We Need New Leaders Who Care About You

One of the worst problems we currently have in America is that we have a very large number of our political leaders who are more interested in taking care of themselves than in taking care of Our American People who they are supposed to be representing.

Many of the current politicians in the White House and in Congress take actions and vote on laws in ways that are not based upon what Our American People want who these politicians are supposed to be representing.

These politicians are only concerned about continuing and expanding their own personal power and control.  They are in politics for all the wrong reasons.

A politician is not supposed to want to have power for themselves.  Instead, a politician is supposed to Want to Serve and Work for the American People that he or she represents.

In contrast, Our Alliance and Our Movement do not care at all about trying to gain power, and instead we only want to get involved with politics because we want to Unite Our Country and Help You and Every American Person to Achieve Your American Dream For You And For Your Family.  

We want to be a Servant to You.  

We want to Serve You and Work For You So That We Can Make Your Life and the Lives of Your Family Better and More Beautiful.

That Is Our Wish and Our Goal For You and For Your Family.    

The very selfish actions of our current politicians include the following:

  1. Caring more about publicity for themselves than they care about doing their job correctly.
  2. Caring more about being extreme in their positions, so they can raise campaign donations from extreme donors, than they care about doing what is Best For You.
  3. Caring more about voting with their political party in a group think than they care about voting for what is Best For You.
  4. Caring more about voting with their political party in a group think than they care about finding compromise with the opposing party. 
  5. Every politician in one party voting for their party’s position on every issue instead of voting for what the people in their district or state want.
  6. Causing extreme and polarized division in America and between Our American People by refusing to compromise from their extreme positions on almost every issue. 
  7. Being malicious and personal against politicians from the opposing party so they can gain attention and raise campaign donations for themselves.
  8. Using the inside information they have learned from their position in politics to buy stocks and invest in various industries, so they can make huge profits from the inside political information they have gotten from their positions.
  9. Caring more about staying in power so they can keep their jobs than they care about being honorable with their actions.
  10. And sometimes even being corrupt and illegal when some of our politicians sell out America and sell out You by them accepting financial payments from other countries for doing things that are helping the other countries and are harmful to America.

The reasons we are interested in being a part of our government is the exact opposite reason from most of our current politicians.  

We want to be involved with our government because we are very worried about where Our Country is heading.  

We are also very worried about our risk of world war because of the complete negligence of our current President and Vice-President.

In addition, we want to Help You and Help Every Person and Every Family in America to Achieve Generational Wealth and to Achieve Your American Dream For You And For Your Family.

We began planning Our Alliance and Our Movement when we saw our White House administration pushing America and Ukraine into a war with Russia, instead of our White House using Diplomacy, Communication, and Respect toward other countries to keep the war from ever starting to begin with.

There is no doubt that a Great American Leader and President could have and should have stepped into the Russia-Ukraine situation back in late 2021, and in early 2022, to Communicate Respectfully and to Negotiate Peace between both countries that would have kept the war from ever beginning.  

However, our political leaders made no real effort to communicate or negotiate peace with Russia because it has been said that our politicians wanted to use Ukraine and the Ukrainian people to try to force the removal of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In fact, in March of 2022, only one month after the Ukraine-Russia war began, Russia and Ukraine were very close to finalizing a Peace Agreement.  

However, our President, Vice-President, and White House administration apparently did not want to push for Peace, and so the Peace Agreement was never finalized.

After this negligence by our White House that helped to cause the war to begin and to continue, then we decided to begin Our Alliance and Our Movement because throughout the past two years since the war began, our current President and Vice-President have been pushing Our Country closer and closer toward a World War with Russia and with any other countries who choose to join in with Russia.

Our President and Vice-President have been pushing us toward World War for the past two years by gradually increasing the weapons and weaponry they have given to Ukraine.

When the war began, our President said that our government would give some weapons to Ukraine so Ukraine could protect themselves against Russia, but that America would not provide Ukraine with more powerful missiles because that might incite Russia into a nuclear war with us.

Then, a few months later, our President and his administration changed their minds and said they would provide these more powerful missiles to Ukraine as defensive weapons, but that America would not provide powerful drones and long-range missiles to Ukraine because this would allow Ukraine to attack Russian cities with missiles.  

