We Will Help Our Young People To Purchase Homes So That By Us Working Together You Will Achieve Your American Dream
It has become very difficult in today’s economic climate for our young people to be able to purchase homes.

The combination of high home prices and high interest rates has caused the average monthly mortgage to increase from $1,100 per month to $2,300 per month.

When this is added to the high cost of living because of the high rate of inflation that has occurred during the past three years, is added to the high cost of college tuition, and is added to the historically lower hourly wage rate we have now compared with the cost of living, then buying a home is far out of reach for most of our young people.

The cost of college tuition has outpaced inflation by more than three and a half times since 1983.  

College tuition has also increased from 14% of an average yearly income 50 years ago, to 42% of an average yearly income now, tripling the real cost of college tuition. 

Likewise, fifty years ago, the average house price was three times the average annual income.

However, this has now increased to the average house price being seven times the average annual income.

Therefore, since banks look at annual income when they make the decision whether to provide a home mortgage to a person or to a couple, then banks are not able to provide loans when a home price is seven times more than someone’s annual income.

As a result, a young person would have to earn two times the current average annual income to be able to purchase an average price home.

The average home price today is $402,000, and to obtain a mortgage from a bank on this house would require an annual income of $110,000.  

This required annual income to qualify for a mortgage has increased by 50% in just the past four years.

In summary, then, we need to help our young people to be able to purchase homes so they can get started on their Path to building Generational Wealth for Themselves and For Their Families.

Here is how we will accomplish this for our Young People and for our Nation:

1) As discussed in our chapter titled, “We Will Eliminate Federal Income Tax – Your Financial Investment In America Will Make You An Owner Of America”, you can read about how we will have financial investments replace and eliminate federal income tax.  

    We will help Our Young People to purchase homes by taking the financial investments into America that Our Young People will make, and give this money back to Our Young People when they want to purchase a home.  

    This will allow Our Young People to use their previous financial investments into America as a down payment to purchase their first home.

    By doing this, Our Young People will also be able to obtain a very reduced 3% mortgage. 

2) As discussed in our same chapter titled, “We Will Eliminate Federal Income Tax – Your Financial Investment In America Will Make You An Owner Of America”, a Young Person will be allowed to withdraw all of their money tax-free from their Individual Retirement Account to pay toward the purchase of their first home.

    This law we make for Our Young People and their Individual Retirement Accounts will be very beneficial for Our Young People in many ways because they will be able to use this money tax-free to purchase their first home.

    This law will also motivate Our Young People to open and save large amounts of money in their Individual Retirement Accounts, which will be tremendously beneficial for building their long-term Generational Wealth and saving for their retirement.

3) As discussed in our same chapter titled, “We Will Eliminate Federal Income Tax – Your Financial Investment In America Will Make You An Owner Of America”, Our Young People and Our Adults will not need to pay any taxes on the interest Profit that their savings accounts make.  

    Therefore, they can use this tax-free interest to pay toward the purchase of their home.

    This law we make will motivate Our Young People and Our Adults to save money in their savings accounts so that their savings will grow tax-free.  

4) As discussed in our same chapter titled, “We Will Eliminate Federal Income Tax – Your Financial Investment In America Will Make You An Owner Of America”, Our Young People and Our Adults will not need to pay any taxes on the Profits they make from any company shares they own on the stock market and exchanges.

    Therefore, they can use these tax-free investment Profits to pay toward the purchase of their home.

    This law will motivate Our Young People and Our Adults to invest in the stock market so they can purchase a home and build long-term Generational Wealth For Themselves and For Their Families.

5) As discussed in our same chapter titled, “We Will Eliminate Federal Income Tax – Your Financial Investment In America Will Make You An Owner Of America”, Our Young People and Our Adults will not need to pay any taxes on the Dividends they receive from company shares that they own on the stock market and exchanges.

    They can instead use these tax-free Dividends to pay toward the purchase of their home.

    This law we make will motivate Our Young People and Our Adults to invest in Dividend-paying stocks on the stock exchanges so they can purchase a home and build long-term Generational Wealth For Themselves and For Their Families.

6) As discussed in our chapter titled, “Our Revolutionary Tax-Free Plan For Owning Your Own Business – You Will Get To Keep All Your Profits Without Paying Any Taxes”, Our Young People and Our Adults will not need to pay any taxes on the Profits they make from their own Businesses.

