Understanding The Protests And Demonstrations: Finding Life Purpose And Preparing Our Young People To Be Our Future Leaders

We are currently at a crucially important crossroads point in America.

We have seen protests, demonstrations, and riots increase dramatically in recent years, and these events continue to show us that we have very important issues going on in our society that we have not yet begun to solve.

Therefore, if we are going to lead Our Country and Our American People to a successful, happy, and valuable solution, then it is very important for us to first spend a great amount of our time working to understand what is going on within us that is causing these protests, demonstrations, and riots.

Then, after we have found understanding, we need to work hard to create Solutions.

The first thing we need to realize is that there should be no wars or violence between countries anymore.

I have dedicated several pages on this website to emphasize my BELIEF that there should be no wars anymore between countries because we should have learned from our thousands of years of world history that wars are unnecessary and detrimental to every country involved.

We should have also learned that wars do not occur when leaders of countries make the effort to show respect for and communicate with other countries in friendship and with understanding.

Therefore, wars are caused by our leaders and are the fault of our leaders.

We have two current examples of this.

The war in the Middle East involving Hamas, Palestine, Israel, and Iran, as well as the war between Ukraine and Russia, would not be occurring if our American political leaders had worked harder to show respect for and communicate in friendship and understanding with all the countries involved.

Our current political leaders have been making many mistakes regarding these countries and these wars, but the biggest mistake they have made by far is that our political leaders did not get involved to communicate and stop the conflicts before the wars ever began.

A great leader in America would have kept these wars from ever starting, but we did not have a great leader in America.

If we had kept these wars from ever getting started, then there would not be any protests and demonstrations going on now, and so our current situation with protests is entirely the fault of our political leaders who did not do what they should have done.

However, although we should not have the Hamas, Palestine, Israel, and Iran war going on, we can still see and learn from the nature of the current protests and demonstrations that our societal difficulties and challenges in America are far deeper than the issues surrounding one war.

Our Young People are Our Future.

Our Young People are the Future of Our Families, the Future of Our Country, and the Future of Our World.

Therefore, if Our Young People are struggling, then we need to put tremendous effort into helping them.

Some people want to criticize Our Young People.  However, each of us is the product of the Family, Community, and Country that we are raised in.  

And so, if some people are critical of Our Young People, then we need to look at ourselves to blame first.  Our Young People did not raise themselves.  We raised them.

As a result, if Our Young People are struggling because of how they were raised, then it is our fault, and we have the responsibility to make the necessary changes so that we start doing a much better job raising them.    

Likewise, Our Young People did not create the society and cultural environment they were raised in.  We created the environment they were raised in.

If any of us think that part of this environment is the negative influence caused by some schools, then that is our fault for not controlling the school situation better, and we can choose, if we want, to improve these situations. 

As a result, if Our Young People are struggling because of the society and cultural environment we have created around them, then it is our fault, and we have the responsibility to change and improve our society and our cultural environment.

As we make these improvements, the first thing we need to do is to stop all wars and bring our Entire World Together As One by Communicating in Friendship with Every Country, and by treating Every Country with Respect and Understanding.      

The second thing we need to do is to create the environment within Our Own Country that will allow Our Children and Our Young People to Succeed.

In our work to help Our Children and Our Young People to Succeed, the Overriding Principle and Philosophy we created for our entire Strategy and Plan is: LET US BUILD A WORLD FOR OUR CHILDREN.

If we always make every decision based upon which option is going to Build The Most Outstanding And Most Wonderful World For Our Children, then every decision we ever have to make is going to be easy for us to make.

Our Principle and Our Philosophy of LET US BUILD A WORLD FOR OUR CHILDREN becomes our lighthouse and our guiding light that will Always Keep Us On Our Path Toward Our Goal. 

Matching with this Principle and Philosophy, all of the 65 Policies we have created and designed will Build a World For Our Children that will allow Our Children to Succeed as Individuals, and that will allow Our Children to Succeed as Our Future Leaders of America and as Our Future Leaders of Our World. 

