Our President Needs To Speak The Truth To America

Our President is supposed to Work For You.  

Our President’s job is to Work For and Serve Our American People.

As a Servant who Works For You, then our President needs to be completely Honest when he or she is speaking and communicating with You about Everything.

We can no longer have a President who does not tell You the Truth, who makes things up that are incorrect, and who twists the facts for the political benefit of the President’s political party.

This is one of the main reasons that our President should not be in a political party.  

A President is supposed to represent Every Person in America no matter which political party You are in.

The Congress is going to battle between themselves because they are attempting to win decisions for the citizens they represent in their districts or states.  

But our President needs to Be Above the battles between political parties because our President is supposed to represent Every Person in America from every party.

Therefore, although our Presidents may have at some point in their careers been a member of one of the political parties, once he or she is elected as President, then our President needs to put aside politics and become the President For All of Us.

Taking the President away from being in any party, and making our President party neutral, would not only benefit 100% of Our American people, but doing this would also eliminate 90% of the false statements and twisted facts that our Presidents have been saying.

This is because 90% of the false things our Presidents have been saying are said to try to make the President’s political party look good to voters, and to try to make the opposing political party look bad or wrong.

By making our President party-neutral, then we would eliminate a President’s incentive to be dishonest to help his or her party look good to the American voters.   

The other 10% of dishonest statements said by a President can be eliminated by requiring a President to be accountable for the decisions that our President and our government make.

Our President needs to be honest, straightforward, accountable, and transparent with You about Everything.

The recent State of the Union speech was by far the most divisive State of the Union speech in at least modern American history.

A State of the Union speech is supposed to be a report from the President to Congress about all the most important issues that America is dealing with or facing.

It is not supposed to be a campaign speech where the President criticizes his opponent, criticizes half of the politicians in the room, and criticizes half of Our American Citizens.

That kind of speech is never going to Unite America and is never going to stop the extreme division that is destroying our Country.  

In fact, that speech made the situation in America much worse than it already was.

How does any politician, much less a President who is supposed to represent dignity and class, and who is supposed to be the leader of Every Person in Our Country, think it is fair and honorable to harshly criticize all of their political opponents and half of the people in America when he is the only person who is allowed to speak during the ceremony?

In addition, how does a President think it is fair and honorable for the President to say many things that are very incorrect when no one else is allowed to say anything to correct those statements?

One of the incorrect statements that the President said during the State of the Union, and that he continues to say in many speeches, is that he and his administration cut $1 trillion off the budget deficit.

That is a completely misleading statement that appears to be intentionally misleading.

In the entire history of the United States, the current President and current Vice-President have had four of the worst and largest budget deficits in American history in each of their four years.

In 2021, in the President and Vice-President’s first year in office, they oversaw the budget from the previous administration that became the second worst and second largest budget deficit in American history with a deficit of $2.776 trillion.  This 2021 year was during the pandemic and added $2.776 trillion to America’s debt.  

In 2022, in their second year as President and Vice-President, after the pandemic was over, they had the fifth worst and fifth largest budget deficit in American history, where their deficit was $1.375 trillion, to add $1.375 trillion to America’s national debt.  

In 2023, in their third year as President and Vice-President, they had the third worst and third largest budget deficit in American history, where their deficit was $1.7 trillion, to add $1.7 trillion to America’s national debt.

This year in 2024, the budget deficit is going to be more than $2 trillion, and the 2025 budget they have put forward will also be a very large budget deficit, which means that by the end of their four years, the current President and current Vice-President are expected to have contributed more than $8 trillion of national debt to America.

This means that the current President and Vice-President in only four years will have contributed nearly a quarter of all the national debt that America has ever had in our 248-year history. 

There have only been two times in American history when America’s budget deficits have been anywhere close to any of the current President and Vice-President’s four years of budget deficits, and those two times were in crisis situations.  The housing crisis in 2009 under President Obama and the Covid pandemic in 2020 under President Trump.

However, the 2020 budget deficit was a very unusual year because the government, including the Congress, chose to have our government spend more than $5 trillion in CARES Act spending and other pandemic-related government outlays to help people.  