The White House said that providing these offensive weapons could push Russia into a nuclear war against us.

Then, a few months later, our President and his administration changed their minds again and said that they would provide drones to Ukraine, but that America would not provide long-range missiles or stealth bombers or fighter jets to Ukraine because that could incite Russia into a nuclear war against us.

Then, a few months later, our President and his administration gave these long-range missiles to Ukraine that our President had said we would not give because they might incite a nuclear war with Russia.

Then, a few months later our President and his administration gave fighter jets and stealth bombers to Ukraine that they had previously said America would never give because giving them might incite a nuclear war with Russia.

Throughout these two years, our White House has also said that we would never provide weapons to Ukraine that Ukraine could fire into Russia.  

However, in recent months we have seen our White House and government supply these weapons for Ukraine to fire into Russia, thereby crossing a line that Russian President Putin has responded to by sending Russian battleships to Cuba, which is less than 100 miles away from us in America.

Ukraine has even begun making offensive attacks into Russia with the weapons that we supplied to Ukraine.

These offensive attacks by Ukraine are pushing us closer and closer to a nuclear war with Russia.

How are our President and Vice-President so negligent and dangerous that they are allowing Ukraine to do this?

Ukraine is fighting against a country that has a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons, and so any offensive attacks by Ukraine into Russia are trivial compared to what Russia can do to them.  Which means that anyone with any level of intelligence should be trying to negotiate Peace instead of making trivial offensive attacks.

If you are in a confrontation with a grizzly bear, you do not foolishly pull on its tail to get the bear mad.  Instead, you come up with a better plan to avoid the fight and create Peace between you and the bear. 

Therefore, our President, Vice-President, and White House administration have been gradually escalating their personal war against Russia, and with each escalation they have been putting America, Our Children, and Our World in greater and greater danger of a nuclear war and World War III.

None of these actions by our President and Vice-President have been in the best interests of America, or in the best interests of Our American Citizens, and so once again the President and Vice-President are being selfish and are not making decisions that are in the best interests of You who they are supposed to be representing. 

Our President and Vice-President have been continually taking us closer and closer to World War III, and as American Citizens we have made the mistake of allowing this to happen by us not paying enough attention to the huge and dangerous mistakes that our President and Vice-President have been making.  

In fact, our President and Vice-President have even sent very powerful weapons to Ukraine like fighter jets, stealth bombers, and offensive weapons for Ukraine to fire into Russia without our White House and government first letting Our American people know that our government was going to send these very powerful weapons. 

As a result of this gradual increase in the power of the weapons we have supplied to Ukraine, our President and Vice-President have been putting Our American People into a situation where we are like a frog in water that is gradually increasing in temperature until it is going to be boiling water.  

Just like the frog does not realize how hot the water is getting until it is too late for the frog, the very bad and dangerous decisions that our President and Vice-President have been making by supplying gradually more powerful weapons to Ukraine is pushing us closer and closer toward a nuclear World War.

As a result, unless we force our government to stop supplying these weapons and escalating the war, it could be that one day soon, just like the frog, then it will be too late for us to do anything to stop the nuclear war from happening.

The final straw for us that forced us to begin Our Alliance and Our Movement was when our President was being interviewed by a television news anchor in October of 2023.  The news anchor asked the President about the dangers of America being involved in two wars, one in Ukraine and one in Israel.  

Our President replied that America can handle fighting two wars because we are the strongest and most powerful country in the history of the world.

His words sounded exactly like a war hawk who wants to get America into wars.

His answer was the exact opposite of what any American President or any American Leader should ever say.

A responsible Leader and responsible President would have answered that he and his staff were doing everything they could to help to end the wars by Negotiating Peace with all the countries involved.

For the past 100 years, America has been the primary World power, and in our position as the World power, our role has been to try to Negotiate For, and Maintain Peace For, Every Country in Our World.

However, our current President and Vice-President have been doing the exact opposite of this.  

They have been refusing to communicate with countries they think are their enemies, thereby allowing wars to begin, and they have been further escalating these wars by sending progressively stronger weapons that risk a nuclear World War.

In August of 2024, it was found that our President, our Vice-President, and our entire U.S. government had not had any communication with Russia and with the Russian leaders since March of 2023.

