We Will Eliminate All Estate And Inheritance Taxes: Let Us Help You To Build A Tremendous Generational Wealth World For Your Children
Estate and inheritance taxes are another example of the government taking advantage of Our American People because any money taxed under an estate or inheritance tax has already had taxes paid on it in previous years.

The money you have saved in your bank account has already had tax paid on it in the past because this money in your bank account is the net amount after you have paid all your taxes each year.

Therefore, it is completely incorrect and wrong for the government to require that you pay estate taxes and inheritance taxes on this same money again.  

That is double taxation.

The government has invented estate and inheritance taxes for no logical reason other than so they can collect more tax money from you.

In addition, they have made and continue to enforce these estate tax and inheritance tax laws because they think they can get away with it.

These laws only come into play after an individual person is gone, or after a married couple are both gone, and so the government unethically realizes that they can collect this double taxation with very little resistance.

However, the government’s behavior and actions are vicious, thoughtless, and very inconsiderate to Our American People.

Our American People work very hard their Entire Lives to provide for their children and for their families.  They have poured their Love, their Hearts, and their Souls into raising and taking care of their children.

When their moment comes for them to be with God, then it is already very hard on them to be leaving their children, especially because they know that when they are gone they will no longer be able to be there to take care of their children.

At that very sad and difficult moment in time, the only thing these parents have left to give to their children is the hope that the money and the assets that they are leaving for their children will help their children and their grandchildren to Live happier, better, and more financially secure Lives.  

During this very emotional time, all the children are also very sad and emotionally upset at losing their parents.

But the government, in their cold, callous, selfish, and thoughtless way takes advantage of this situation by swooping in to get tax money from the parents who have left, taking money that the children and grandchildren would have received, even though all the money that the government is taking has already been taxed by the government before.

This process is completely illogical.  Why should people who are leaving us have to pay taxes again on their savings that they have already paid taxes on?    

Since our Goal is Always to help you to Build a Tremendous World For Your Children, then it is our Belief that you should be able to leave to Your Children, and to Your Grandchildren, all of the money you have worked so hard to make and save for them throughout your Lifetime, without your money being taxed for a second time.  

Our Alliance and Our Movement is designed to Help You to Become Wealthy For You and For Your Family, and that is exactly what we are going to do.

We are going to work together With You to Help You to Become Wealthy, and by us working together and creating laws that Benefit You and Your Family, then You Will Be Able To Build Tremendous Generational Wealth For You and For Your Children.


Our savings are sorted.Financial, senior or happy couple laughing with documents in home for retirement savings or pension.

Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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