We Will Provide Help And Solutions For Our Young Mothers And Children
In America, the abortion issue is another example of politicians taking opposite positions from each other, and then fighting with between themselves without taking the time to  look at and try to understand the other person’s point of view.  

Every Person in America has his or her own opinion on this very difficult subject, and the Key For Our Country in seeking a Solution is to sit down and openly discuss the issue.

Just as with any important decision, we first need to decide on what people agree are the facts, and then these agreed upon facts need to be communicated to everyone in writing so that every person in the discussion is speaking with factual knowledge.

If we were in the White House, then it would not matter what our opinion on the subject is because being a President is supposed to be a Position of Service, and so our job would be to Serve You.

Personally, I am Pro-Life.  

But how could I be anything else because someone like me who has a Life Philosophy of BELIEVE would have to be Pro-Life because I BELIEVE that Every One Of These Little Children Can Grow Up To Become Tremendously and Amazingly Successful and Change Our World In Incredible And Wonderful Ways.

However, our opinion does not matter and is not important, because Our Job would be to Serve You, and to Serve whatever decision that You, Our American People, choose to make.

While we seek as a Country to make these decisions, Our Presidential Focus would be on looking for ways that we can benefit the entire situation by Helping As Many People as It is Possible For Us To Help.

We will work to help single mothers, help pregnant women, help young mothers, help children born to single and young women, help unborn children, help prospective mothers who are homeless, help prospective mothers who have suffered from domestic violence, help children who are going to be put up for adoption, help children who are going to go into our foster care Villages that I have written about on several other pages on this website and in this book, help children who have been adopted, help to provide nutritional support for prospective mothers, mothers, and their children, help to provide housing in Our Villages and financial support for prospective mothers and mothers with their children, help to provide childcare and daycare to mothers, help by improving and streamlining our adoption system so that more prospective mothers feel confident that their child will have a Wonderful Life when he or she is adopted, and help by building an Adoption System that makes it Easier and More Streamlined for Men, Women, and Couples to be able to Adopt their Beautiful Children.

Our role will be to Create Plans and Actions that Will Benefit and Help in as Many Ways as Possible, and to Create Plans and Actions that will Help As Many Mothers and Children as Possible.

Politicians are fighting back and forth between the two extremes, instead of looking for ways that we can Help Everyone Involved.

All of these politicians are ignoring the Most Crucially Important Factor that involves Our Pregnant Women.

Young Women and Single Women are in a very difficult and frightening position when they become pregnant.  

Therefore, we should not be making the situation worse and more difficult for them.

Instead, we should be Providing Support and Help when Our Prospective Mothers, Young Mothers, and Children need us.

We cannot control the decisions that Our Prospective Mothers, Young Mothers, and Single Mothers want to make.

However, what we can do is to Improve Every Aspect of the Situation for Everyone Involved, because by us improving All the Factors surrounding this situation then we can Provide the Support that will Help Prospective Mothers, Young Mothers, and Single Mothers to Feel Confident in Making a Much Wider Range of Decisions Than They Previously Thought Was Available To Them.

In this very difficult situation for Our Prospective Mothers, Young Mothers, and Single Mothers, many would Love to Give Birth and Keep Their Children, but they are afraid for many different reasons.

Some of their fears include being single, being young, being still in school, having financial concerns, having housing concerns, being on their own without a partner, and having childcare and daycare limitations.

There are also Many Prospective Mothers, Young Mothers, and Single Mothers who would Prefer to Give Birth and Have Their Child Live a Wonderful Life as an Adopted Child with a Wonderful Family.           

Our role will be to Improve Every Aspect and Every Factor surrounding These Choices so that we can Maximize the Benefits, Maximize the Safety, and Maximize the Happiness of Every Prospective Mother, Young Mother, Single Mother, Mother, and Child.

Therefore, Our Entire Focus will be on Helping Prospective Mothers, Young Mothers, Single Mothers, Mothers, and Children in Every Way Possible.

Therefore, these are Some of Our Plans and Actions that We will Implement to Help Our Prospective Mothers, Young Mothers, Single Mothers, Mothers, and Children.