As we look and work to understand how Our Young People are now feeling that is causing the protests and the demonstrations, these are the areas that We BELIEVE we need to focus on, and the changes we will make that will help our young people.

        1) Many of Our Young People do not feel like they have the chance to get ahead financially, and they do not feel like they have a chance to Fulfill and Live Their American Dream.

Included in Our Plan and our 65 Policies are many Financial Policies that will provide opportunities for Our Young People to buy homes affordably, to become an Owner of America and Own Shares in America, to start businesses they do not have to pay any taxes on, to invest in America and make profits from their investment, to build generational wealth for themselves and for their families, to not have to pay taxes on the profits and dividends they receive from their financial and stock investments, and to not have to pay taxes on the capital gains profits they receive from the sale of their home.

All combined, our many Financial Policies will provide Our Young People with the opportunities to Succeed and Achieve Their American Dream for Themselves and for Their Families.

        2) From my years of being a college professor and head of two departments in the School of Business and Management, I saw firsthand how concerned and disappointed our college graduates are when they are not able to get into career positions that match their college majors they have worked so hard to earn, and when they are not able to get into the career positions that allow them to pursue their Dreams.

Therefore, included in Our Plan and our 65 Policies are requirements and financial rewards for our colleges and universities to provide far more and better career support and help during and after their students have graduated.

Currently, our colleges and universities are given federal funding based upon the number of students they have in their classes.  However, having students in classes is not what we should be rewarding colleges for because the purpose of Our Young People going to college is so they can enter and be very successful in the career field they desire and have a passion for.

If we financially reward colleges and universities for just having students in their classes, then we are missing and ignoring the two most important factors for a college student, which are:

        1) Learning and Achieving Excellence as a Student and as a Person.

        2) Getting Started In Their Chosen Career and Becoming Successful On Their Chosen Career Path after Graduation.

Too many of our colleges and universities do neither of these.  

Many professors do not care enough to require their students to work hard enough in class to learn and to Achieve Excellence in their field, most of the professors do not care enough to help their students to develop Tremendous Personal Skills that will benefit students throughout their Lifetimes, and almost all of the professors and colleges do not put in the extra work required to get their students Started On Their Chosen Career Paths after graduation.

I know this can be accomplished by professors because when I was a college professor, 85% of my students became so Excellent in their Personal Skills and in their Career Knowledge that they went on to coaching careers and business careers in their college major.

My students were fantastic young men and young women, but we also worked very hard in class, I worked hard to help them to achieve their very highest potential as a person, we worked on many extra qualities like their public speaking skills, I made every effort to build their self-confidence and to BELIEVE in themselves, and I worked with them to help them get started with their first jobs after graduation.

Therefore, I know this level of student success can be accomplished.

However, in order for us to accomplish this, then we need to provide our colleges and universities with federal funding based only on the number of students they have who obtain jobs in their college major career fields after they graduate.

By our colleges and universities being given federal funding based only on the number of their students who have successfully gotten started on their career paths in their chosen majors, then colleges and universities will be forced very quickly to begin to emphasize Excellent Teaching and Learning in their classrooms, to emphasize the development of Tremendous Personal Development Skills within their students, and to emphasize Outstanding and Extraordinary Career Help for their graduates.

Our colleges and universities have lost their way and become participation trophy thinkers, instead of Pursuit of Excellence thinkers.

By our federal government requiring this excellence from our colleges and universities, then Our Young People will be able to Live Their Lives with Passion for the Career they are in, and Our Young People will be Accomplishing and Achieving What They Have Always Dreamed Of Achieving.

        3) Our Young People are searching for A Purpose For Their Lives, just like all of us are.  Therefore, if Our Young People, or any of us, are struggling to find Our Purpose, then we are going to be more easily caught up in jumping onto a cause because it gives us a feeling that we have found a Purpose.  