    They will be able to use these tax-free Business Profits to purchase their home.

    This law we make will further motivate and inspire Our Young People and Our Adults to start their own Tax-Free Businesses so they can purchase a home and build long-term Generational Wealth For Themselves and For Their Families. 

7) As discussed in our chapter titled, “We Will Eliminate All Capital Gains Tax On Your Profits From The Sale Of Your Home”, Our Young People and Our Adults will not pay any capital gains taxes on the Profits you make when you sell your home.  

    Therefore, when you sell your first home and upgrade to a larger and more expensive home, then you will not owe any taxes from the Profits of your first home sale, and so you can use all of your Profits to purchase your next home.

    This law we make will further motivate and inspire Our Young People and Our Adults to build long-term Generational Wealth For Themselves and For Their Families. 

8) We are going to help You and Every Young Person in America to become a successful Entrepreneur by providing a free Nationwide Business Program course where we teach you how to start and run your own business.

    Our Business course will also build equality and level the playing field for Every American of every ethnic background and every income level, because Every Young Person will be able to take and complete this very valuable Business Course for free.

    Our Business course will also receive a graduation certificate that you will be able to use to help you to get hired by companies for employee positions.

    We will also help You and Every Young Person in America to learn how to manage your personal finances and family finances better, by offering and teaching a free Financial course to you that will greatly benefit you in the management of your personal and family finances.

   Our Financial course will also greatly benefit you in the understanding and management of making all kinds of financial investments that will Build Your Long-Term Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.

    Our Financial course, just like our Business course that we provide you with, will build equality and provide a level playing field for Every American of every ethnic background and income level.  Because Every American will be able to take and complete this very valuable Financial Course for free. 

    Our Financial course will also receive a graduation certificate that will help you to get hired by companies for employee positions.

Our Movement’s Additional Plan To Help Every Young Person In America To Purchase A Home: 

After a young person has made five years of investments into America, investments that are instead of paying federal income taxes, then you will automatically qualify for a $200,000 home that our government administration has built or purchased for you.

For Your Benefit, your home will have only a 3% mortgage on it, and For Your Benefit you will be given a special mortgage that is a 10-year interest-only mortgage so that your home payments are only $500 per month.

Having such low monthly payments will allow you to save money and Build Wealth For Yourself and For Your Family.

If you decide at any point that you want to sell your home and move into a bigger and more expensive home, then you will have the option at any time to sell your home.

If you choose to sell, then the original $200,000 that our government administration has paid for your home will be returned to the government, and all sale money received above the original $200,000 price of your home will be your Personal Profit.

We will not charge you any taxes on your Profits from the sale of your home, and so you will be able to use all the Profits from your home sale to pay toward your larger and more expensive second home.

In this way, we will get you onto the Path to Building Long-Term Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.

If you choose not to sell your home within the ten years, then your ten-year interest-only mortgage will roll over into a regular amortized mortgage at whatever the current mortgage rate is at that time.

Therefore, you will be guaranteed at least ten years of low payments that will allow you to:

  • Save Your Money.
  • Build your Savings tax-free in your Savings Account.
  • Invest your Savings in stocks on stock exchanges that will provide you with tax-free Profits and Build Long-Term Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.
  • Invest your Savings into purchasing Dividend-paying stocks that will pay you tax-free Dividends and Build Long-Term Generational Wealth for You and For Your Family.
  • Use your Savings to start your own Business where all your Profits are tax-free, allowing you to Build a Huge Business and allowing you to Build Long-Term Generational Wealth for You and For Your Family.
  • Invest your Savings tax-free into your Individual Retirement Account that grows tax-free and so Builds Long-Term Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.
  • Sell your first home and make a tax-free Profit that by a ten-year historical average will be between a $50,000 and a $100,000 Profit that you will not have to pay any taxes on.  This will Build Long-Term Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family that you will be able to use to purchase your next larger, nicer, and more expensive home.
  • You will now be on Your Path to Building Your Long-Term Generational Wealth and to Achieving Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.

In summary, Our Plan For You to Own Your Own Home will allow You and Your Family to get comfortably onto Your Path to Building Your Long-Term Generational Wealth and Achieving Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.

And with Your Path to Success laid out in front of You, while You Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan every day, then You will Progress Along Your Path so that You Achieve Your Long-Term Generational Wealth and Achieve Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.

