Our Wealth Creation Plan For Our American People Who Choose To Rent A Home Or An Apartment

Many of our American People are very concerned about how difficult it currently is to get onto the Path of Home Ownership, and onto the Path of Building Long-Term Generational Wealth For You And For Your Family.

The combination of high-priced homes, high interest rates, inflation, and low wages compared to the higher price of homes, has caused a situation where buying a home seems far out of reach for so many of Our American People, especially for Our Young People.

The combination of these difficulties has caused many of us to be forced into needing to rent homes and apartments, instead of us being able to purchase our own home or apartment.

The primary financial reason that most of us are concerned and unhappy about renting instead of buying is because our economic system is structured to provide financial benefits when you own a home or an apartment.  However, our economic system does not provide these same financial benefits when we rent a home or an apartment.

For example, when you own your own home or apartment, then you receive a tax deduction for the interest that you pay on your mortgage.

And since what you pay in interest is a very high proportion of a mortgage payment, especially in the early years of your loan, then homeowners and apartment owners are allowed to write off and claim a very large amount of their mortgage payments as a tax deduction every year.

In contrast, when we rent a home or an apartment, then our current economic system does not allow us to write off and claim a tax deduction for our rental payments.  Instead, our rental payments are just looked at as a cost, the same way that utility costs are.

We are going to change this.

We are not going to only allow our homeowners and apartment owners to receive these tax advantages.  Instead, we are going to create a situation where Every Person receives these tax benefits whether you rent or whether you own.

Therefore, we are creating a Financial Path For Every American to own your own home, and we are creating a Financial Path For Every American to Build Long-Term Generational Wealth For You And For Your Family, no matter whether you own your own home or apartment, or whether you rent your home or apartment.

We will Create these Financial Paths For You by providing the Opportunity For You to write off all your home and apartment rental payments as a tax deduction, the same as you would be able to write off the interest that you would pay on your mortgage if you owned your home or your apartment.

Doing this will provide Tremendous Financial Opportunities For You because we will Create a Personal Financial Investment Account For You.

As we explain here how we will accomplish this, then we will write the word “tax” in our explanation so that it is very clear to you what we are referring to.

However, since we will actually be eliminating all income tax in America, and replacing all income tax with Your Financial Investment in America, then when we write the word “tax” in our explanation, what we are really referring to in our financial structure is Your Financial Investment in America.

We explain this in detail on our website page titled, “We Will Eliminate Federal Income Tax: Your Financial Investment In America Will Make You An Owner Of America.”

In explaining how this will work, each year that you claim your tax deduction for the total amount you have spent on your home or apartment rental payments during that year, then we will compute the amount of tax refund you will receive from your rental tax deduction.

Then, each year we will deposit your tax refund for this into Your Personal Financial Investment Account that we have created for you, an account that will accumulate and hold all the yearly tax refunds you will receive from your rental tax deductions, just like your account will also hold the $2,000 we will give to you every year for you to spend on your medical costs.

The details of us giving you this $2,000 every year for you, and us giving you an additional $2,000 for every person in your family every year, are written on our website page titled, “Our Universal Health Care System For Everyone.”

In summary, then, every year when you claim your tax deductions for your home or apartment rental payments, then we will deposit your tax refund for your rental payments into your Personal Financial Investment Account.

These refunds are yours, and they will accumulate for you every year in your Personal Financial Investment Account until you are ready to use this money for a downpayment on the Purchase of Your New Home.

While your refunds are accumulating and growing, then you will be able to have your money that is in your Personal Financial Investment Account invested in whatever way that you would like to invest it, so that your money is always growing and increasing.

Our Internal Revenue Service will help you to accomplish this Financial Success.

As written throughout our website, our Internal Revenue Service will not be a tax collecting organization like the government has had it being.

Instead, our Internal Revenue Service will be Your Financial Partner, who will help You to Build and Grow Your Long-Term Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family.

In addition, we will work with our Internal Revenue Service in Partnership with professional investment management companies like Bridgewater Associates, Pershing Square Capital Management, BlackRock, Vanguard, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, Charles Schwab, National and Local Banks, etc., who will provide every possible financial opportunity and investment vehicle for you, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, CDs, life insurance products, cryptocurrency investments, real estate, etc., for You to Grow and Build Your Financial Success and Your Long-Term Generational Wealth For You And For Your Family.

And because our tax policies will not charge any taxes on the Interest and Profits you make from your investments in your Personal Financial Investment Account, which is explained in detail on several policy pages throughout our website, then all your home rental refunds will continue to grow tax free just like your money always grows tax free in your Individual Retirement Account.

By your money in your Personal Financial Investment Account growing tax free, then you will be able to create your home downpayment faster and sooner, and so you will be able to create Your Long-Term Generational Wealth even faster and even larger than ever before.

In summary, then, we will provide the same Tremendous Financial Benefits For You whether you choose to own your own home, or whether you choose to rent your home.

In both situations, you will be able to claim your housing costs as a tax deduction, and by us providing this then we will be creating a smooth Financial Path For You to own your own home more quickly, and we will also be creating a smooth Financial Path for you to Build Long-Term Generational Wealth For You And For Your Family.

Our Goal is for Every Person and Every Family in America to be Very Strong Financially.

Creating an America where You Have Built Tremendous Financial Safety And Security For You And For Your Family because You Have Built Long-Term Generational Wealth For You And For Your Family.

We will not rest until we have Accomplished this.

Our America is a Land Of Abundance





Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

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