These protests and demonstrations provide this feeling of Purpose that all of us crave to have in our Lives.

Therefore, these protests and demonstrations are really a cry out from Our Young People that shows they are searching For Their Purpose, and so the solution is for us to help Our Young People to be Successful and to Find Their Life Purpose.

Our Plan and the 65 policies we have created and designed to Let Us Build A World For Our Children, the Financial Policies we have created that open up opportunities for Our Young People to be Very Successful, and the changes we will make with our colleges and universities regarding Student Personal Development and Career Accomplishment, Will Achieve This Path of Life Purpose For Our Young People.

        4) As Human beings, we instinctually like and often even feel a need to be a part of a group cheering together for a common cause.  That is why we enjoy going to sporting events and concerts.  

        We can watch a sporting event on television much better, more easily, and far less expensively than we can watch a sporting event in person.  However, people choose to attend games in person despite the inconvenience, despite the cost, and despite the lack of comfort because people enjoy being a part of a group cheering together for a common cause. 

        Protests and demonstrations offer us this same opportunity to be a part of a group cheering for a cause, and so protesting and demonstrating can fulfill our needs and make us feel good because we enjoy being a part of the camaraderie of a group of people cheering together. 

         To add further to this human need, the Covid pandemic caused Our Young People to become much more isolated during some of their most important personal growth and personal development years.  This isolation caused Our Young People to feel very lonely and miss out on many opportunities that they normally would have had.  

         When someone has been feeling lonely and isolated, then it becomes even more attractive and exciting for them to get involved in a cause where they feel like they are a member of a group cheering together for a common cause.

         To add further to this human need, social media has isolated us even more because we see and communicate less with each other face-to-face than we used to, and so we are often left isolated in our rooms communicating with each other by social media that does not fulfill our human needs. 

Therefore, two major reasons that we are seeing so many protests, demonstrations, and even riots is because the Covid pandemic isolated us all so much, and because social media isolates us even more, that as human beings we are craving and sometimes even desperate to be with other people working in partnership as friends and comrades to cheer together for a common cause.

Our professional sports teams and leagues have benefited tremendously from more of us needing to fulfill this human need.  

An increase in protests, demonstrations, and even riots is just an extension of this same human need.

To solve and fill this human need, we have put together 65 policies that provide the largest and greatest outline and strategy in American history for us to all come together in a One For All and All For One Philosophy of LET US BUILD A WORLD FOR OUR CHILDREN.

Our Alliance and Our Movement have Come Together With You to Save Our Country that You will be an Owner of, and We Have Come Together With You to Achieve Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.

Together, You and Our Movement are not only going to Save Our Country.  We are also going to Work Together With You to Build The Most Outstanding Country In The World.

You will Own Shares as an Owner of America, and we will provide You with Complete Truth and Full Transparency by answering every question You and the Outstanding Media ask of us on a daily basis.

You will be able to write online to the White House with Your Suggestions, Your Concerns, and Your Recommendations Whenever You Want To.

You will be writing in on a social media platform we have created and built, where our President and White House administration will have a full department of workers and staff monitoring and working on Everything That You Write To Us About. 

We will present You with a Quarterly Report every three months, just like a corporation does.

Every Quarterly Report will provide You with every detail of what is occurring in Your Country because as an Owner of America You are a Shareholder and a Member of the Board of Directors.

Together, You and Your President and Your White House will have a Common Cause and a Life Purpose.

Together, You and Your President and Your White House Will Build The Most Outstanding Country In The World.

Together, You and Your President and Your White House Will Create and Achieve The American Dream For You and For Your Family.

Together, You and Your President and Your White House Will Bring Our World Together So That Every Country In The World Is Working Together in Harmony and Love For Our Earth, For Our Environment, and For Worldwide Peace.



Protest against Russian invasion of Ukraine. People holding anti war sings and banners in the street.

Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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