     –  We will Improve Our Support for Prospective Mothers so they know Our Society will Always Provide Support for them If They Choose To Have Their Baby.

     –  The ideal solution to all these problems is that we will Create Our Village Communities that combine housing, foster care, self-development, nutritional care, schools, counseling, a fitness center, career skill development, daycare for young foster children and for children of our older foster children, business ownership development, career guidance, personal financial skill development, employment, medical care, and drug addiction care.

     –  We will also partner with large corporations so that they place corporate office locations within our Villages we have created, offices that will provide employment for Every Resident in Our Village.

     –  We will also provide medical care and drug addiction solutions right within Our Village Communities.

     –  We will also provide the teaching of independent living skills to all Our Village Residents so they can increase and improve their Personal Self-Development Skills, which will allow them to become Even More Successful.

     –  We will also teach our Business Development Program to all Our Village Residents so they will know how to start a business if they choose, and we will teach them Our Financial Management Course to prepare them for handling their own personal and business finances.

     –  We will provide career skill development and career advice.

     –  For more information on Our Village Communities, you can read our chapters on this website and in our book titled, “The Villages We Will Build For Our Homeless People And Families”, The Villages We Will Build For Our Homeless Military Veterans”, and “We Will Create A New And Wonderful World For Our Foster Children”.

     –  We will Provide Support for Young Prospective Mothers and Single Prospective Mothers by Providing Housing in Our Villages, Childcare, Daycare, Employment, Career Skills Development, Career Guidance, Personal Development Programs, Nutritional Support, Medical Care, and Financial Benefit Solutions.

     –  We will Provide Support for Homeless Prospective Mothers by Providing Housing in Our Villages, Childcare, Daycare, Employment, Career Skills Development, Career Guidance, Personal Development Programs, Nutritional Support, Medical Care, and Financial Benefit Solutions.

     –  We will Help Prospective Mothers who have suffered domestic violence by Providing Housing in Our Villages, Childcare, Daycare, Employment, Career Skills Development, Career Guidance, Personal Development Programs, Nutritional Support, Medical Care, and Financial Benefit Solutions.

     –  We will provide Nutritional Support for Prospective Mothers, Young Mothers, Single Mothers, Mothers, and Children.

     –  We will Tremendously Improve Our Adoption Services and Programs because there are many couples Who Want Children Very Much and Would Love To Adopt.  Therefore, the Better Our Adoption Services and Programs are, then the More Prospective Mothers there will be Who Choose to Have Their Babies because these Mothers Will Know That Their Babies Will Be Wonderfully Taken Care Of.

     –  We will design a Contract Payment Structure that will Allow Couples who Want to Adopt a Child to Pay a Pregnant Mother to Go Forward with the Birth of Her Baby.  Payments are often made to Surrogate Mothers who are contracted in a Business Relationship Before the Pregnancy, and so it should not be any different if the Surrogate Mother is Already Pregnant Before the Business Contract is agreed.

     –  This will be a Winning Solution For Everyone because this will Provide Much-Needed Finances to Our Young Mothers, it will Provide Our Pregnant Mother Confidence in knowing that Her Child will be Beautifully Taken Care Of, it will Provide a Tremendously Wonderful Lifetime for the Child, and it will Provide a Worthy Couple with a Beautiful Child Who They Will Love forever.            

     –  We will Help Prospective Mothers and Young Couples to Become Financially Stronger in Their Lives so that More Prospective Mothers, Young Mothers, Single Mothers, Mothers, and Young Couples feel like they can Financially Support Their Baby Who They Will Love So Dearly.

     –  We will Help to Provide Housing and Childcare for Prospective Mothers, Young Mothers, Single Mothers, Mothers, and Their Children. 

     –  We will Tremendously Improve Our Foster Care Services and Programs, such as with Our Villages Community Plan that we will Implement and Have Built.  

     –  I have included and written about Our Villages Plan in several chapters on this website and in our book, and Our Villages Plan will Help A Greater Number of Prospective Mothers to Want to Have Their Babies.

