Great Leaders Eat Last

“Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to higher sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.” – Peter Drucker

I Loved being a college professor more than any career I have ever had because I Loved the Opportunity to help To Guide Our Young People to Achieve Their Absolute Highest Potential.  

As a professor, my favorite course to teach was Leadership, and Our Students enjoyed this course so much that a very large number of Our Students signed up for the course every semester.  

As a result, I taught my Leadership course every semester so that as many of Our Students as possible could take and benefit from the course.

One of the very important concepts that I covered and taught in this course about Leadership is that a Great Leader Takes Care Of Everyone Else First, before taking care of himself or herself.  

A Great Leader focuses his or her attention and efforts on Meeting Everyone Else’s Needs First before ever thinking about his or her own needs.

One of the assignments I initiated in my course that encouraged this View of Leadership was the reading of the outstanding book, Leaders Eat Last, written by the excellent Simon Sinek.

The concept of Leaders Eat Last is from the military, where officers choose for the men and women they lead to get in line for food before the officers do, in front of the officers.  

The officers wait until all their men and women have gotten their food first before the officers get in the line to receive their own food last.

This is a Beautiful concept in the military, and many military experts Believe that this display of Love and Respect by the officers for the soldiers they lead is one of the reasons why soldiers are willing to march into battle for their officers in the soldiers’ efforts to return this Love and Respect to their officers.

Interestingly, this concept was always what I did naturally throughout my career.  

I remember being the Player/Head Coach of my American football teams that went on to win many National Championships and European Championships.  

When we would stop to get pre-game or post-game meals, then I would stand and wait until all my players and assistant coaches had gone through the food line before I went through the food line last.  

I did not think anything about it, or even realize that I was doing it because it was just an automatic decision for me to make.  

It was automatic for me because I always placed more importance on my players than I put on myself, and so I wanted my players to get their food first before me.

Often, my players had already gone through the line twice to get food before I went through the line for the first time.

The only reason that I ever even noticed that I always did this is because one day in our pre-game meal I was standing there like I always did, watching my players go through the food line, when one of our starting inside linebackers came up to me and asked why I didn’t just get in the front of the line because I was the most important person as the head coach and so I could do whatever I wanted.

His question completely surprised me because I had never thought about getting in front of any of my players.  I had always considered all my players to be more important than I was and so it was just natural and automatic for me to wait for my players.  

I told my linebacker that my players were more important than I was and so I wanted for them to go first.

I wanted my players to eat first so that I knew they would have enough food before the game to keep from being hungry, and to provide them with the energy that they would need.

In all the tough and close games I would play the entire game at both wide receiver on offense and free safety on defense, while also being the head coach and calling all the plays on both offense and defense, but I knew that I would be fine during the game even if all the food had run out before I got any of it. 

My Philosophy, just like the officers in Leaders Eat Last, is that I Believe Every Leader should put their Men and Women and Children First in Everything, and that Every Leader should Always go Last.  

This Philosophy was probably one of the reasons that we won so many National Championships and European Championships, because just like the military officers and soldiers, my players knew that I Loved Them, Respected Them, and Cared Very Deeply About Them.

The fantastic relationships that I had with all my players helped all of us to want to give our maximum efforts for each other.

In three years, we won 56 games and only lost 2 games, we won three Division Championships, three Conference Championships, three Regular Season Championships, two Bowl Championships, and five National and European Championships, including one European Championship when I was the Head Coach of the Great Britain National Team.

There were many times during these years that we could have lost games, and we probably should have lost games, because our opponents on the day were playing better than we were.  

However, We Always Found A Way To Win every close game we ever played in because we had something that those other teams did not have, which was Belief and Love For Each Other.  

As a business owner, chief executive, and general manager of 22 different businesses, as a college professor, high school academic director, and teacher, as an owner of professional sports teams and television stations, and as a Head Coach for 15 seasons in three different sports, I have continued to Always BELIEVE in this Philosophy.  

Throughout my many different careers, I have always been willing to do any kind of work on my own before asking for any of my workers, players, coaches, or students to do the work.  

The result was that I would always work 365 days every year, and usually work until midnight or 2 am Every Day.  

However, because I worked this hard, and because I tried to do as many jobs as possible before asking anyone else to do these jobs, then my workers, players, coaches, and students knew how much I Loved Them, Knew How Much I Cared About Them, and Knew How Much I Respected Them.

It is my BELIEF that a Leader should never ask anyone to do any job that the Leader would not do themselves first.  

When a man or a woman is in a Leadership role, then a Great Leader places His or Her People ahead of himself or herself. 

Unfortunately, most of our current politicians have been putting themselves above Our American People who they are supposed to be representing.

The very selfish actions of our current politicians are what have put Our Country into the very precarious position we are now in.  

These politicians do not even realize how much they have let You down because these politicians are not great leaders.  They are anything but great leaders, and they have no idea how to be a Great Leader.

These politicians have an elitest attitude, where they think they are more important than You Are.

For example, during the pandemic they made You close your businesses and stay in your homes, while they went out to fancy places for themselves.

During the pandemic, they also closed Your Children’s Schools, while they sent their children to private schools that were open.

In addition, for many decades they have required that Your Children go to deteriorated public schools in the cities they are in charge of, and they have allowed those schools they are in charge of to decline to a point where no students at these schools meet the national learning standards for Math or English.  

Instead of them allowing you to have School Choice so that You can choose which School you want to send Your Children to.

These politicians have been loud and controversial because they have cared more about being famous and getting large campaign donations than they have cared about making decisions that will Help You and Help Your Families to be Successful.

In addition, they have almost always voted on every congressional bill in exactly the same way that all the other politicians in their party have voted on these bills in their political party group think, instead of voting for What You Want and What is Best For You.

They have taken advantage of the insider information they have gotten as politicians so they can buy corporate shares and make investments that they have profited from.

And many of them have taken bribes and gotten payments from other countries by doing what other countries have paid them to do, instead of these politicians doing what is Best For You and For America.

These politicians are not the Great Leaders We Need For Our Country, and it is far past time that we stop voting for politicians who put themselves first before You.

We began Our Alliance and Our Movement To Reunite America Because We Want To Put You First.  

Like You Deserve To Be Put First For Everything!

Just like the quote at the top of this page, We Want to Lift Your Vision to Higher Sights.

We Want To Lift Your Vision To Higher Sights For Everything In Your Life So That You Will Accomplish A Lifetime Of Success As You Achieve Your American Dream For You And For Your Family.

And This Is What We Are Going To Do!

We BELIEVE For America!


Washington, DC at the White House in spring season at twilight.

Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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