This meant that our President, our Vice-President, and our entire U.S. Government had gone a year and a half without making any effort to communicate with Russia and with the Russian leaders.

Such a lack of communication by our American government is exactly how nuclear wars are started by mistake.  

When communication does not occur between countries who are involved in a disagreement or a conflict, then countries lose trust in each other, and this loss of trust can result in panic and mistakes being made by someone.

We found out about this complete and very dangerous neglect by our President and Vice-President because in August of 2024 the Russian leaders went out of their way to communicate with our White House, telling our White House that to avoid the mistake of nuclear war and for the safety of Our World then America needs to have communication with Russia. 

The only reason there has become a risk of war between America, Russia, and China is because of failed American leadership that has refused to openly communicate with respect and emotional understanding toward these countries who have been our friends in the past.

This lack of communication should never happen between our countries because we have been friends with Russia and China for many decades.  

Unbelievably, our White House has recently put together a new nuclear defense plan because our White House is concerned about the possibility of us getting into a nuclear war with Russia, China, and North Korea.  However, our President, Vice-President, and entire U.S. Government has not communicated with Russia for a year and a half until Russia contacted us.

Therefore, our President and Vice-President have had the most dangerous and irresponsible White House administration that America has ever had in American history.     

How is it possible that our so-called leaders think we might be getting into a nuclear war with three countries, but we have not even tried to communicate with these countries for a year and a half?

Such behavior by our President and Vice-President is beyond complete and total neglect.

During this year and a half of no communication with Russia, our President was even heard bragging to workers at a factory in Colorado that he has nuclear codes he travels with that could “blow up the world”.  

For an American President to be talking and joking about nuclear codes and blowing up the world is completely irresponsible, childish, wrong, and unethical.

In addition, when a President makes jokes about something so serious and so world-ending, then it looks like our President no longer mentally understands the seriousness of nuclear weapons.

This lack of understanding makes the President and Vice-President look dangerous for Our Country and dangerous For Our World.          

It is very possible that President Putin has not begun a war with us yet because of the past friendships and loyalties we have had for many decades between Russia and America.

It is also very possible that President Putin does not blame Our American People for the current conflict between our two countries, and that instead he blames our current President and White House administration for pushing our two countries closer to war with each other.

President Putin’s position could very well be that he does not consider our American Citizens to be an enemy and against Russia because we made one mistake of voting in a White House administration that is pushing us toward war, and so maybe President Putin is staying loyal to Our American People until he sees what happens in the next election.

However, President Putin may very well be waiting to see what we as American Citizens do in the next presidential election, because if we choose to vote for the same administration that has caused Our Country to be involved in this threat of war with Russia, then we will be saying to Russia that we are fine with choosing a White House administration that is pushing us into a nuclear war with Russia.

Just like the old proverb says, “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”, if we make the same mistake a second time by choosing the same White House administration that has been pushing us closer toward World War III, then that would be our own fault, and not just the fault of who we elected.

That is why it is so crucial that we make the correct choice in this coming election because if we vote in the White House administration and politicians who have been pushing us toward World War with their aggressive warlike behavior, and if we vote in the administration and politicians who have been refusing to communicate with Russia and with other countries that our current White House considers its enemies, then we would be expressing our approval of this negligent and dangerous White House administration.

China, North Korea, and Iran may very well be waiting to see how we vote, also.              

It is not in Your Best Interests, or in the Best Interests of Our American People, or in the Best Interests of Our World, for us to be fighting wars.  

America should not want any of Our Young Men and Young Women to be at risk of being sent to war, and so our President needs to do Everything in Our Power to keep wars from occurring.

In addition, nuclear weapons are so powerful now that any responsible American leader should be trying to maintain World Peace, instead of making decisions that push America and Our World into conflicts and wars that could become nuclear. 

The fact that our President and Vice-President do not realize how wrong their words are, the fact that they do not seem to be able to understand the dangers of nuclear war, and the fact that they do not understand the importance of trying to communicate and utilize diplomacy to avoid war, has put America, Our American Children, Our American Families, and Our World into tremendous danger.

That is why we formed Our Alliance And Our Movement, because our President and Vice-President are putting America and Our Children in more danger Every Day.