Therefore, this CARES Act money was not a part of President Trump’s planned budget, and this money was spent by the entire government because of the crisis situation caused by the pandemic.

However, despite this spending being a total government decision, the analysts still assign this budget deficit to President Trump.

In addition, there was a very low amount of tax revenue collected in 2020 and in 2021 to offset the government spending because businesses were closed, and because most people were not earning any income to pay taxes on.  Therefore, the lack of tax revenue caused by businesses being closed contributed greatly to the budget deficits of 2020 and 2021.

But even counting the 2020 and 2021 pandemic years that are assigned to President Trump, the current President and Vice-President have totaled a far larger budget deficit in four years than President Trump did in his four years, and the current President and Vice-President have totaled a far larger budget deficit and contributed far more national debt than any President and any Vice-President in American history.

Therefore, for the current President to say that he has cut a trillion off the budget deficit is very misleading and is not an accurate way to portray the situation.

Just because President Trump had a high budget deficit at the end of his presidency that was caused by the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, does not mean that the current President can say that each year he has a budget deficit less than a pandemic year that he has cut the budget deficit.

That is completely misleading and is not an accurate interpretation of the facts.  

Especially when all of President Trump’s other budget years prior to the pandemic beginning were less than $1 trillion each, and so all of President Trump’s budget deficits prior to the pandemic were far less than any of the current President’s four years.

The current President and Vice-President oversaw the debt of $2.776 trillion in 2021, increased our debt by $1.375 trillion in 2022, increased our debt by $1.7 trillion in 2023, increased our debt by $2 trillion in 2024, and have a budget that will increase our debt in 2025 for a total expected debt, not even counting the 2021 year, that they will have caused for America of at least $8 trillion.

Therefore, the word cut should never be said in a sentence by the current President when he is talking about their own budgets because he and his vice-president have not been cutting anything.  Instead, they have been spending more and creating more debt than any President and any Vice-President in American history.  

The President and Vice-President even attempted to add far more national debt than this, and would have done so, except that one of their very large spending bills that they proposed and wanted to spend was voted down by the Congress.

If that spending bill had not been voted down by Congress, then in four years the current President and Vice-President would have added close to $10 trillion of national debt to America.      

As a result, when the current President and Vice-President have had four of the worst budget deficits in American history in each of their four years, and when the current President and Vice-President have totaled more budget deficit and more national debt in their four years than any American President and Vice-President in American history, then it is not being accurate or correct for the President to tell Our American People that he and his Vice-President have cut a trillion dollars off the budget deficit.

Regarding our federal budgets, our government should only be allowed to spend a maximum amount of money each year that is equal to the amount of revenue they bring in that year.  

Presidents should not be allowed to have budget deficits that add national debt to America.

After Our Constitution was written in 1787, future President Thomas Jefferson asked future President James Madison in 1789 to add a clause into the Constitution that would not allow a federal deficit to continue to grow, and that required each generation of Americans to pay off any federal debt before it was left to their children.

Jefferson said that the Earth and the Country belonged to the living, and so people from the past should not be allowed to generate a debt that is left to their children.

Jefferson said that he had seen from his visits to France that the perpetual debt that the French government had allowed to continually increase had contributed significantly to causing the French Revolution.

However, Madison did not agree because he said that a debt should be allowed when it has been spent to fight a war that will benefit our children for generations to come.    

Therefore, even as far back as 1789 we have known that if we do not get our federal spending under control, then America is going to have even far more financial difficulties than we already have with our current $35 trillion of debt.

Along these lines, Our Movement has designed an Economic Plan that will not only balance the budget and create a budget surplus for us for the first time since 2000, but that will also allow us to completely pay off our $35 trillion of debt.

In Our Economic Plan, Our American Citizens will make Investments into America instead of paying taxes. 

You will become Owners of America because as American Citizens you deserve to be Owners. 

You will receive Ownership Shares that will allow you many Benefits, such as free admission to National Museums, National Monuments, National Wilderness Areas, National Seashores, National Attractions, National Buildings, National Land, and National Parks.

Your Ownership Shares will also be added together within each Family.   

