We Will Create Your Own Investment Account So That Together We Will Build Your Personal Financial Success And Your Family’s Long-term Generational Wealth

Our America is the Land of Abundance, but our government continually makes the mistake of taking actions that are based upon the government’s incorrect viewpoint of scarcity.

Throughout history, our government has incorrectly thought that financial assets, money, and resources are limited, and so our government has incorrectly thought that their role is to redistribute these limited assets, money, and resources to everyone by taking from some people and giving to other people.

However, if America’s financial assets, money, and resources are limited and scarce, then the spreading of them to everyone across the country can only allow each person to receive a small amount of them, nowhere near enough to allow All of Our American People to Live in Abundance.

Therefore, I completely disagree with our government’s viewpoint of scarcity.

Our government should not be trying to spread a small and limited amount of assets, money, and resources to each person, but instead our government should be helping Every Person and Every Family to Achieve a Lifetime of Abundance.

There is an Unlimited Amount Of Abundance in Our World and In America, and so what we should be doing is working to Achieve Great Abundance For Every Person and For Every Family.

I discuss this concept at length on other pages of this website, including in, “Our World Is A World Of Abundance”, “We Need To Have a National View Of Abundance Instead Of Scarcity”, and “Give A Man A Fish And You Feed Him For A Day, Teach Him How To Fish And You Feed Him For A Lifetime”.

All three of these webpages discuss why Our Country and Our Government need to look at America, at Our World, and at Every American Person and Family with the Viewpoint of Great Abundance.

Therefore, what we are going to discuss here is one of the ways that we are going to Build A Lifetime Of Great Abundance and Long-Term Generational Wealth For Every Person and For Every Family in America.

In order for us to accomplish this, we first want to accept that all of us, each and every one of us, has certain strengths and certain weaknesses that are based upon our educational background, personal experiences, career experiences, family background, and personal skills we have developed through our years.

Therefore, we cannot just leave every person on his or her own to achieve their own personal financial success because we all have different backgrounds that have either prepared us, or not prepared us, with the knowledge for us to be able to achieve this financial success.

Just like some people know how to repair a car, and some people know how to build things with their hands, and some people know how to manage financial investments.

We cannot just expect every person to have all the knowledge and experience they need to be financially successful because all of us have different backgrounds and different skills that we are good at.

Personal Financial Success and Long-Term Family Generational Wealth are far too important to just leave up to chance, and so we, as a Country, need to put a Plan in place where we work hard to help and guide Every Person and Every Family in America to be Tremendously Successful Financially.

My background as a teacher and as a coach has shown me that every student who walks through my classroom door on the first day of classes, and every player who walks onto our practice field for the opening practice of the season, comes from a different background of experiences.

Which means that every student and every player is Beautifully Unique, and each is beginning that first day at his or her own individual level of knowledge and experience.

As teachers we cannot just throw the book and the assignments at our students and expect our students to all figure out how to get an A grade in the class on their own.

We need to guide each of them, and nurture each of them as they progress toward their own Personal Success.

And as we guide and nurture them, we need to treat each student as a unique individual who needs a different kind of guidance and nurturing from us.

Likewise, in sports, we cannot just throw the players onto the field, or onto the court, and expect that every player will figure out how to execute all the plays and all the strategies to perfection.

Instead, if we want to have Outstanding Players and a Successful Team, then we need to guide and nurture each of our players as they progress toward their own Personal Success.

Since we understand this concept in school and on the sports field, then why does our government not understand that we cannot just throw every one of Our American People out on their own into Life and into the Financial World without providing Guidance and Nurturing to help Every Person to be Tremendously Successful Financially.

Personal and Family Financial Success is Incredibly Important, and so we cannot just leave it up to chance for Our American People.

For more than 200 years, America has set the goal of providing a public-school education for Every American.

However, as a Country we have not been providing Our American People with financial management and investment knowledge, and instead our government has just been throwing Every Person out there on his or her own to fend for themselves financially.

This has been a huge mistake by our government, and we are going to change and correct this by providing Financial Education and Financial Guidance for Every Person and for Every Family in America.

Our government has continually taken the easy way out because our politicians do not want to work hard at Guiding and Nurturing Our American People to Success.

The easiest thing in the world is to throw money at a problem.  Throwing money does not require putting in the Work to make something Successful.

Our government incorrectly thinks that the solution to every problem is to throw more money at it, instead of our government being willing to roll up its sleeves and get to work to actually solve the problem.

This incorrect thinking is why our government looks at every problem from a viewpoint of scarcity.  Instead of working to solve the problem, our government just wants to throw some money at it, like throwing mud at the wall, in their hope that some of the money or mud sticks somewhere.

Their mistake of throwing money at every problem, instead of doing work on the ground to solve these problems, is one of the main reasons why Our Country is currently in a $35 trillion of debt crisis.

In the case of wealth inequality, our government sees wealth inequality between Our American People, and so our government has continually chosen to take money from some people and redistribute this money to other people so that everyone is just barely surviving and barely getting by one day at a time.

When instead, what we should be doing is Lifting Up Our American People with Guidance and Nurturing so that Every Person and Every Family in America is Living in Great Abundance and Achieving Tremendous Personal Success.

One of the ways that we will accomplish this For You is through creating a Personal Financial Investment Account for you that we will deposit money into for you every year, and that we will help You to Build and to Grow so that You Will Achieve Tremendous Financial Success and Long-Term Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.

