We Are All One American Family: I Am Very Proud Of My Ancestors From Senegal In Africa

Every Person in America, and Every Person around the World, deserves to be treated with Love, with Absolute Dignity, and with Unconditional and Complete Respect.

The color or shade of a person’s skin, or who they choose to Love or identify with, or what religion they believe in, should not even be thought about when we look at someone, or when we think about someone.

As our Great Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

The Future of America has already been written by Our History.

The combination of America welcoming such a large number of immigrants to our shores since the 1600’s, along with Our American People learning that two people of different races were allowed to fall in Love, and very often do fall in Love, shows us that we are already a Country where most of us are of mixed race.

I am very proud to say that I am of mixed race, and that some of my direct ancestors are Heroes who were African American slaves in the 1600’s, 1700’s, and 1800’s here in America.

I am very thankful that of the 53 people who sailed on and survived the Mayflower trip in 1620 to America, 3 of these Heroes on the Mayflower are my direct ancestors, including 1 of the only 5 women who survived the trip.

And at the same time, I am especially thankful that some of my direct ancestors are Heroes who came from Senegal, the main slave port on the African coast, where so many of our ancestors were brought from to America.

And so, three of my direct ancestors are the men and women Heroes who sailed from Europe and began the American colonies, and several of my direct ancestors are the men and women Heroes who first sailed from Africa on slave ships to begin the history of African Americans in America.

I am sure that you also have Amazing and Incredible and Heroic ancestors, who throughout history have combined their Tremendous and Heroic characteristics and genetics to create the Wonderful and Beautiful and Incredible You.

There is no one who has ever walked this Earth who can match You.

You are a Gorgeous and Stunning One Of A Kind.

All of our ancestors are our Heroes, and You are the only You who has ever been here.

Some politicians attempt to divide us by falsely categorizing us into groups based upon appearances and skin color.

But we are all Beautiful unique individuals, and so none of us should ever be put into groups or categories.

When politicians attempt to categorize us based upon personal appearances like skin color, then it leads to inaccurate assumptions and incorrect groups because the truth of race in our Country continues to be overlooked and misunderstood.  For example, it may be surprising to some people that I have ancestors who were African American slaves, but that is the truth of Our America, and my situation just highlights how America is already a Beautiful Mixed-Race Country.

The color or shade of our skin does not reveal the truth in who our ancestors are.

Therefore, we should not be categorized by anything, including not by skin color, because every person is a Totally Unique and Stunningly Beautiful individual on their own.

Studies utilizing genetic testing show that the average person in America who considers himself or herself to be African American has genetics that are 73% African American and 26% from other races, including 24% of their genetics from white European ancestors and .8% of their genetics from Native Americans.

In fact, genetic experts now say they do not think there is a single person in America whose ancestors lived in America during the time of slavery, who is of 100% African American genetic ancestry.

Therefore, all of us with ancestors who were African American slaves are a combination of both the African American and white races.

Likewise, 3.5% of Americans who would consider themselves to be of white ancestry have at least 1% African American ancestry.

I first realized this when I was playing with the New England Patriots.

I had a friend, Cedric Jones, the great wide receiver from Duke, who after retirement went on to become the outstanding President of the NFL Youth Program.

Football fans would have considered Cedric to be a fantastic African American football player, but Cedric told me one day that some of his ancestors were English and German and Scottish, and from several more countries.

Therefore, history shows us that America is already well on its way to becoming a Country where we are all going to be of mixed race, and where we all going to have some darker shade of color to our skin.

History and current genetic testing are very clearly telling us, and showing us, that in the future everyone in America is going to have some amount of African American ancestry.

And if any of us do not already, then we are also all going to eventually have some amount of Hispanic ancestry, Latin American ancestry, European ancestry, Russian ancestry, Chinese ancestry, Japanese ancestry, Eastern Europe ancestry, South American ancestry, Central American ancestry, Middle Eastern ancestry, Asian ancestry, Indian ancestry, Korean ancestry, Jewish ancestry, Arab ancestry, Australian ancestry, North American ancestry, and Native American ancestry.

Along these lines, our Latin Americans have been found to be 6.2% African American ancestry, 18% Native American ancestry, and 65% European ancestry.

As a nation, we are soon going to become similar in skin color appearance to countries like Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic because we are just a few decades behind Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, since they were smart enough to begin having interracial relationships a little earlier than America did.