By adding together Your Ownership Shares within Your Family, and by providing all the Additional Benefits that Families will receive with Your Ownership Shares, then this will motivate and incentivize fathers, mothers, and families to stay together.

As we all know from many thousands of research studies, when families stay together then this provides huge benefits to Our Children and to Our Country.

Therefore, Our Ownership Shares Economic Plan will Benefit Our Children, Benefit Our Families, and Benefit Our Country in an Unlimited Number of Ways. 

After paying off the $35 trillion debt, Our Economic Plan will eliminate federal income taxes entirely because America will become self-sustainable without needing to collect income taxes.

If we look back through the history of America, there were no income taxes in the 1700’s, or in the 1800’s except for a very short period during the Civil War in the 1860’s.

During this time, America had a must smaller federal government, and so our federal government could pay all its federal government bills through things like tariff taxes on trade.

There was a very short period when income taxes were required for the first time in the 1860’s to help fund the Civil War, and then there were no more income taxes until the 1900’s.  

Even in the 1900’s, income taxes were not similar to modern-day income taxes until the 1960’s.

Therefore, America has shown throughout Our History that we can Prosper as a Country without the payment of income taxes, and so by following Our Movement’s Economic Plan then we will eliminate income taxes again. 

Our current income tax system is very obviously not working because we have had 24 straight years of budget deficits.  

Instead of changing our tax system, though, our government just keeps on doing the same thing every year. 

Our government has no plan or strategy to solve their deficits, and all they do is try to charge higher and higher amounts of taxes on our higher income citizens.

However, no amount of tax increase on just our higher income taxpayers is going to collect enough extra taxes to balance our budget, even if the government took every penny that all our billionaires have, as we have explained in detail in other chapters of our website and in our book.

Therefore, the politicians who keep saying that the higher income people need to pay their fair share are not being honest with Our American People.

America’s top 1% of earners already pay 26% of all the taxes collected in America.

America’s top 10% of earners already pay 76% of all the taxes collected in America.

America’s top 40% of wage earners already pay 100% of all the net tax revenue in America.

Therefore, the claims by our White House and some other incorrect politicians that the wealthy need to pay their fair share is a misleading statement that is intended by these politicians to generate anger and division within Our Country.

What exactly is their fair share?  

The President, Vice-President, and these politicians never say because they would rather use an intentionally vague statement since they know that the facts are different from what they are pretending the facts to be.

These politicians overspend by far too much, they do not monitor or manage what they vote to spend, they are not held accountable for what they spend, and they do not tell the truth about the huge budget deficits and the huge national debt they are causing because they want to falsely try to put the blame on other people, instead of on themselves.

In addition, they do not have an economic plan, and so like they always do, instead of them taking any blame or responsibility for the debt situation America is in, they only try to find a scapegoat to blame so they can try to get re-elected and overspend again to put us even more into national debt.

But why would we expect the President and Vice-President to understand the economic situation well enough to be able to come up with an economic plan because they have never owned a business, and they have never even had a regular job outside of the bubble of politics?

And so, every year our Country follows the same income tax plan that is no longer working, and every year since 2000, for 24 straight years, we had had a budget deficit that has put us further into national debt.

Therefore, Our Movement needed to be creative to Solve our economic crisis, and we needed to design a new Economic Plan that will meet Our Country’s needs for Today.

To accomplish this, we have spent the past two years working to design Our New Economic Plan.

The details of Our Economic Plan are written for you to read in several chapters on this website and in our book.      

In conclusion, there has never been a time in American history, until now, when a President or group of politicians have thought they could say factually incorrect things without the media letting Our American People know that these politicians are not telling the truth.

Therefore, since our current politicians continue to say factually incorrect things, then our politicians must think that the media will allow them to say anything they want to say without the media showing Our American People that these politicians are not telling the truth.

This is a very bad situation for America to be in because Our American People are not being told the truth, and no one is protecting Our American People from thinking that these false statements are true.

A Democracy is based upon Every Citizen having a right to vote.  

However, the only way that an American Citizen can know who he or she wants to vote for is if they know what the facts and the truth are about the issues that are important to them.

If Our American People are not being told the truth, and if they are not being told the facts, then Our American People do not have enough information and enough knowledge to be able to vote for what is important to them.

