You Can Always Turn A Negative Situation Into A Positive Situation

      “Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem.  The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity.” – Joseph Sugarman 

One of the Most Important Keys For Success In Life is For You to be able to find ways to take negative situations that you are in and turn these negative situations around into Positive situations.

When things are going seriously wrong, it is very easy for us to give up, and to accept that the situation is not going to work out no matter what we do.

However, we can actually do far better than this because there is Always an Opportunity to take a negative situation, look at it from a different viewpoint and perspective, and turn the negative situation around into a Positive Situation.

In fact, we can often turn the situation around into such a Positive that it becomes Even Better For Us than what our original plan had been.

Do you remember in the chapter on this website and in our book titled, “Overcoming Adversity and Conquering Your Challenges – Plan Your Work And Work Your Plan”, where we discussed how we can Analyze and Evaluate Our Plan on a Daily Basis so that we can make any adjustments or fine-tuning necessary whenever we feel like we need to?

We discussed in that chapter how as we move along Our Path and Journey Toward Our Goals, it is crucial that we continue to Analyze and Evaluate how we are doing on a Daily Basis so that we can decide what we need to adjust or fine-tune to Keep Us Moving Forward Toward Our Goals.

In that chapter, we talked about Your Daily Plan Analysis and Evaluations, comparing this process to You Finding Your Path across a wide river by You choosing the rocks that You want to step on along the way.

We need to follow this same process of Analysis and Evaluation when we find that Our Path toward Our Goals has reached an obstacle or is having serious difficulties.

When this occurs, instead of us giving up, we want to realize that all that has happened is that we have gotten ourselves a little farther off Our Path than we can correct with only a small adjustment or some Daily fine-tuning.

But the Same Principle of adjustment and fine-tuning still applies.  It is just that we need to make a larger adjustment, and possibly even Redirect Our Path somewhat, so we can get ourselves back into a position where We Are Heading Forward Toward Our Goals.

Comparing this again to our crossing of the wide river to Our Goal on the other side, if you got yourself three-quarters of the way across the river but you came to a rock that had nowhere else to go beyond it, then you would not just walk all the way back the same way you came to the side of the river that you started on.  That would waste a very large amount of your time, work, and effort.  

Instead, you would look for ways that you can move forward across the river by first working your way back, as short a distance as possible toward where you started, so you can choose to go along a different path of rocks.  

Or, if you think the water current in this section of the river is not too strong, then you might even decide to take your shoes off and walk partway through the water toward the other side until you can get to another rock that you can step on. 

Therefore, when we find that the Plan we made has run into some serious obstacles and difficulties, then all we really need to do is to make a larger adjustment than the fine-tuning we would normally do on a Daily Basis.

For us to make this larger adjustment, we want to try to look at the negative situation we are in from Every Possible Angle and Viewpoint.

We want to think outside of the box with Creative Strategies and Problem-Solving because when a situation has changed and stopped working, then very often these changes and obstacles have opened up a New Opportunity that was not available before, or a New Opportunity that we did not notice before.

For example, a person might get laid off from work because their company has gone out of business.

This would be a negative situation for that person, and many people would give up in that situation and go back home to collect unemployment.

However, someone could also attempt to Save and Rescue the Situation by looking for a new, and possibly even better job.

To do this, they could take the time to make a list of all the businesspeople and personal contacts they met while they were working at their old company.  People who might consider hiring them. 

This person could also make a list of all the new and advanced skills they developed while they were doing their old job, because it could be that they have developed new and advanced skills that they can take advantage of to obtain a different and possibly even better job than the job they had before.

This person would also want to spend time thinking about what they liked about their old job and what they did not like about it.

Then, they could compile all this information that includes their contacts, the new and advanced skills they developed in their old job, and what they liked or disliked about their old job.

After putting together all this information, they can utilize this information as they call the people on their list to see if they are able to be hired somewhere else. 

By taking these initiatives and doing these things, this person has the Opportunity to take the negative situation of being laid-off from their old job, and successfully turn the negative situation around into a positive situation where they begin a new job that pays them more, that allows them to use the new and advanced skills they have developed, and that they like and enjoy more than the job they had before.

This is the action of turning a negative situation around into a positive situation.

As a different kind of example, when I was at Cornell University, I developed a very serious case of eye strain from studying too much in school that was not only harming my eyes and vision but was also reducing my success in sports.

However, I was very fortunate that I went to an outstanding eye doctor, Dr. Wilson, in Ithaca, New York, and instead of Dr. Wilson just giving me glasses that would have corrected some of the symptoms but done nothing to cure the problem, he explained to me the natural holistic way that our eyes work, and he put me on a natural program to improve my eye strain.

The eyestrain was a very negative situation for my sports, and for my personal health, and I even chose to transfer to a different university because of it.

However, in the process of recovery, I became so interested and passionate about solving the eye strain problem that I learned more and more about the natural ways that our vision works.

Through this knowledge, I came up with eye exercises on my own, and Every Day I practiced these eye exercises that I had made up.