When I owned and managed a television station for many years, I was most proud of the Veteran’s Voice television show that I started and hosted with Ken Wiley, the American World War II veteran and hero, who drove LCVP landing boats onto the beaches in seven D-Day invasions in the Pacific during World War II.

I began this television program so that I could Honor and show my Great Respect and Appreciation for Our American Military Veterans.

Working with my great friends, World War II veterans Ken Wiley and HC Moretz, World War II historian Keith Buchanan, along with World War II veterans Norman Isenhour, Sam Wotherspoon, and hundreds more of our American Heroes, we made 350 Veteran’s Voice television shows during an 8-year period, and more than 300 of these shows were personal interviews with World War II veterans who told their personal life stories in two-hour interviews from when they grew up as children, through all their World War II experiences, and through to their current lives and families.

What resulted from our work was more than 600 hours of personally told World War history, and our work became the largest compilation of personally told World War II history that has ever been compiled anywhere in the World.  

These interviews are considered so important that copies of these television shows are kept in many libraries and museums across the United States.

Through these 8 years of working together, I became great friends with all of these amazing World War II Heroes.  

They were the kindest, most thoughtful, and most humble men and women who I had ever met, and it was one of the Greatest Honors in my Life to be able to spend all these Days and Hours with such outstanding human beings.  

They are very clearly “America’s Greatest Generation,” and I can only hope that by me spending so much time with them that some amount of their kindness and thoughtfulness rubbed off on me. 

Some of the things that I learned from these Great Men and Women over the 8 years we were together is that no one wins in a war.  Everyone loses.  

I also learned from them that America and America’s military were not prepared for the war when it began after Pearl Harbor.  America did not have the military capabilities, military personnel, or enough military equipment like battleships, aircraft carriers, fighter aircraft, and tanks to be prepared for the war.

However, America pulled together as a Unified Country by Every Person in America joining the cause and playing their very important and very valuable part in preparing to protect America.  

Whether each person’s contribution was by joining to fight in the military, by working in the factories to build the ships, tanks, aircraft, and guns, by growing our food, or by doing any of the other millions of jobs that were needed to prepare for America’s war effort and to take care of our homeland.

These Great World War II American Heroes told me that it took two years for America to build all the necessary equipment, and to do all the things that America needed to do, so that we were capable of winning the war.

America’s geographical location that is situated thousands of miles across oceans from our World War II enemies, kept American citizens safe inside of America during these two years that we were building and getting prepared for the hardest parts of the war.               

However, because modern weapons are far more powerful now than they were back in the 1940’s, if a war were to begin now, then Our American People would not be safe here in America because modern weapons can travel much longer distances and reach our mainland within minutes of being launched.

Therefore, as our politicians are negligently pushing us toward World War III, and as they are putting us into a position of being like a frog in boiling water, if a war were to begin now, then the destructiveness of it would happen very quickly.  

Large parts of the World would be destroyed before we could even have any time or opportunity to do anything about it.

Therefore, it is crucial that we do something to Protect Ourselves Now before any war begins.  

First, we need to get Our Country away from the current politicians who are leading us toward a world war because of their refusal to Communicate with countries they disagree with.  

Politicians who continually display their Complete Negligence and very bad decision-making and actions that are not in the Best Interests Of America or the Best Interests Of Our Children.

That is why we began Our Alliance and Our Movement.

We BELIEVE that Communication, Understanding, and Respect for Everyone is what brings us World Peace, and so we are motivated and driven to achieve this World Peace before it is too late, before negligent politicians have taken us past the point of no return. 

Some of Our Alliance and Movement’s greatest strengths are our abilities to show Respect to Everyone, Listen to Everyone, Understand All the Different Viewpoints of Everyone, and Design Creative Winning Solutions that are Fair and in the Best Interests of Everyone.

If we are ever working in the White House, then the first thing we will do is to go to talk with President Putin of Russia, President Xi Jinping of China, Leader Kim Jong-Un of North Korea, Ayatollah Khamenei and the leaders of Iran, the leaders of Hamas, and the leaders of all the Countries in the Middle East.

As I wrote in my screenplay back in 2007, titled “America’s Greatest President”, and as I know even more strongly now, wars occur because leaders stop Communicating, because leaders stop showing Respect, and because leaders stop showing Understanding toward people they consider to be their enemies.

