We Will Solve Drug Addiction: Our Mission To Save Wonderful American Lives
As We Build A World For Our Children, the first thing we need to do is to keep Our Children Safe.  

One of the most important areas that we need to concentrate on to keep Our Children Safe is to stop the damage that drugs are causing in America.

To accomplish this, we first need to stop the spread of dangerous drugs like fentanyl by securing and protecting our borders.

We have been losing more than 100,000 of Our Young People every year to drug poisonings from drugs like fentanyl, and we can save most of Our Young People by simply closing off our borders so that these dangerous drugs cannot be brought into America.

We need to protect Our Young People by protecting our borders.

Our current politicians have been choosing to allow many millions of immigrants to illegally enter America because by allowing an influx of immigrants then they think they are gaining benefits for their political party.

Therefore, these politicians are again showing that they do not care about You and about Our American People.  

These politicians are acting as if they think the 100,000 young people being killed by dangerous and poisonous drugs are not as important to them as their political power. 

For any political group to choose their own personal political power over the lives of 100,000 of Our Finest Young People every year is so selfish and misguided that it is absolutely disgraceful.

In addition to stopping the flow of dangerous drugs across our border, we also need to find a solution to the drug addictions that are taking away Our Young People and ruining many of Their Lives.

Our Plan to Save Our Young People from drug addiction includes utilizing Our Village communities that we will build.

The first thing we will do is to find and personally meet with Every Homeless Person, gather all their personal information, and utilize this information to contact their families because many of Our Homeless People are trapped and would like to communicate with their families, but have no way to do so.

There are also many families who have been searching the streets for many years for Their Loved Ones.

Then, after we have made communication with their Families and Reunited them with their Families, we will bring Our Homeless Americans who are addicted on drugs into Our Villages, where they will receive housing, medical care, nutritional support, counseling, addiction support, school education programs, personal development programs, career skill development programs, career guidance programs, Respect, Kindness, and Love.

Our Villages will also have employment opportunities for Our Residents with Our Village Corporate Partners, and so as Our Residents defeat their addictions, and as they work through Our Village School Education Programs, Personal Development Programs, Career Skill Development Programs, and Career Guidance Programs, then Our Residents will be hired to work for Our Village Corporate Partners.

This will allow Our Residents to Begin Their Lives Again with a Fresh Start, giving them a Second Chance at Life that most of them will take Full Advantage Of.

In the process, we will Save Millions of Very Valuable Lives who are All Very Important to us and Wonderful People For Our Country.

Our American People who we Save will go on to Achieve Their American Dream For Themselves and For Their Families.

It is very easy to make a mistake that leads to homelessness and drug addiction because 67% of all bankruptcies are simply caused by overpriced medical bills that could not be afforded.  Therefore, it could happen to anyone.  

Then, bankruptcies often result in homelessness, and homelessness often results in despair and a turn toward drug addiction.

Since it is so easy for someone to become homeless and addicted to drugs, then it is just as easy for any of us to have family members We Love who are homeless and addicted to drugs.

Therefore, because we are the Most Outstanding and Kindest Country in the World, then we owe it to All of Our American People to Save them from homelessness and drug addiction, and we owe it to All of Our American Families to Save Their Loved Ones from homelessness and from drug addiction.

In addition, as the Most Outstanding and Kindest Country in the World, we owe it to Every American, and we also owe it to Every American Family, that We Will Protect Our People and Protect Our Families from dangerous drugs that have been getting into Our Country.

In conclusion, Our Movement will Protect Our American People and Protect Our American Families from dangerous drugs and from drug addiction, and Our Movement will Build Our Villages Across Our Country That Will Save All of Our Homeless Americans who have drug addictions.

We will continue with Our Plan until we eliminate all drug addictions in Our Entire United States. 

If You would like to read more about Our Tremendous Village Communities, then You can read our three chapters on this website and in our book titled, “The Villages We Will Build For Our Homeless People And Families”, “The Villages We Will Build For Our Homeless Military Veterans” and “We Will Create A New And Wonderful World For Our Children”. 


Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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