There will be many people who criticize us because they think we are providing too Great of an Opportunity to Our Young People that will be too expensive for America to afford.

However, We BELIEVE and Know that it is not too expensive for us because this Opportunity is what You and All Our Young People Deserve.

What are we as adults doing here on this Earth if we are not here to Build A Better World For Our Children? 

There are an average of 4.3 million young people at each yearly age, which means that there are an average of 4.3 million young people at age 21, and 4.3 million at age 22, etc. 

Therefore, each year an average of 4.3 million young people will qualify for the home by meeting the 5-year investment requirement.

As a result, the cost of providing a $200,000 Home To Every Young Person will be $860 Billion per year.  

We can make a way to afford this because we spend that much every year on many things around the World that we do not need.

For example, we waste far more than this amount on our yearly defense budget every year when we should be Living in Peace with all the other countries in our World.  

Therefore, why don’t we make Peace with everyone in the World and use this money For Our Children, instead?

We waste this much paying the interest on our debt every year.  

Therefore, why don’t we pay off our debt and use this money For Our Children, instead?

We give a large amount of this to other countries to help them to fight wars.  

Therefore, why don’t we negotiate Peace between these countries and use this money For Our Children, instead?

We waste money on overspending with various government programs that do not work, and our Congresspeople put wasteful earmarks in their bills that they waste our money on.

Therefore, why don’t we use this money For Our Children, instead?

In addition, our Free Universal Health Care System will save us $780 Billion every year, which will pay for almost all of these homes every year.  

You can read about our Free Universal Health Care Plan in our chapter on this website and in our book titled, “Our Free Universal Health Care System For Everyone That Lowers All Medical Costs By 50% To 70%, Saves America $780 Billion Every Year, And Pays You And Every American A $2,000 Bonus Every Year When You Stay Healthy”. 

When we provide homes to Our Young People, then just think how much money Our Country will save on our current homeless programs, poverty programs, unemployment benefits, and many other government programs, all of which are not anywhere close to being as effective as we want them to be. 

Also, although there are 4.3 million young people at each yearly age, most of the young people who will want to own a home will have a partner, which will reduce by half the number of homes to 2.15 million homes every year.  

This will reduce our yearly investment to $430 Billion each year.

In addition, this $430 Billion investment by us each year will be an investment that we are making into building and purchasing real infrastructure assets.  We will not just be spending the money, or giving the money away, because all the money we spend on this program will be invested in homes that are real assets.

Investing in the building and purchasing of assets is far better for America’s economy and for our national debt than just spending the money or giving the money away.

An example of this on the world stage is Singapore, who have one of the highest Debt-to-GDP ratios in the world, but who are in far better economic shape than countries with lower Debt-to-GDP ratios because Singapore has spent their money investing in the building of assets.        

Therefore, we will definitely Find A Way To Win by spending $430 Billion every year Building A World For Our Children.

Our Goal needs to be to Build A Better World For Our Children, and so if we are not willing to sacrifice to Build This Better World For Our Children, then we need to ask ourselves as adults and as parents what Purpose are we serving on this Earth? 

As I write this, I am reminded of four Beautiful and appropriate quotes.  These are:

“There are two lasting bequeaths we can give our Children.  One is roots.  The other is wings.”  – Hodding Carter, Jr.

“I have many flowers,” he said, “but the children are the most beautiful flowers of all.” – Oscar Wilde

“Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.” – Richard L. Evans

“Fifty years from now it will not matter how much money you made, the type of car you drove, how big your house was, or what your clothes looked like.  However, the World may be better because you were important in the Life of a Child.”

And so I ask again, What are we as adults doing here on this Earth if we are not here to Build A Better World For Our Children?

Our Goal has to be to Build A Better World For Our Children! 

Therefore, providing this Opportunity for Our Children and for Our Young People to purchase a home that will get You on Your Path to Your Long-Term Generational Wealth and to Your American Dream is what we should be doing because it is the right thing to do.

In addition, I have often written on these pages about our need as a Country to require accountability and to require an excellent Work Ethic.

I have also written about how as a Country we need to Pursue Excellence again instead of giving participation trophies.   

I have also written that to be a Championship Team, like I have been a part of 22 Championship Teams, then it requires our full commitment Every Single Day, and it requires our willingness to outwork everyone else.           

And that is exactly why Our Plan we have outlined here is not only Beautiful for Our Young People.  

