they can because they think that attracts viewers, I refused to allow any of our newscasts or shows to have any negative news stories of any kind.

We were only allowed to tell Positive news stories.

My Goal was to Create a Positive World within our city, where people only thought Positive thoughts about our city.

My Goal was for our viewers to feel good when they watched our newscasts and shows, and for our viewers to feel good after they had watched our newscasts and shows.

I even created an uplifting story segment on every newscast where we always played Louis Armstrong singing “What A Wonderful World”, while we told a particularly positive and inspirational story.

My positive approach with the television station must have worked because when I arrived at the station it was only being broadcast on 1 cable network in two counties, but I grew the station into being broadcast on 16 cable networks across six states to 2 million people and increasing our viewers by 10,000%.

As a college professor, my Belief in the Power of Our Thoughts led to me coming up with my phrase for my students that “You Create Your World By What You Think About”, and I was always emphasizing this Belief and phrase to my students on a daily basis.  

I sometimes even included a Bonus Points question related to this Belief on early semester tests so that my students would begin thinking this way as early in the semester as possible, where the bonus question was, You Create Your World By ____________________. 

My students have gone on to achieve tremendous success as athletes, coaches, general managers, and leading business executives.

Religion also has this same Belief in the Power of Your Thoughts.  For example, there are many references in the Bible to this Belief.  

One of these is in Mark 11:24 when he writes, “Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Another reference to this is in Matthew 21:22 when he writes, “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”  

Motivational Life coaches also Believe very strongly in the Power of Thoughts.  To capitalize on this Power, they will often have each of their students put together a collage of pictures taped onto a poster, with each picture representing something that the student wants to accomplish and achieve.  

The students then put the posters up on a wall in their house, in a very visible location, so that the students can see the pictures many times daily.

Seeing these pictures creates thoughts in a person’s subconscious mind that they have already accomplished these things, which helps the students to go on to achieve what is in the pictures.

Once again, the Power of Your Thoughts.

Very similarly, all of us are influenced by the environment we grow up in.  

For example, a child of a professional athlete who spends time with his or her parent in the stadiums, on the practice fields, and talking with other professional player teammates, grows up thinking that becoming a professional athlete is just a normal thing that is not that unusual or hard to do.

As a result, these children of professional athletes are much more likely to become a professional athlete themselves because they have grown up without the subconscious limitations and barriers that most of us grow up with who think it is very difficult to become a professional athlete.

Unfortunately, though, if we grow up in a negative or a bad environment, then we are absorbing and taking in the negative thoughts that we have in this environment, also.  

Each of us can still overcome growing up in a negative environment, but to accomplish this we have to work harder when we get older to change our thought patterns to more positive ones. 

You can do this.  Through discipline you can change your thoughts to positive thoughts when you set your mind to it.

“Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own mind.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt

To open and free your mind into thinking positive thoughts, you want to first begin to notice, appreciate, and talk about the beautiful sunrise or sunset when you see one; you want to be aware of, welcome, and appreciate the gorgeous blue sky, the white fluffy clouds, the brilliant stars and the majestic moon at night, the colorful and amazing rainbows and double rainbows, the magnificent mountains, crystal lakes, elegant rivers, and stunning oceans, the kindness of other people, and the beauty and sweetness of children and animals and nature.

As you begin to think positive thoughts about the Beauty of the World around you, then you will find that your mind will subconsciously begin to search for more Beauty and more Positive Characteristics in Every Person you see and Every Person you meet.

Your subconscious mind will also begin to look for the beauty and positive characteristics in all of your relationships at home and at work.

And as your Life changes to include all these Positive thoughts, then you will begin to have Bigger and More Positive Dreams For Your Own Life.

We Become Who We Think We Can Become.

By Us having Positive Thoughts about Everything Around Us, then we will also have Positive Thoughts about Ourselves, Positive Thoughts about Our Careers, and Positive Thoughts about Who We BELIEVE We Can Become.

And when we Create and Generate this Positivity in Our Lives, then there is no limit to what we can accomplish because We Will Be Creating Our World By What We Think About.  

