Our President’s Obligation For Transparency With The Media And With You And Every American
Our President is supposed to Work For You and Serve You.

Our President is supposed to Work For and Serve All Our American People.

Therefore, in the process of Working For and Serving, then a President has the complete and total obligation to communicate openly and transparently with You and with Every American.

A CEO of a corporation is required to communicate openly and transparently with the corporation’s Shareholders and Board of Directors.

With Our Economic Plan that we have designed, as an American Citizen You will be a Shareholder in Your Country, and You will be a Member of the Board of Directors of America because You will vote for and elect the President.

Therefore, a President is no different than a CEO of a corporation.  A President works for You.

This is the complete transparency that we will give to You if we are ever in the White House.

We will communicate everything openly to You and to Every Person in America because we will be working For You, and we will be Serving You.

Just like a CEO of a corporation, we will present to You America’s Quarterly Report every three months so that we can discuss with You every detail about the performance and the progress of America during the previous three months.

In each Quarterly Report, we will also present to You our detailed plans for the next three months and for the coming year. 

Since a very important part of this complete transparency is for You to be able to see, hear, read, and understand everything that is going on in Your Country, then we will also speak to the media as a group about all ongoing details several times every week.

In addition, we will sit down to have a long interview with each of the television news networks individually, at least once every month.

We will have these individual interviews with each of the news networks every month, no matter which political party each network primarily supported.

We will treat every network Equally, and we will treat every network and every journalist with Complete and Total Respect and Appreciation for their work.

Our responsibility will be to communicate openly and transparently with every network and with every journalist because we will want to help our media and our outstanding journalists to be able to do the exceptional job and career they are so passionate about doing.

For our media to be able to do their jobs like they want to be able to do them, and for them to be able to do the jobs that you ask for them to do, then every media journalist must have access to all the information they need so they can communicate freely and in great detail with You and with Every American Person in Our Country.

Therefore, by us communicating openly and transparently and respectfully with every network and with every journalist, then we will be communicating openly, transparently, and respectfully with You.

The complete transparency we will provide to You will allow You to know that You have complete knowledge of every situation.  

Which you should have because with Our Economic Plan then You are an American Citizen, You are a Shareholder and Owner of America, and You are a Member of the American Board of Directors.

It is our job to provide all this information to You in detail because we will work For You and we will Serve You.



Conceptual Image Of The Word Truth Chiselled Into Stone Or Rock

Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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