I also purchased one of the first Rebounder mini trampolines that had ever been made in history when, by chance, I happened to come across the first one I had ever seen in a very small corner health food store.

Along with it, I purchased a Rebounder Vision Improvement Program that was on the shelf next to the Rebounder.  

A Rebounder and Vision Program that turned out to be Amazingly Beneficial.

I incorporated this knowledge I learned about vision into the sports I played, and I designed and developed a completely unique and innovative soft eyes approach to sports that I have never heard any coach or player in any sport ever teach or ever talk about.

The combined result of everything I did to improve my eye strain and use my eyes differently in sports was that I was able to vastly improve my sports performance in every sport.

As a result, in football, at free safety on defense, I developed a vision technique for reading the plays that the opposing offense was running that no other free safety who has ever played the game has used.  

I invented this unique and very innovative technique on the practice field through thousands of practice plays using trial and error.

This technique allowed me to read and recognize what play the offense was running more quickly than anyone else could, which allowed me to react far more quickly to every offensive play than any other players could.

These quicker reads and quicker reactions to offensive plays allowed me to cover far more ground than other free safeties could, and so I was able to get in on almost every tackle throughout the game no matter where the football went on the entire field.

This eye technique also allowed me to improve my hitting in baseball so that I batted over .400 in college, to finish as the MVP and among the top collegiate hitters in the United States.

I also finished as the second-leading career hitter in Furman University history, and because of my vision technique in centerfielder I could get a quicker and better jump on any batted baseball that allowed me to run the ball down from farther away and catch the ball better than anyone else could.

This eye technique also allowed me to become the leading receiver in Europe, to be named the receiver with the best hands for catching the football in Great Britain and in Europe, to set the League and National records for interceptions in a game, to set the League and National records for interceptions in a season, to set the League record for interceptions in a career, and to set the League and National records for pass receptions in a single game with 15 pass receptions.

I know for a fact that none of these sports performances would have occurred if I had not designed and developed the eye exercises that I did, and if I had not designed and developed the unique and very innovative eye vision techniques that I did for my sports.

Therefore, the fact is that if I had not gotten the severe case of eye strain that I did, then I never would have had the high level of sports success that I did.

And so, the negative situation that occurred with my eye strain caused me to look at solving the problem in a different way, and resulted in me finding creative ways to improve my sports performances to a far higher level than my performances would have been if I had not gotten eye strain to begin with.

The knowledge I gained from overcoming the original negative situation also helped me in my coaching career because it allowed me to help my Players to perform at a Far Higher Level than they would have been able to perform without this knowledge.

In addition, the knowledge I gained helped me as a parent because I was able to utilize this knowledge to help my own children perform far better in the sports that they loved.

As a result, with the Amazing and Extraordinary Help of Dr. Wilson, I was Blessed with the Opportunity to not only solve a negative situation, but to also turn what was a negative situation into a tremendously positive situation that was a far greater positive than I ever would have had if the negative eye strain situation had not occurred.

In this same way, if You are ever faced with a negative situation in Your Life, then you have the Power to look at that negative situation in a Different and Creative Way, and by you doing this, then you will be able to Achieve a Very Successful Turnaround that Creates a Positive Situation For You.  

You may have to be Creative, and you may have to Adjust Your Path Toward Your Goals, but there is Always A Way To Win In Any And Every Situation.

If there was not Always A Way To Win in any situation, then there would not be the sporting events we see where the underdog team, or unknown underdog individual, creates an upset over a higher-ranked opponent.

This process is what I often refer to as Finding A Way To Win, and there is a chapter on this website and in our book titled, “Find A Way To Win”, that discusses how to do this Successfully.

The fact is that if You stay calm, and if You Carefully Analyze and Evaluate any situation You are in from All Angles, then it is Always Possible For You To Find A Way to Create a Positive Situation out of what had previously looked like a negative situation.

It is Always Possible For You to “Find A Way To Win” as You March Forward To Achieve Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.

Setbacks and tough situations are not going to stop You from Achieving Your Greatest Destiny, and they are not going to stop Our Country from Achieving Our Greatest Destiny, either. 



“Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem.  The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity.” – Joseph Sugarman

“To endure is greater than to dare; to tire out hostile fortune; to be daunted by no difficulty; to keep heart when all around you have lost it – who can say that this is not greatness?” – William Makepeace Thackeray

“When you’re playing against a stacked deck, compete even harder.  Show the world how much you’ll fight for the winner’s circle.  If you do, then someday the cellophane will crackle open off a fresh pack (of cards), one that belongs to you, and the cards will be stacked in your favor.” – Coach Pat Riley

“When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty.  I only think about how to solve the problem.  But when I am finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.” – Buckminster Fuller

“To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.” – Oliver Wendall Holmes

“The secret of success in Life is for a person to be ready for their opportunity when it comes.” – Benjamin Disraeli


Education for the win. Shot of a young woman showing the thumbs up while standing outside

Our Philosophies Of Life

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