     –  As I have written before about Finding A Way To Win, if We Make Improvements in Our Society so that the Perception of being An Adopted Child or a Foster Child is turned around into being seen as an Advantage by Our Society, which will happen with Our Village Communities and with Our Improved Adoption Programs, then More Pregnant Mothers Will Choose to Have Their Babies because They will Know that the Babies They Love Will Have A Wonderful Life. 

     –  We Will Create a System where Children have Advantages when they are Adopted or are Foster Children, and We Will Create a System where Children Are Proud to be Adopted and to be a Foster Child.      


The Entire Perception of Being Adopted, or Being a Foster Child, is Completely Up To Us as a Society regarding how We Choose to Present these in Our Country and in Our Society.  

Therefore, We Can Choose to Present to Our Society that Being an Adopted Child or a Foster Child is a Wonderful Opportunity and Advantage because of All the Excellent Programs and Advantages That We Provide To Them. 

In summary, as we look at All the Many Excellent Benefits we are offering to Prospective Mothers, Young Mothers, Homeless Mothers, Single Mothers, Domestic Violence Mothers, and Mothers, then some of Our American People will say that we are giving too many Benefits.

However, we think that because it is So Very Important To Us For Young Babies to Be Born, then we have to be willing to Put Forward Our Very Best Effort to Make That Happen.

Our Plan Puts Forward Our Best Effort.

In addition, there is a very serious concern among scientists about Humanity becoming extinct because of a reduction in the number of Babies Being Born.

The facts are that 47% of our American adults younger than 50 do not want to have Children or plan to have Children.  This is a 10% increase from 37% in just the five years between 2018 and 2023.

Our Plan Helps To Solve This Extinction Concern.

In addition, many experts are concerned that Our American Population is getting too old, that there will be many non-working older people, and that there will not be enough Young People working to keep Our Society and Our Population going.

Our Plan Helps To Solve This Older Population and Shortage of Young Workers Concern.

In addition, as You Give Our Plan Some Thought, I Want For You to Think of and Picture All The Young Women Who Will Get to Experience The Beauty and Wonder and Happiness and Love of Being A Mother that never would have had the Opportunity to Experience this without Our Plan.

I also Want For You to Think of and Picture All The Beautiful Young Babies and Children Who Are Going To Be Alive in Our Country and in Our World Because of Our Plan.

Children Who Are Going To Grow Up and Change Our World For The Better Because of Our Plan.

By Us Offering Our Young Mothers this Opportunity, the Love and Happiness They Feel For Their Child may cause them to Want to Have More Children.

As this Process Evolves, Our Plan could very well Get Our Country and Our Young People Restoring and Rebuilding Our Importance For Family that will Restore and Rebuild Our Long-Term American Values that We Cherish So Much As A Country.

Therefore, when we Look At All the Incredible Benefits that Our Plan Provides For Everyone, then Moving Forward With Our Plan Seems Like an Automatic and Beautiful Decision to Make.            

In conclusion, when a Woman, a Young Woman, or a Single Woman Becomes Pregnant, then this is a very difficult, stressful, and frightening experience for Her.

Therefore, we should not be making the situation worse for Her, and instead We Should Be Helping Her and Calming Her Fears and Concerns.

We should also not be having extreme position political fights between our politicians.

Instead, what we should be doing is Looking In The Middle Between The Viewpoints Where All Truth and Solutions Always Are.

We should be Looking at this difficult situation for Our Prospective Mothers, Single Mothers, Young Mothers, Homeless Mothers, and Mothers From Every Angle so that We Can See and Find Solutions that we have overlooked before.

Our Alliance and Our Movement Will Have Us All Thinking Creatively and Purposefully All The Time so that Together We Will Plan, Design, and Implement as Many Programs as Possible that Will Allow Us to Benefit Everyone Involved.

By Us All Working Together, then We Will Create Tremendous Solutions Where Everyone Wins. 

And as I Always say, There Is Always A Way To Win In Any Situation.  

We just have to Look Carefully at a Situation from Every Angle, Be Creative in Our Thinking, and then Work As Hard As We Possibly Can Until We Achieve The Success That We Know Is There To Achieve.

The Plans We Have Written Here Allow Us To Find A Way To Win and To Have A Way To Win Again For Everyone.


Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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