The Great Work Ethic That We Need To Have From Our President Every Day

There is no question that the position of President of the United States, if worked at with the maximum amount of effort every Day that needs to be done for the good of America, is one of the most difficult jobs in the World.

However, in recent years we have not seen this level of work, and the result has been that our Country has been neglected to where we have become like a rudderless ship drifting in the ocean.

I cannot comprehend this low work rate because, like you, I have always been accustomed to working 365 days a year and 12-18 hours every day, especially during time periods when You and I have owned our own businesses.

I would never take a day off from work if I were President because I would look at the situation like I only had four years to contribute to the accomplishment of everything that we need to accomplish For You and For America.

I would feel like we cannot waste a Single Day because we are going to need Every One Of Those Days in All Four Years to be able to Accomplish what we need to Accomplish For You and For America.

Therefore, I cannot understand why any President would ever choose to go on vacation.

I cannot comprehend that low level of work ethic.

The way I would look at the situation is that being President is only four years, and four years are going to go by fast.  Therefore, no matter how hard we work, and no matter how much we accomplish, on the Day we are leaving and we are walking out that White House door, I am always going to be wishing we had more time to accomplish things For You because I will always be thinking of More and More Dreams of what I would Love for Us to Accomplish For You and For America.

And I am not just saying this, either, because when I resigned as a college professor and head of two departments so I could take care of my father, who was struggling at the time, I worked Every Day for free in my office for three months after the school year had ended, working 12 hours every day for three months, because I wanted to complete Every Dream I had for my students and for the academic departments I was in charge of before I left.

Likewise, when I was working to build one of the Top 10 Super Schools in the United States, I never took a single day off, never took any time off for lunch, and never took a vacation day or a sick day.

I also worked until 7:30 pm every night and was always the last person out of the school every night, worked every day throughout the summers, and even worked every day of every Fall and Spring Break.

In the same way, when I owned a television station for ten years, I worked 365 days every year including on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and I worked far more than 100 hours every week as I worked from 8 am until midnight Sunday through Thursday, and from 8 am until 2 am on Friday and Saturday. 

Looking at our current White House administration reminds me of what George McGovern, the long-time Democratic Senator and 1972 Presidential candidate said, who in 1988 after retiring as Senator purchased the leasehold of a hotel and resort in Connecticut.  

His hotel and resort went out of business after only a few years, and he told the Wall Street Journal in 1992 that when he was a Senator and Presidential candidate he did not realize how difficult it was for people to operate their own businesses, especially when their businesses had to deal with all the government regulations he had voted for as a Senator.

McGovern said that if he had known how difficult it was to run a business, then he would have voted differently while he was in Washington. 

This quote highlights the problem we have in Washington when our politicians have not had any business or work experiences outside of Washington before they become a politician.

The current administration has proven the fact that we need regular people in the White House who have not been spending their entire careers only in the political bubble of Washington DC, because they have no real-world concept of how hard You and Our American People need to work.

We need regular people who have actually owned businesses, and who have worked as employees for businesses, so that our next Washington DC leaders have the successful career backgrounds and career experiences to know what is happening in the real world, for our leaders to know what the challenges are that You are facing, and for our leaders to understand how to solve these challenges.

Our current administration has paid very little attention to anything for the past three years, but any things they have paid attention to have only been ideological issues because ideology is easy to participate in since it is only the putting forward of ideas.

Talking about ideas does not actually require any nuts-and-bolts work, and nothing can ever be accomplished without nuts-and-bolts work.  

Nothing can ever be achieved without people taking action and doing work on the ground where they are.  

In five minutes of thinking, a person, or a group of people, can come up with ten very good ideas they would like to do.

But any one of those ideas on its own will take from months to years of Daily Very Committed Work to accomplish successfully.

Therefore, to accomplish anything in Government, or in Life, then a huge amount of nuts-and-bolts action and activity is needed.

For example, our President and Vice-President sitting in Washington DC and talking about the potential “root causes” for illegal immigration across the Southern border can be done while sitting in an office, but it is only by going to the Southern border to see the problems firsthand, and putting in the work on the ground to solve these problems that anything can actually ever be accomplished and solved.

It was a complete waste of time for our Vice-President to travel to Guatemala to discuss perceived and imagined ideological “root causes” of immigration, instead of our Vice-President actually going to our Southern border where 12-20 million immigrants from hundreds of different countries all over the world have illegally come into Our Country.

By refusing to do any work, our President and our Vice-President have cost Our Country trillions of dollars to provide for these immigrants, have caused 85,000 immigrant children to be lost to unknown places across Our Country, have caused many millions of immigrants to be forced into work slavery, sex slavery, and child sex trafficking, have caused drugs to come across our border that have poisoned hundreds of thousands of Our Young Americans, and have caused an unknown number of dangerous people to illegally enter Our Country that are a danger to Every American Person.

Our White House administration has no concept or understanding of how to do work.  Everything with them is about ideological ideas that they can waste time talking about but never do anything to solve.   

Another example of this is World Peace.  Our President and Vice-President sitting in Washington DC in February of 2022, and guessing whether Russia might invade Ukraine, like they were guessing about, did nothing to keep the war from starting.  

But if our President and Vice-President had done the work to go to Russia to speak with President Putin in person, and if they had brought together President Putin and President Zelenskyy for a face-to-face working discussion, then Peace could very well have been accomplished without the war ever starting.  

If our President and Vice-President had put in the work and talked with Russia and Ukraine face-to-face before the war began, then we would have saved hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian Lives, we would have saved all the economic and physical destruction that has occurred in Ukraine and in Russia, and we would have saved more than $100 Billion of your American taxpayer money that we could have spent on Our Own American Citizens who really need this money and need our help.