The reason this fact is very important, and the reason why we are writing it here, is to show that we are already all related to each other.

We are already One American Family.

And if any of us are not related to each other yet, then very soon we will be related to each other through our children, or our grandchildren, or our great-grandchildren, who at some point will definitely fall in love and choose to marry each other, having their own children who are related to Both You and I.

Their children will be related to Both of Us, bringing You and I together into the Same Family.

And so if we are not all related yet, then one day very soon we will all be related.  That is a certainty.

Which means that You and I should already be considering ourselves Family.

And for all these same reasons, All of Us should already be considering ourselves Family.

There is no such thing anymore as people being either African American or being white, or being Hispanic or Latin or being white, because most of us already have many of the same ancestors with each other.

We are already related to each other, and we are already Family Members together.

Therefore, anyone who does anything racial, or violent, or unkind against any other person is actually doing this racism and violence and unkindness against their Own Family, and against their Own Family Members.

And so, if you hurt anyone now, then you are going to be hurting Your Own Family, hurting Your Own Children, hurting Your Own Grandchildren, and hurting Your Own Great-Grandchildren in the Future.

This means that focusing on racial differences and on racial divisions between us is not what we should be doing, and anyone who focuses on racial differences and attempts to cause racial divisions is not being accurate with Our One American Family.

A large number of our politicians are not telling us the truth now.

These politicians are trying to create divisions between us so they can attempt to get votes from us that will allow them to stay in power or get into power.

They think that the more they can divide us, then the longer they can stay in power.

By separating us then they keep us weaker.

By dividing us they keep us from being able to Unite as The One Big Proud And Loving American Family That We Are.

But we are smarter than our politicians are because we know that we are already One American Family.

We know we are already a Mixed-Race Country, and so we know we should not be focusing on racial differences and racial division.

There is actually no truthful way for unethical politicians to divide us because it is impossible to divide People who are already the same.

Instead of us being divided, what we should be doing is treating Every Single Person Equally with Absolute Respect, Dignity, Love, Understanding, Kindness, Thoughtfulness, and Caring.

No matter what shade we are.

Because all of us are already some kind of a shade, whether we are a lighter shade or a darker shade.

But we are already all shades.  And so it makes no difference which shade we are.

As my hero Martin Luther King, Jr. famously told us, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.“

My Goal is to help our Great Dr. King to accomplish this Dream.

It is time for us to start judging Content of Character, in fact well past time, and so as a Nation we are going to Begin to do that.

America is already a Beautiful Mixed-Race Country, and so as One American Family we are going to begin Celebrating the Mixed-Race Beauty that is in Each Of Us, and that is in All Of Us.

We are going to Celebrate the Immortal and Timeless Ancestral Beauty that is in Every Person in America, including in You, and in Each and Every One Of Us.

As We Celebrate Us, and As We Celebrate Our Combined Infinite and Immortal Ancestral Beauty, we will Help Every Person who needs Our Help, and we will treat Every Person in America with Absolute Respect, Dignity, Understanding, Kindness, Thoughtfulness, Caring, and Love.

But in Our Deep Ancestral Wisdom, we also Know and BELIEVE that just Giving This Wonderful Caring Love On Its Own Is Not Enough.

And, therefore, we are also going to Personally Guide Every Person to Learn To Fish On His or Her Own, BELIEVING and Encouraging and Inspiring Every Person Along Their Path To Achieve Their Own American Dream, because it is through Learning to Fish On Our Own that Each of Us Discovers Our Life’s Purpose, that Each of Us Develops and Expands Our Own Personal Pride in Who We Are, that Each of Us Creates and Restores and Strengthens Our Self-Love and Our Self-Dignity, that Each of Us Reveals The Greatness And Hero Within You, that Each of Us Lifts Our Spirit To Soar, and that Each of Us Builds A Tremendously Successful Life For You And For Your Children.

Let Us Build A Wonderful And Incredible World For Our One American Family.

Let Us Build A Wonderful And Incredible World For All Our Children Of Our One American Family.

This Begins By Us First Building A Wonderful And Incredible World For You.  

So That Together, You and We Can Build A Wonderful And Incredible World For Your Children.

Portrait Of Multi-Cultural Primary Or Elementary School Student Friends Lying On Grass Outdoors

Front view of happy school students standing in outside corridor at school while holding american flag

Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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