Our Alliance And Our Movement Will Unite Every American And Will Partner With Our Government And With All Of Our Political Parties
Our election process has gotten completely out of control for a number of reasons, including because the political campaigning by candidates for President goes on for two years.

Spending two years out of the four-year Presidential term campaigning for a job that already has someone in the position is not only a waste of time for everyone in America, but is also counterproductive and a negative for our Country.

After a President has been elected in the previous election, then it should be a law that everyone is required to stop the politics until it gets within twelve months of the next election.

During these three years of non-campaigning time, we should all be working together as hard as we can for the good of You, for the good of Every American, and for the good of Our Country.

We should not be fighting back and forth, and we should not have candidates campaigning for an office that already has a person in that office.

There is no other industry in America that works that way.  Just think how disruptive it would be for an NFL team if halfway through an NFL season there were coaches publicly applying for the team’s head coaching job?  Or if there were quarterbacks on other teams applying for the starting quarterback position?

It would decrease the likelihood of a head coach being able to lead a team to the Championship if there was constant public campaigning going on in the media for the coach’s job by other coaching candidates.

Therefore, because this public campaigning would decrease the likelihood of team success, then anyone involved in the campaigning is being selfish and does not care about the success of the team. 

The NFL rules do not allow coaches or players to talk to other teams or campaign for jobs with other teams because it is harmful to the teams.

We should have rules in our elections that do not allow this, either.

Any politician can sit on the outside and criticize.  President Theodore Roosevelt said many things about this topic, all of them very eloquently.

Therefore, politicians sitting on the outside and criticizing while campaigning for a position that already has someone in that position is very counterproductive for everyone in America.

For an NFL team to win the Championship, and for America to become the Most Outstanding Country in the World, then we need to have All of Us working together without any distractions.

Any politicians who distract from our combined American effort to be Outstanding, by involving themselves with political infighting and campaigning, are being completely selfish because they are intentionally harming our Country’s efforts.

Supporting You and Supporting America is Always Our Only Goal.   

We BELIEVE in us all being a Team, America’s Team, and so we have Always supported our current government.  

Our Alliance and Our Movement are still supporting our present government as we make every effort to work with our government to implement the 65 Policies and Philosophies we have designed that will help You to Achieve Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.

We are making every effort to work within the current government system to implement “Our Vision For America”, our “Why We Formed Our Alliance And Began Our Movement To Unite America”, and our 65 Policies and Philosophies we have Created and Designed that will help our government and help Our Country to provide You and Every American with the Foundation that will allow You to Achieve The Greatness Of Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.

Our Alliance and Our Movement have extensive long-term knowledge and experience in Building Championship Teams and Championship Organizations.

We have vast experience in more career fields than any President, Vice-President, or White House administration has ever had in American history, and our vast experience provides us with tremendously valuable insights for solutions to every situation and challenge that Our Country faces.

We have the ability, effort, and enthusiasm to encourage, motivate, and inspire Every Person in America to Achieve Your Own Personal Greatness.

We have the Vision, Philosophies, and Love for Every Person Around Our World that will bring World Peace and Protect Your Children from war.

And we have our Absolute Willingness and Desire to Love Everyone, Respect Everyone, Treat Everyone with Kindness and Dignity, and Unite All of Us in America Together so that You and Your Family and Every Person in America Wins.

In summary, then, we are willing and ready to Partner Together With and Work Together With our current Government, with all our current Political Parties, and with any of our American politicians who are ready to work with us.

So that Together we can Unite Our Country, Create the Greatest America That We Have Ever Had in our 248-year History, and Create the Ability For You and For Every Person In America to Achieve The American Dream For You and For Your Family.


Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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