Your Personal Financial Investment Account will be a combination of the $2,000 that we deposit every year for you to use for any medical care costs you have during that year, along with any home rental tax refund you will receive from the tax deduction we are providing you with for what you spend every year when you rent your home or apartment.

If you are a homeowner, then you may also choose, if you would like, to deposit your tax refund into your Personal Financial Account from the tax deduction you will receive from the interest you pay on your mortgage every year.

As I have written in “Our Free Universal Health Care System” policy on this website, in addition to providing you with critical care medical insurance every year, we will also give you $2,000 at the start of every year for you to pay for any regular medical costs that you incur during the year.

Every Person in Every Family will receive $2,000 each and every year, which means that a family of two adults and two children will receive $8,000 every year from us.

We will deposit this money into Your Personal Financial Investment Account at the start of every year, and this money will continue to grow throughout the year because you will be earning Interest and Profits on it throughout the year.

At the end of every year, whatever you do not spend on medical costs that year will be your money to keep, including giving you the option every year to remove any and all of the $2,000 plus Interest and Profits you have made that you did not spend.

At the end of each year, we will deposit a new $2,000 per family member into your account for the next year.  Which will again begin to make Interest and Profits for you throughout that year.

In addition, every year that you are paying rent for a home or for an apartment, then you will be able to write off your rental costs as a tax deduction, and we will deposit any tax refund you receive into Your Personal Financial Account.

This process is explained in full detail on the page in our website titled, “Our Wealth Creation Plan For Our American People Who Choose To Rent A Home Or An Apartment.”

As this amount accumulates every year in your Personal Financial Investment Account, then you may choose at any time to use this money in your account as a downpayment for the purchase of Your New Home.

In addition, if you are a homeowner who is paying a mortgage, then you will be receiving a tax deduction and tax refund for the interest you pay on your mortgage, and so you can also choose to have this tax refund deposited into Your Personal Financial Investment Account, if you would like.

The financial advantage you will get from depositing your money into Your Personal Financial Investment Account is because we will make Your Personal Financial Investment Account a Tax-Free Account, exactly like a Tax-Free Individual Retirement Account is For You.

Therefore, when you invest the money that is in your account into any investment vehicle, including into stocks, bonds, CDs, ETFs, mutual funds, cryptocurrencies, real estate, life insurance, etc., then the Interest and Profits you make will be Tax Free so that you do not pay any taxes on Your Interest and Profits.

By being Tax Free, then this will allow You to Build and Grow Your Personal Financial Investment Account as fast and as large as possible.

To help you to accomplish this Tremendous Financial Success For You and For Your Family, we will provide you with the highest level of Education, Knowledge, and Professional Guidance so that you will have Everything You Need To Be Tremendously Successful while we work Together to Build Financial Success and Long-Term Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.

As I have discussed in other places on this website, we are going to help Every American to become a Successful Entrepreneur by providing a Free Nationwide Business Program course where we teach Every Person how to start and run your own business.

This Business Course will build equality and provide a leveling of the playing field for Every American of every ethnic background and every income level, because Every American will be able to take and complete this very valuable Business Course for free.

This Business Course will also receive a graduation certificate that you will be able to use to help you to be hired by companies for employee positions.

We are also going to help Every Person to learn how to Successfully Manage Your Personal Finances and Family Finances by providing and teaching a Free Financial Management Course to Every Person that will greatly benefit You in the Management of Your Personal and Family Financial Success.

Our Financial Course will also greatly benefit you in the understanding and management of you making all kinds of financial investments that will Build Your Long-Term Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.

This Financial Course, just like the Business Course we provide you with, will build equality and provide a level playing field for Every American of every ethnic background and income level.  Because Every American will be able to take and complete this very valuable Financial Course for free.

This Financial Course will also receive a graduation certificate that will help you to be hired by companies for employee positions.

You will be able to have your money invested in whatever way that you would like to invest it, so that your money is always growing and increasing, and our Internal Revenue Service will help you to accomplish this.

As written throughout our website, our Internal Revenue Service will not be a tax collecting organization like the government has had it being.

Instead, our Internal Revenue Service will be Your Financial Partner, who will help You to Build and Grow Your Financial Success and Your Long-Term Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.

In addition, we will work with our Internal Revenue Service in Partnership with professional investment management companies like Bridgewater Associates, Pershing Square Capital Management, BlackRock, Vanguard, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, Charles Schwab, National and Local Banks, etc., who will provide every kind of financial opportunity and investment vehicle, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, CDs, life insurance products, cryptocurrency investments, real estate, etc., for you to grow and Build Your Money and Your Long-Term Generational Wealth For You And For Your Family.

Therefore, through our Partnerships with these outstanding companies, and with many more outstanding companies, we will provide you with Your Own Personal Financial Advisor who will help to guide you in your investments.

We will work with You Every Step Of The Way to Build Your Financial Success because that is what I see as our job.

In the process, you will gain Tremendous Knowledge and Experience so that You Become an Expert in Managing Your Own Personal Financial Success and Your Family’s Long-Term Generational Wealth.

Our Goal is for Every Person and Every Family in America to be Very Strong Financially.

Creating an America where You Have Built Tremendous Financial Safety And Security For You And For Your Family because You Have Built Long-Term Generational Wealth For You And For Your Family.

We will not rest until we have Accomplished this.

Our America Is The Land Of Abundance.





Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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