In summary, then, it has been widely Believed that our repetitive thoughts, the thoughts we think about very regularly, have the Power to gradually over a period of time Create what we have been thinking about into Reality.

There is very strong evidence to support this.

As you will have seen for yourself, the people who are very successful at anything are usually completely driven by the thought of working to be successful at what they have chosen.

Therefore, because they are completely driven, then for very large parts of the day and night they are thinking about the success they are trying to have.

As a result of how driven they are, and because of how much time they spend thinking about their Goals, then through their Willpower and through their Thoughts they help to Create what they want the most.

“A man is what he thinks about all day long.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is also strong evidence and Belief that when you have definitely decided you are going to do something no matter what obstacles are in your way, when you have no more doubt on the path you are choosing, when you are fully committed without any hesitancy, then God and the Universe will move things in the Universe in your favor to help You to Achieve the Success You Desire.

“What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a person is in that state of mind in which they know exactly what they want and are fully determined not to quit until they find it.” – Alexander Graham Bell – Inventor of the telephone 

Here are some more very successful people who refer to Providence, which is the word they use to refer to the protective care and divine intervention of God, the universe, or nature as a spiritual power.

“Concerning all aspects of initiative and creation, is one elementary truth – that the moment someone definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too.” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

“Until one is committed there is always hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.  Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment someone definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.  All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.  A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no person could have dreamt would have come their way.” – W.H. Murray – Member of the Second Himalayan Expedition

The principle that this thinking refers to is how most people make halfway decisions, where they say that they will give something a try to see if it seems to be working before they decide whether they really want to do it.  

They make a halfway decision that if their initial partway efforts go really well, then they will stick with it for a while. But if things do not seem to be working well, or if obstacles come up they did not expect, then they will give up on it and do something else.

This is a halfway decision that does not show full commitment, and as human beings we unfortunately often make these halfway decisions.

Halfway decisions rarely become successful, though, because our lack of commitment and our lack of passion for what we are doing does not generate the Power that is necessary for us to Create Our World or Inspire Our Universe to move for Our Benefit.

However, if we make a decision that we are fully committed to, where we have decided that we are going to work so hard that we are going to turn our decision into a success no matter what difficulties or obstacles try to get in our way, then God and the Universe will do things to help us to be Successful.

I BELIEVE this is true, and I also BELIEVE there is a relationship between the two concepts we have discussed here.  

These two concepts are:

  1. The Power of Your Thoughts to Create Your World By What You Think About.
  2. The Power of Your Full Commitment to Move the Universe in Your Favor.

These two concepts are written about as if they are separate Beliefs.

But they are actually two Beliefs that are fully and completely related to each other because when You Make a Full Commitment to succeed at something, then Your Mind only thinks the positive thoughts about how You are going to Succeed.  

Therefore, when You Make a Full Commitment, then your mind and your thoughts are focused only on the Positives of your future Success, and so your mind and your thoughts are Creating your future Success.   

Likewise, when You are Fully Committed to something, then Your Mind does not waste time thinking negative thoughts because You are only looking forward and moving forward toward Your Success.

Therefore, making your Decision to only think Positive Thoughts so that You Can Create Your World By What You Think About, and making your Decision that You are going to be Fully Committed to Achieving Your Goals, are completely related to each other and work together in partnership.

When You commit yourself to these two concepts, then the result is going to be that You Will Create Your World in the Positive Successful Way You Are Thinking About and You Will Create Movement in the Universe that will Bring About Your Success.

As a result, these two Beliefs are intertwined in partnership and saying the same thing.

You have Control over Your Own Life to Create Your World By What You Think About, and You have Control over Your Own Life to Be Able to Move the Universe in Your Favor to Create Your Success.

You have this Control over Your Own Life By the Positive Things That You Focus Your Thoughts On, and By The Full Commitment That You Make To Move Positively and Confidently Forward toward Your Success.

This is how You Are Going To Create And Continue To Build Every Day Your American Dream For You And For Your Family.

We BELIEVE For America!



Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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