When people do not communicate with each other, then mistrust develops, fear of the other country and of the unknown develops, and leaders begin to take protective actions that can mistakenly start a war.

However, when people Communicate with each other, then they Build Friendships and Trust that keep wars from happening.

Therefore, we are fully certain that if we are ever in the White House, then all these wars and threats of wars will stop.

We will have World Peace because we will Communicate with Everyone, we will show Respect and Understanding toward Everyone, we will Build Trust with Every Country, and we will Build Friendships with Every Country.

The citizens of every country in Our World want to have Peace, just like we do, and so we will Achieve Peace if we have a Leader who will Lead the World to Peace through Communication, Respect, Understanding, and Friendship.

The 14 years that I spent living in other countries while I was playing, coaching, and owning international sports teams, including when I was the Great Britain National Team Head Coach competing with countries from all around the World, along with the 14 years that I was doing business with people and countries from all around the World, have allowed me the vast opportunity to meet, learn about, and understand the Wonderful People and Cultures who make up Our World.

These many years of experience working in and working with other Countries have given us huge advantages compared to any of our current politicians.

Therefore, if Our Alliance and Our Movement are ever in the White House, then we will still Build a Very Powerful Military because we will operate under a Trust but Verify philosophy.  

We will Trust that other countries will not attack us, but we will Verify they will not attack us because we will have a military so strong that we would dominate any other countries if they tried to attack us.

However, instead of us acting like security guards stationed in hundreds of places around the world like we do now, which is not only very expensive for us but also causes some countries to resent us and think we are their enemy, we will have Our Very Powerful Military focused on doing good For People around the World and across America.  

After I severely injured my knee for the second time, this time in an American football game in Europe, I was in a Manchester, England hospital, where I was having major surgery again to repair my knee.  

This Manchester hospital dated back to before World War II, and the entire patient bed area was one giant rectangular-shaped room that was filled with long rows of cots on both sides of the room like an army barracks, with about 25 cots filled with 25 patients on each side of the room.

I chose to stay awake throughout the surgery, just numbing my leg instead, and I watched as the doctor cut my leg open, watched and listened as he power-drilled two holes in the bone of my fibula with a power drill, and watched as he inserted two metal rods into my leg bone.

A few weeks later, I was playing in the American football play-offs and winning the National Championship game again with an inch gap between the two separate pieces of my leg bone, and with my leg bone only held together by the two metal rods that had fused inside the two separate pieces of bone like a bridge between two islands.  

A few hours after the surgery, I got up from my cot in the hospital, and walked on crutches through the long barracks room past all the 50 cots and 50 patients to a small room with chairs at the end of the long barracks room.  This was the only place where the 50 patients could gather to talk.  

I was the only American there, and almost all the other men in the room were British World War II veterans because this was 1989 when World War II veterans were in their 60’s and early 70’s.

I became friends with these amazing British World War II Heroes, and they told me many stories of how kind and thoughtful Our American Soldiers were during World War II.  

They told me how Our American Soldiers were incredibly thoughtful, kind, and nice to all the British children who had to witness so much violence and war in their young lives.  

They told me that every day Our American Soldiers would give the British children food, chocolate, and bubble gum that Our Soldiers would give to the children from Our Soldiers’ own very limited U.S. rations.

This display of Incredible Kindness and Thoughtfulness by Our American Soldiers is an example of what Our American Military will become if we are ever in the White House.

America will have the Strongest and the Most Powerful Military in the World so that We Always Know that Our American People are Protected and Safe.  

Our Military will be the Greatest World Championship Team in Every Way.

But we will utilize this Strength and Power to Do Great Things within Our Country, and to Do Great Things Around Our World.

Our World should never have anyone fighting a war ever again because All of Us from Every Country in Our World are All One Family, and as One Family we should All Be Friends Who Communicate, Respect, Understand, and Care About Each Other.

Compared to the Vastness of Our Universe, Every Person on Earth Lives in the Same Very Small Village.

And so we should act like We Live in the Same Very Small Village, and we should treat each other with Beautiful, Complete, and Total Love like the One Family and the One Very Small Village that we are.

Worldwide LOVE!



Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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