A Democracy and a Democratic system of government cannot work and function properly if the Citizens casting their votes are not being told the truth or being told the facts.

Democracy is the greatest form of government in World History because a Democracy treats Every Person as an Equal to Everyone Else.

However, for a Democracy to work like it is meant to work, then Every Person and Every Voter needs to be well-informed about the facts and about the truth.  

If the politicians and the media are not presenting the facts and the truth to Our American People, and are instead presenting false statements to Our American People, then voters are placing their votes based upon incomplete and false information.

In such a situation, if the people who have been placed in a position of responsibility to keep Our American People informed are intentionally not keeping Our American People informed, then a Democracy cannot function correctly because it is being manipulated by a group of people in an attempt to benefit themselves.

If our politicians are going to spend so much time trying to correct or remove misinformation on social media that is written by online individuals we do not personally know, then we should be spending even more time trying to correct and remove misinformation that is said or written by our politicians who we consider to be in a position of authority and trust.   

Since our President is an employee who Works For You, then You have the Absolute Right to be told the Truth by our President about Every Situation and about Every Decision our government makes.

Our Movement’s Economic Plan will solidify Your Position of Citizenship and Your Ownership of America by requiring our President to be honest and inform you of the facts with a Quarterly Report once every three months, exactly like a CEO of a public corporation is required to give a Quarterly Report and state the facts to the company Shareholders and Board of Directors.

Our American People understand that Our Country has many challenges that we are facing Every Day.

Therefore, we realize that every decision our President makes is not going to end up being the perfect decision.

But We Are A Team.  

America is All One Team.

And as One Team, we realize that we all need to work together to Achieve Greatness For Our Country.

Therefore, we understand that in addition to the President and our government being responsible for the Success of Our Country, we as part of Our American Team are also responsible for helping to make every decision and situation become a Success For America.

We realize that not every decision Our Country makes is going to turn out to be perfect, and so after we have required our President to speak to us with Facts and Truth, then it is our responsibility to utilize these facts and this truth to help to guide our President and Our Country to make whatever adjustments that we need to make.

In conclusion, our President Works For You, and so our President needs to Be Accountable To You.

To Be Accountable, then our President needs to always tell You the Facts and the Truth about Everything.

Through Our Economic Plan, by making our President neutral and not a member of any party, and by requiring our President to report Honestly to you in the same way that a CEO of a corporation does, then we will eliminate 90% of the dishonest and untruthful statements that a President makes.

We will eliminate the remaining 10% of the dishonest and untruthful statements by us understanding that we are also part of the Team, and so we all share in the responsibility of making the decisions Successful that will lead Our Country to Greatness.

By our President knowing that he or she and Ourselves are One American Team, and by our President knowing that together we are all responsible for our Country’s Success, then our President will be motivated to speak honestly and truthfully about Every Situation Our Country faces.

This is the complete transparency that our President should be required to Give to You, and it is the complete transparency that we will give to You when Our Movement is in the White House administration.

As an important part of this complete transparency, we will speak to the media as a group in a press conference several times every week.

In addition, we will sit down to have a long interview with each of the television news networks individually, at least once every month.

We will have these individual interviews with each of the news networks every month no matter which political party each network primarily supports.

We will treat Every Network and Every Journalist Equally and with Complete Respect and Appreciation for Their Outstanding Work.

Our responsibility will be to communicate openly and transparently with Every Network and with Every Journalist because we want to help Our Media and Our Outstanding Journalists to be able to do the Tremendous job and the Incredible work that they are so Passionate about doing. 

For them to be able to Achieve the Excellence they are so Passionate about Achieving requires Every Media Journalist to have Full Access to the facts and to the information that allow them to communicate openly and freely with Every American In Our Country.

We will Always provide all of Our Incredible Journalists with Full Access to these facts and to this information so that You and Every American Person will Always have complete knowledge of all these Facts and all this Information.

This is the Complete Honesty and Transparency that we will Create and Build Between All Of Us, which will allow Our America to once again become the Most Outstanding Country in the World.



Truth or trust concept. Text on wooden blocks. White background. Copy space

Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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