Therefore, because our President and Vice-President did not do the work to travel to talk with these two leaders, then our President and Vice-President have caused immeasurable losses of Human Lives in Ukraine and in Russia, have caused America not to financially be able to take care of our Own American People who need our help because we have given so much financial aid that we could not afford to Ukraine, and have increased the risk for America and for the entire World to be pushed into a World War.

In addition, if our President and Vice-President continue to not do the work of talking with these two very important leaders, then the risk of a World War continues to increase every day.     

Likewise, the ridiculous cost of health care in America is not improved by our politicians talking about it. 

However, medical costs can be reduced and improved if our President and Vice-President did the work to meet with pharmaceutical companies, to meet with medical insurance companies, and to meet with medical care facilities, so that we can find and create ways to reduce your medical costs.

In the same way, inflation is not improved by our President and Vice-President coming up with complaints about perceived price gouging or what they call shrinkflation.  

But inflation in America could have been avoided if our President, Vice-President, and government had done the work to not overspend, an overspending that was caused by them choosing to spend more than our budget could afford and by them not doing the work to pay attention to where your money goes and what it is being spent on.

All of these difficult situations require actual work on the ground, and our current President and Vice-President do not want to do any of this actual meaningful work because they do not have the work ethic to do the work.  They would rather just waste time talking about it with ideas.

Israel and Palestine are another example.  

Many of us have our opinions about which country is right, and which is wrong.  However, this is not the main point, because just like Russia and Ukraine, if our President and our Vice-President had done the work to go to speak with and to work with Israel and Palestine in the years leading up to this war, then we would have avoided this war ever beginning. 

Therefore, once again, our President and our Vice-President were not willing to do the work that was needed to save many tens of thousands of Lives.

In comparison, if I had been in that position, then I would have been in the Middle East years ago to meet with Palestinian leaders, Israeli leaders, Hamas leaders, Iranian leaders, and all Middle East leaders, and we would have solved this war before it ever got started.  

There is absolutely no excuse for our President and our Vice-President to have completely refused for the past three and a half years to do the work that is necessary to solve anything.         

The long list of America’s most important issues that our President and White House have not dealt with continues to increase all the time because our current administration does not seem to understand that coming up with ideas and talking about them is not actually work, and so talking does not accomplish anything that is measurable.

Ideas are very important, and people who come up with ideas are very important.  

However, the mistake being made by our President and by our Vice-President is that they think the idea is the entire work.

When, in reality, the idea is less than one percent of the work, and 99% of the work is taking the idea and working very hard for months and years to build something new that will solve a challenge or a problem.

The idea is the first step, but after the idea is formed then the daily real work actually begins, and it always takes months or even years of daily work to make any idea a success.

Our President and our Vice-President do not understand this fact, and so they have not been keeping up with the daily work that has been needed every day for the past three and a half years.

As a result of their laziness and lack of understanding about work, with each passing day our current government and Our Country have gotten farther and farther behind.

Leading us and America to where we are now, into a crisis situation where the work they have not done every day for three and a half years has built up to the point where they are completely overwhelmed by the huge number of things they have gotten behind on.

The fact is that if people are not keeping up with the necessary daily work rate, then the amount of work they are behind just continues to grow and increase every day until there is so much work to do that they have no idea how to deal with it all.

That is where our President and our Vice-President are right now.

Our President and Vice-President have gotten so far behind in their work because they have not done the necessary daily work for the past three and a half years, and so they have put themselves into an extremely weak position politically because they have not accomplished anything of any value for the past three and a half years.

Therefore, out of desperation, our President and Vice-President have decided that their only chance is to keep doubling down on any exaggerated ideological issues they can come up with.  

Their entire campaign in this election is based on them trying to scare you with threats, such as their false claim about the potential loss of democracy, that they have made up to try to get you to vote for them again.  

This is a classic case of authoritarianism, and their actions are actually the definition of authoritarianism.

They are also trying to scare you with threats so they can distract you from seeing the facts that there are problems everywhere in America that are completely out of control because our President and our Vice-President have not been working on or solving any of these problems for the past three and a half years.

Our President and our Vice-President have shown no understanding of the need for them to have a work ethic because they think that coming up with their ideological ideas is all they needed to do.

They also have no idea how to solve anything because after they came up with their ideological ideas, and none of their ideas worked on their own, then they do not know how to put in the daily work that is necessary to make any idea work.

The reason that they have no idea about work ethic, and why they have no idea about the daily work necessary to accomplish anything, is because the President and Vice-President have never owned their own business, and have never even had a real job that is outside of politics.  

That is why America needs a President who is a grinder.

A President who understands all the challenges and all the difficulties You are facing because he or she has lived those real-world challenges and difficulties also, just like You are living them now.

A President who really is a Unifier, not just by talk but by action.

A President who will Heal our Nation and bring us together so that we are All Working Together with an All For One and One For All Attitude as One Tremendous American Championship Team.

A President who is going to work 16 hours Every Single Day for You, and often far more hours Every Day than 16 hours whenever extra work is needed.

A President who is going to work 365 Days Every Year for You for Four Straight Years without taking a single day of vacation of any kind.

A President who will stick to the task Every Single Day, for as long as it takes, until we fix Every Single problem we have in Our Country, and until we get ourselves back on the Path that will lead to You Achieving Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.

We can do this, but we are running out of time because we cannot allow ourselves to get four more years behind without our President and our White House administration doing any work.

Therefore, we need to begin right away, and we need to get our President, our Vice-President, and our White House administration to work immediately with our Absolute Maximum Effort and Work Ethic.

We BELIEVE For America!


Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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