Kindness And Respectful Behavior In America Needs To Be Led And Modeled By Our President
America has drifted into a situation where people have been speaking and acting more unkindly, aggressively, and violently toward each other than we have ever seen.

There is no question that people are copying this bad behavior from what they regularly see on television, read on social media, hear on the radio, and read on the internet and in print media.

Since our President is the primary leader of Our Country, then it is not a coincidence that the aggressive words and bad behavior we see in our society are also being shown by our President and by our other political leaders.

Therefore, our President’s aggressive words and atrocious behavior are definitely setting a very bad example for our Country, and this completely unacceptable behavior by our President is causing our society’s words and behavior to deteriorate far below the Kindness and Respect that we should Always treat each other with.

There is no excuse for the offensive and divisive words and behavior we have seen coming from the White House in recent years.

We have also seen for the first time in American history where our President has criticized, disrespected, and belittled half of the Americans in Our Country.  

This is not leadership, and it is the worst and most divisive thing that anyone in a leadership position can ever do.

We have gotten used to this kind of rhetoric coming from our White House, but this is not the way we are supposed to be in America.

Can you imagine Presidents George Washington, or Thomas Jefferson, or Theodore Roosevelt, or Franklin D. Roosevelt, or John F. Kennedy, or Ronald Reagan speaking like this to Our American People.

None of these outstanding Presidents, or any other President in Our American History until recently, would have criticized and attacked Our American People.

None of these outstanding Presidents, or any other President in Our American History would have been attempting to divide Our Country

All of our previous Presidents had class and professionalism, and they all knew how a Leader is supposed to act.

All of our previous Presidents knew that they needed to speak words that would Unite Us and not words that would divide us.

Every once in a while, when it is politically beneficial to our President or Vice-President, we hear them pretending and speaking falsely about Our Country uniting.  

But their words are meaningless and have nothing to do with the definition of Uniting.

A definition of Unite is “To come together for a common purpose or action”.

The key words that our President and Vice-President do not understand are “for a common purpose or action”.

Common purpose and action mean a purpose and an action that all people who are uniting have agreed on.

Therefore, common purpose and action requires compromise between people.  It requires two groups talking to each other and understanding each other, so that we can compromise by finding the Truth and the Solution that is Always the common ground in the middle between our viewpoints.

No Truth or Solution is ever just one viewpoint.  The Truth and the Solution are Always in the middle between our viewpoints. 

Our President and Vice-President speak meaningless words about uniting because all they are asking for is for everyone in America to unite by agreeing with the President and Vice-President on every issue.

That is not uniting with “a common purpose or action”.  It is just the President and Vice-President saying that they are 100% correct on every issue, and that everyone else in America who disagrees with them needs to stop disagreeing and start agreeing with the President and Vice-President on every issue so that we are all in agreement with them.

The President and the Vice-President are not offering or even suggesting compromise or common ground.

Instead, they are just trying to demand that Every American gives in and conforms to what the President and Vice-President want to do and what their political party wants.

That is not uniting.  That is just trying to force people to do what they want. 

And that is not Leadership because Leadership requires finding the “Common Purpose or Action” between us to Unite Us.     

Your President needs to speak to Every Person and act toward Every Person with Kindness, Respect, Caring, Thoughtfulness, Dignity, Professionalism, and Understanding.

By Your President setting an Excellent Example for All Americans, then Our Country will become a Far Nicer, Much Kinder, More Respectful, More Caring, More Thoughtful, More Dignified, More Professional, and More Understanding Place For All Of Us To Live.

A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships, and so by our President displaying a Rising Tide of Kindness, Respect, Caring, Thoughtfulness, Dignity, Professionalism, and Understanding, then Everyone in America will begin to treat each other Better and in these Positive Ways, also.

This Rising Tide across America will Lift All Our Ships by Lifting All Of Us.

Our Alliance and Our Movement are working to influence America in a positive way by Always displaying Absolute Kindness, Respect, Caring, Thoughtfulness, