Our Revolutionary Tax-Free Plan For You To Own Your Own Business: You Will Get To Keep All Your Profits Without Paying Any Taxes

We Believe that You Deserve to have the Opportunity to go after Your American Dream.

We also Believe that if You own Your Own Business, then You are a Warrior and a Hero who is so committed to Your Goals, and so committed to providing for Your Family, that You are willing to take on all the very hard work and continual challenges that are necessary when You own Your Own Business.

We also Believe that because You are so Committed to Improving Your Life and the Lives of Your Children and Your Family, then You Deserve to be Rewarded for Your Incredible Commitment.

We also Believe that if you and your family are struggling financially, then you should be allowed to start Your Own Business to supplement the income you are making from your job.

We also Believe that because you are willing to do this huge amount of extra work of owning Your Own Business so you can improve Your Life and the Lives of Your Family, then you should not have to pay income tax on the extra work and the extra commitment that you have taken on. 

Fashion designer, colleagues and creative smiling while sewing trendy clothes for fashion in a stud.Therefore, we Believe that you should be able to keep all the money you make from your extra work because we Believe that you not paying any taxes on your new business is fair to You and to Your Family.

We also Believe that if you begin your new business as a way to supplement the income you are making from your job, when your business begins to make more Profit for you than your job has been paying you, then you should have the opportunity to leave your job and become a very successful Business Entrepreneur who does not have to pay income tax on the first $150,000 of Profit you make from your business.

Therefore, because of Our Tremendous Respect For You, we will pass a law where you will pay no Federal Income Tax on your business for the first $150,000 per year of personal income Profit that You Make From Your Business.

In addition, you will pay no Federal Income Tax if your Business makes more than $150,000 of Profit per year when you spend a percentage of your Profit above $150,000 on new employees.

You will be able to start Your Own Business and not pay any taxes on your Business Profits.

This is the fair and right thing to do for you because many of our Americans lost their businesses during the Covid pandemic, primarily because of government-required shutdowns.  Therefore, it is only fair and right for us to offer you this huge tax-free advantage for your next business.

Portrait Of Male And Female Apprentices Working As Carpenters In Furniture WorkshopMajor corporations benefited during the pandemic, and now we are going to level the playing field back again by having our fellow Americans who own their businesses to have the Greatest Advantage this time.    

We are going to help every American to become a successful Entrepreneur by providing a free Nationwide Business Program course where we teach every person how to start and run your own business.

This Business course will receive a graduation certificate that you will also be able to use to help you to get hired by companies for employee positions.

We are also going to help every person to learn how to manage their personal finances and family finances better, by offering and teaching a free Financial course to every person that will greatly benefit you in the management of your personal and family finances.

Our Financial course will also greatly benefit you in the understanding and management of making all kinds of financial investments that will build your long-term Generational Wealth for You and for Your Family.

This Financial course, just like the Business course we provide you with, will build equality and provide a level playing field for every American of every ethnic background and income level.  Because every American will be able to take and complete this very valuable Financial Course for free. 

This Financial course will also receive a graduation certificate that will also help you to get hired by companies for employee positions.

We are firm Believers that You Can Achieve Anything You BELIEVE You Can Achieve and Everything You Can Dream Of, as long as You are willing to outwork everyone else.

Allowing You to own your own Business that You do not need to pay taxes on, fits into our BELIEF because it puts you in Complete Control of Your Own American Dream.  

You are no longer at the mercy of needing to be hired for a job and only being able to make the wages that someone else can pay to you.  

Instead, you have Complete Control over Your Own Destiny because you will be able to keep getting paid from your job while you are also having Your Business on the side that is providing You with additional tax-free income.

This will give you two incomes and will provide You and Your Family with great financial security.

cheerful young african american woman in apron talking on smartphone while working in flowers shopThen, when you get your Business large enough so that it is making the amount of money you desire, you will have the option to resign from your job and go full-time with your tax-free business, if you would like to.

With Our Plan, then Your Destiny and the Achievement of Your American Dream will now be In Your Complete Control.  

There are no limits being placed on you anymore because the harder you are willing to work, the more  tax-free money and Profits you are going to make, and the Faster You Are Going To Achieve Your American Dream.

Your tax-free businesses will also provide an advantage for all American workers nationwide because more personally owned businesses will increase wages for everyone in America.  

This increase in wages will be the result of the reduced supply of available workers because many workers will have stopped being employed so they can start and operate their own tax-free businesses.  

As a result, the supply of workers in America will decrease because workers will be running their own businesses, while the demand for workers in America will increase with all the new businesses being opened. 

The result of this big change in supply and demand for workers will cause wages for every worker in every career field in America to dramatically increase.  

Resulting in the increase of wages to a high level that allows workers to make a Living Wage, which will be tremendously beneficial for themselves and for their families.     

Privately-Owned Businesses, that the government refers to as small businesses, but are actually very large and important to All Our Americans who own them, are the backbone and most important part of our American Economy.

The government classifies them as small businesses, even though they are anything but small to those of us who own them.  They are Our Life, and they are Our Family’s Financial Life. 

Small businesses are so important to America and to the American Economy that small businesses have accounted for 62% of net new jobs since 1995, and small businesses employ 46.8% of private-sector employees.

There are 33.2 million small businesses operating across the United States, and small businesses employ more than 61.5 million people.

Therefore, small businesses are what make Our American Economy successful.

I have owned many small businesses during my career, and what I have learned from these experiences is that owning your own business is a 24 hours a day and 7 days a week job and responsibility.

Like you, with my small businesses, the pressures of trying to survive and make financial ends meet for my children and for my family often caused me to have to work 365 days every year, working 16 hours a day five days a week Sunday through Thursday until midnight, and working 18 hours a day until 2 or 3 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.

Happy, business people and portrait in office for leadership, support or motivation at design agenc.I worked for 25 years on this 365-day work schedule, and for 10 of those years my family and I lived in a house that had no floor or lights in the kitchen, and had a septic system that the county services would not allow to be used because it was broken and had created a small pond in our front yard. 

Eventually, after all these many years of committed effort, I worked so hard that I was able to get my family out of this tough situation.  However, these many years of very difficult experiences that we had, where I was working very hard just like You, but our family could not afford almost anything, has always stuck with me.

If you have also struggled, or if you are struggling now, then You and I are very much alike, and so I know exactly how You are feeling.  

Therefore, because I know and understand how You are feeling, then we are going to do everything in our power to help You. 

There is not anyone in our current White House administration who has ever owned a small business, and so our current politicians cannot relate in any way to the tremendous challenges and difficulties that you face.

Small businesses are so incredibly important to America that I think no one should be allowed to run for any national political office in America if they have not had the personal experience of owning and operating a small business.

We have politicians who have been in Washington DC for 50 years, but who have never had a regular job or owned a business, and so they have no concept of the challenges and difficulties that you are facing.

Portrait Of Mature Couple Running Organic Farm Shop TogetherSince these politicians have no concept of your challenges, then there is no way that they can make the fair decisions and the right decisions to help you.

In contrast to these politicians, we know, fully appreciate, and totally Respect everything that you have had to do to keep your small business going, and everything you have had to do to keep Yourself and Your Family surviving.

In fact, I Believe so strongly in the tremendous work ethic that owning a small business requires, and I Believe so strongly in the lessons we learn when we own a small business, then I think that every person in America should have the experience of owning their own small business because it teaches us to appreciate and be grateful for very many things.

For example, owning your own business teaches us to appreciate the work and financial risk that a small business owner has to take.

Owning your own business teaches us how much pressure a small business owner has because the financial future of our children and our family are completely dependent upon us making a profit from our business.

Owning our own business teaches us how to work very hard because we have no other option if we and our family are going to survive.

Owning our own business teaches us to appreciate Life and to greatly value hard work.

Owning our own business also teaches us to work harder and to be a better employee when we later become employed by other people because we had to learn how hard it was for us to pay employees when we owned our business, and so we greatly appreciate and value any job that someone else pays us to do.  

Therefore, we learn from owning our own business that being a valuable employee requires us to give more work and more value to the business and to the business owner than the amount of money we are being paid for our work.

Because if we are not giving more work and more value to the business owner than the business owner is paying us for our work, then we are taking from their business instead of us giving to their business.

The result of knowing this fact is that we become far better employees for other businesses after we have owned our own business.

Portrait of smiling grocery shop workers standing in front of counter and looking at camereTherefore, I think it is a Tremendous Life Lesson for every person to own a small business, and because small businesses are such an important part of our American economy, then I think that every politician should be required to own a small business before they are allowed to run for national office. 

It is only through owning a small business that a politician can understand how America works, that a politician can understand what makes the American economy operate, and that a politician can understand the incredible amount of work and effort and commitment and financial risk that it takes for You to own Your Small Business.

Most of our politicians have never owned a business, and many of our politicians have never even had a real job before they entered politics, including some politicians who have been in Washington DC for many decades.

Therefore, these politicians are completely unable to relate to the huge challenges and difficulties that a small business owner like you is faced with.  

These politicians have no idea of the tremendous amount of financial risk and stress and work that small business owners like you have to overcome for Yourself and for Your Families.

These politicians have a lack of understanding and respect for small business owners, and because of their lack of understanding and respect then they forced Our American People to close their businesses during the pandemic.

This totally inconsiderate behavior by these politicians caused many small business owners to lose their businesses during the pandemic that You had worked so hard and for so many years to build.

The government’s actions to close small businesses also helped large corporations to do well, which added further difficulties for small businesses and for small business owners.

Our small business owners are our American Warriors and Heroes who battle every day to survive and succeed for Yourself, for Your Family, for Your Employees, for Your Customers, and for Our Country.

young attractive multiethnic waitresses looking at camera while standing together with arms crossedTherefore, America owes our American Warriors and Heroes who are our small business owners, and we need to do everything we can to help our small business owners to be very successful and to get back what you lost during the pandemic.

Helping our small business owners is also a great business decision for America.

Here are the Benefits to You and to America of Our Tax-Free Business Plan that we will implement:

  1. You will not pay any taxes on the first $150,000 of Profit you make from Your Business.
  2. You will also not pay any income tax on your Profits above $150,000 when you choose to spend a percentage of your Profits above $150,000 on salaries for new employees.
  3. Instead of paying income tax on your Profits above $150,000, your hiring of these additional employees will create more new jobs for Americans that will benefit additional Americans and reduce America’s unemployment rate.  
  4. By you choosing to use a percentage of your Profits above $150,000 to hire new employees, instead of you paying taxes on your Profits, then you will be using money to hire new employees that you would normally have paid in taxes.  
  5. This is the same as our government giving you free employees that work for you but are paid for by our government.
  6. All of your free employees that are paid for by what would have been government tax money will work for you to increase your business Profits, and allow you an incredible opportunity to Build Your Own Personal Business Empire.
  7. This will give you the tax-free opportunity to restart and build back any businesses that you may have lost during the pandemic when politicians were unfairly shutting down businesses.
  8. You can also choose to start any new business tax-free that you have never had before.
  9. We BELIEVE You and Your Family deserve this advantage.
  10. Our Plan will allow Every Person in America to have a way to increase your income by starting a new business that benefits You and Your Family’s financial situation. 
  11. As you build your business, then you will have the opportunity to grow your business tax-free so that your business Profits become Your Family’s excellent and primary source of income.
  12. Our Tax-Free Plan will make America a stronger economic nation because A Rising Tide Raises All Ships.
  13. By not charging you taxes on your business, then this will allow your business to make excellent Profits at a lower sales price.
  14. Having lower sales prices across our Country will have a positive effect on our economy by lowering inflation.
  15. Lowering inflation will benefit Every Person in America by helping you to spend less and save more money.   
  16. Starting these businesses will greatly benefit new business owners through the development of all the positive personal skills and strengths that I have described owning your own business does for you.
  17. Starting these businesses will also result in your new businesses hiring new employees, which is going to be excellent for our American unemployment rate.
  18. By people leaving their current jobs to start their own business, then their old jobs will become open, and this will create job opportunities for new people to fill their old jobs.  Once again this is improving our unemployment rate.
  19. Our Tax-Free Business Plan will reduce the supply of workers available for hiring because many workers will start their own businesses instead of staying as employees.
  20. Our Tax-Free Plan will also increase the demand for workers because all the new businesses that are being created will need to hire new employees.
  21. By Our Tax-Free Plan reducing the supply of workers and increasing the demand for workers, then Hourly Wages and Salaries will increase significantly because of the economic laws of supply and demand of available workers.
  22. Therefore, because of this reduction of worker supply and increase in worker demand, then Our Tax-Free Plan will increase employee wages and salaries across the United States, which will help Every Person in America to be able to earn a Fair Living Wage. 
  23. We will help every American to become a successful Entrepreneur by providing a free Nationwide Business Program course where we teach every person how to start and run your own business.
  24. We will help every American to become successful by providing a free Personal Investment and Financial Management Course that is open to Every Person in America for free.
  25. It will not be a requirement that you have to start your own business to take these free courses.  Our courses will be available for free to You and to Every Person in America. 
  26. Our courses will help Every Person in America to be very successful with his or her own business, will help Every Person to be very successful with his or her own financial investments, and will help Every Person to be very successful with their own personal and family finances.
  27. You will be able to take these Business Education and Financial Management courses for free, and you will be able to earn a Graduation Diploma from these courses that will benefit you with your own business and with your own finances.
  28. Our two free courses will bring equality to America, and our two free courses will level the playing field for Every Person from every economic and ethnic background.
  29. Your Graduation Diploma will also be very valuable to you on your resume when you apply for and get hired for new jobs.
  30. Through our free courses, you will become more knowledgeable about business, you will become more knowledgeable about investments, you will become more knowledgeable about financial management, and you will develop better and stronger personal and family financial management skills.  
  31. Your new knowledge and personal skills will be tremendously valuable for You and For Every Person in America, and Your personal development will help You, help Every Person, and help Every Family in America to become stronger financially so that You will be able to build Generational Wealth For Your Family.

24) These free courses will bring equality and level the playing field for every person from every economic and ethnic background.

25) Your Graduation Diploma will also be Very Valuable on Your Resume when You apply for and get hired for a job.

26) Through these Programs, every new Business owner will also become better and more knowledgeable about his or her own personal and family financial management skills.

27) This knowledge will be tremendously valuable for every person, and this Personal Development will help every person and every family in America to become stronger financially so that You can build Generational Wealth for Your Family.

28) Therefore, our Tax-Free Plan for Small Businesses is going to have Tremendous Financial Advantages For You and For Every Person In America.

29) Through our Free Business Education and Financial Literacy Programs, then every person in America will have an equal opportunity to Succeed, whether a person dropped-out of high school before graduating, or graduated from high school, or graduated from the most expensive college or university graduate school.

30) Every person in America will have the same Opportunity to Succeed when you start your own Business.

31) America will become The Nation of Outstanding and Financially Strong Generational Wealth Entrepreneurs.

In summary, Our Tax-Free Plan for Small Businesses is going to have Tremendous Financial Advantages For You, For Your Family, and For Every Person and Every Family In America.

In addition, through our Free Business Education and Financial Management courses, then Every Person in America will have an equal opportunity to Succeed, whether a person dropped-out of high school before graduating, or graduated from high school, or graduated from the most expensive college or university graduate school.  

Every Person in America will have the same Opportunity to Succeed when you start your own Business.

America will become The Nation of Outstanding and Financially Strong Generational Wealth Business Entrepreneurs.

Portrait Of Male And Female Owners Of Sustainable Plastic Free Grocery Store Behind Sales DeskAllowing American citizens to begin their own business and not have to pay taxes on their profits is a huge financial advantage for every American.

At the same time, making these businesses tax-free is a cost to America because of the loss of collecting taxes on these businesses.

However, the huge financial advantage for every American of not paying taxes on their businesses, and the financial loss to America of not collecting taxes on these businesses, results in an overall net positive because our individual Americans will financially benefit far more from eliminating this tax than our Country will suffer financially from its elimination.

Therefore, we should implement the elimination of this tax for the following reasons:

  • Sole proprietorship businesses in America, which are taxed on a pass-through basis the same as if it is your individual personal income, make up 77% of all total businesses but only have 6.6% of the total revenue.
  • 83% of sales and 81% of profits for all pass-through businesses in America are earned by businesses that have more than $10 million in annual receipts. 
  • The top 1% of business earners earn 71% of all business income.
  • The top .1% of business earners earn 33% of all business income.
  • Therefore, as shown by these statistics, the amount of taxes being paid by sole proprietor businesses that have less than $10 million in annual receipts is a fairly small percentage of the total amount of taxes being paid by business owners.
  • This means that by us eliminating taxes for Americans with sole proprietor businesses, then this will be a huge advantage for every American who owns a business, but it will not have that much of a negative effect on the amount of money that America would collect in taxes from these sole proprietor businesses. 
  • Therefore, this law will be a huge net positive for everyone because individual Americans will benefit far more from it than America will have disadvantages from it.              
  • It is true that more Americans will start businesses who do not currently have businesses because we will have made their businesses tax-free for them.  Which technically would increase the disadvantages for America when these businesses are tax-free.
  • However, these new businesses would never have been started if we had not made them tax-free, and so America is not really losing tax revenue that never would have occurred without the tax-free status being given.                                                                                                                         
  • Therefore, these new businesses that will provide tax-free income to Every American who wants to start a business are a huge advantage for Every American, without being an actual disadvantage to America.
  • As a result, making these businesses tax-free is by far a net positive result for everyone in total because they greatly benefit Every American, while being a much smaller negative for America. 
  • Since eliminating this tax will result in a huge net positive, and because I always BELIEVE in creating Win-Win situations where decisions are made for the greater good of the most people, then we should implement the elimination of this tax on businesses.
  • In addition, as I have written about on other pages, A Rising Tide Raises All Ships, and so when You and Every American Person is succeeding financially, then All of America benefits and rejoices because Our Entire Tide is being raised.
  • In order to keep this an overall net positive, it will be important to have a limit placed on the businesses that qualify for this tax-free status to businesses that have less than $10 million of annual revenue.  Once a business is turning over more than $10 million annually, then it is much more like a major corporation than a personally owned business.
  • It would also be wise to implement a rule where all businesses have the tax-free status up to $10 million of revenues, but that after a sole proprietor business is making a net profit of more than $150,000 or $200,000 per year, then the number of employees hired, and the amount of salaries paid to these employees, needs to be a minimum percentage of the additional profits above the $150,000 or $200,000.
  • You are going to need to hire more employees as you grow, and so hiring employees will be a choice you would make on your own, anyway.
  • Hiring also helps with the national level of unemployment, and it allows America to have some financial investment from the salary income that these new employees will make.
  • In conclusion, making your business tax-free will be a huge advantage for you because as you build and grow your business, then the money you would have paid every year in taxes can instead be utilized by you to build and grow your business far stronger and much more quickly than you would have ever been able to do if you had needed to spend that money on taxes.

You will be able to start Your Own Business and not pay any taxes on your Business Profits.

This is the fair and right thing to do for you because many of our Americans lost their businesses during the Covid pandemic, primarily because of government-required shutdowns.  Therefore, it is only fair and right for us to offer you this huge tax-free advantage for your next business.

Major corporations benefited during the pandemic, and now we are going to level the playing field back again by having our fellow Americans who own their businesses to have the Greatest Advantage this time.    

We are going to help every American to become a successful Entrepreneur by providing a free Nationwide Business Program course where we teach every person how to start and run your own business.

This Business course will also build equality and provide a leveling of the playing field for Every American of every ethnic background and every income level, because every American will be able to take and complete this very valuable Business Course for free.

This Business course will receive a graduation certificate that you will also be able to use to help you to get hired by companies for employee positions.

We are also going to help every person to learn how to manage their personal finances and family finances better, by offering and teaching a free Financial course to every person that will greatly benefit you in the management of your personal and family finances.

Our Financial course will also greatly benefit you in the understanding and management of making all kinds of financial investments that will build your long-term Generational Wealth for You and for Your Family.

This Financial course, just like the Business course we provide you with, will build equality and provide a level playing field for every American of every ethnic background and income level.  Because every American will be able to take and complete this very valuable Financial Course for free. 

This Financial course will also receive a graduation certificate that will also help you to get hired by companies for employee positions.

We are firm Believers that You Can Achieve Anything You BELIEVE You Can Achieve and Everything You Can Dream Of, as long as You are willing to outwork everyone else.

Allowing You to own your own Business that You do not need to pay taxes on, fits into our BELIEF because it puts you in Complete Control of Your Own American Dream.  

You are no longer at the mercy of needing to be hired for a job and only being able to make the wages that someone else can pay to you.  

Instead, you have Complete Control over Your Own Destiny because you will be able to keep getting paid from your job while you are also having Your Business on the side that is providing You with additional tax-free income.

This will give you two incomes and will provide You and Your Family with great financial security.

Then, when you get your Business large enough so that it is making the amount of money you desire, you will have the option to resign from your job and go full-time with your tax-free business, if you would like to.

With Our Plan, then Your Destiny and the Achievement of Your American Dream will now be In Your Complete Control.  

There are no limits being placed on you anymore because the harder you are willing to work, the more tax-free money and Profits you are going to make, and the Faster You Are Going To Achieve Your American Dream.

Your tax-free businesses will also provide an advantage for all American workers nationwide because more personally owned businesses will increase wages for everyone in America.  

This increase in wages will be the result of the reduced supply of available workers because many workers will have stopped being employed so they can start and operate their own tax-free businesses.  

As a result, the supply of workers in America will decrease because workers will be running their own businesses, while the demand for workers in America will increase with all the new businesses being opened. 

The result of this big change in supply and demand for workers will cause wages for every worker in every career field in America to dramatically increase.  

Resulting in the increase of wages to a high level that allows workers to make a Living Wage, which will be tremendously beneficial for themselves and for their families.     

In conclusion, We BELIEVE that You Deserve This Opportunity to Build Your Business Empire and to Go After Your American Dream.

And We BELIEVE it is our responsibility in government to Create the Foundation and Create the Infrastructure that will Restore The American Dream For You.

And We BELIEVE it is our responsibility in government to Help You to Succeed with Your American Dream For You and For Your Family.

We Are Very Excited About Seeing All The Wonderful Businesses And American Dreams That You Are Going To Build, and We Are Going To Be Tremendously Thrilled When We Get To See You And Your Family Achieve Tremendous Abundance, Financial Gains, Generational Wealth, and Financial Strength.



Portrait, cafe and barista couple with tablet ready to take orders in small business. Teamwork, div.

Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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