Our Plan is also Beautiful because it requires effort and work by Our Young People.

To reach their Goal of Home Ownership that will lead to Long-Term Generational Wealth and to the Achievement of Their American Dream, Our Young People will need to work for five years where they make investments into America and become Owners of shares in America.

They will not have to make any income tax payments during these five years, and instead they will make investments into America each year that will replace any tax payments.

These investments will be on a percentage basis based upon income level, in a similar way to how taxes have been computed previously.

After five years, Our Young People will have proven to us their commitment, their toughness, their personal and career skills, and their excellent work ethic, and so they will have earned qualification for a $200,000 home that we provide them with.

This house will have a 10-year interest-only mortgage on it, and Our Young People will continue to work as they pay a $500 per month mortgage for as long as they choose to own their house.   

During these years, the Value of their home will continue to increase for them tax-free.

In addition, Our Young People will be developing excellent money management skills while they are careful with their spending so they can save as much of their money as possible.

Our Young People will also develop financial investment knowledge and investment skills as they invest in corporate stocks, dividend-paying stocks, and other financial Investments that they will Profit from tax-free.

In addition, Our Young People can choose, if they want, to start their own Business that they will work hard to build so they can make an Excellent Profit for themselves tax-free, and so their Business can become worth a very large amount of money that brings them Great Wealth.

Then, Our Young People will want to sell their first home that will provide them with a tax-free Profit that they can use to buy a bigger, nicer, and more expensive home for Themselves and For Their Families.

By putting in this work and effort, Our Young People will be well along their Successful Path, and as they continue to follow these Principles that they have learned, then Our Young People will Produce For Themselves Long-Term Generational Wealth, and they will Achieve Their American Dream For Themselves and For Their Families.

Therefore, our $430 Billion Investment in Our Young People every year is absolutely and definitely worth it because by us providing Our Young People with this Home Plan, then Our Young People are going to be working hard to Achieve Their Success, Our Young People are going to be gaining Tremendous Knowledge about a wide range of subjects that will Benefit Them and Their Families Forever throughout Their Lifetimes, and Our Young People are going to be developing Incredible Character Attributes, Personal Skills, and Career Skills. 

Therefore, Our Young People will have Earned Their Success, and Our Country will Benefit Tremendously from the Success of Our Young People because A Rising Tide Raises All Ships.

The Incredible Benefits that Our Young People will provide to America will be immeasurable.  

As I write this about our Young People’s Quest and Journey to Achieve Long-Term Generational Wealth, and to Achieve Their American Dream, I am reminded of a Beautiful quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, that says, “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders.  Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” 

In other words, the best way to get people to want to build a ship is not to direct them as workers in the building of a ship they are not that interested in, but instead to let the people Realize, Dream, and Become Passionate about how much joy and happiness the ship will allow them to have on the open sea.

In this same way, if we remove the words “ship” and “vast and endless sea”, and replace them with “Life For You and For Your Family” and “Long-Term Generational Wealth and The Achievement of Your American Dream For You and For Your Family”, and if we add in “and women” after the word men, then we have this very true and meaningful statement:

“If You want to build a Life For You and For Your Family, don’t drum up the men and women to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders.  Instead, teach You, Our Young People, to yearn for the  Long-Term Generational Wealth and The Achievement of Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.”

That is what Our Plan does.

Our Plan provides the Path and the Opportunity for Our Young People to Be Incredibly Successful so that Our Young People Can Dream Again.

So that Our Young People Can Deeply Desire and Yearn Again for the Long-Term Generational Wealth and the Achievement of Their American Dream that Our Plan Puts Within Their Reach.

When Our Young People Can Dream It, and when they can Deeply Desire and Yearn For It, then Our Young People Will Achieve It.

I BELIEVE IN YOU And In Every Young Person In America. 

And as You and Our Young People Succeed, because A Rising Tide Raises All Ships, then our entire Country, all of America, and Every One Of Us as Americans Who Love All Of Our Children, will be Raised Up Along With You and Along With All Our Young People.

Our Children Are The Future of Our Family.

Our Children Are The Future of Our Country.

Our Children Are The Future of Our World.

We Are In Great Hands Because We BELIEVE In Our Children.

What Is Our Purpose On This Earth Unless It Is To Build A Better World For All Our Children?




A couple holding keys, making a heart sign with their hands at home. Portrait of a smiling, happy a.

Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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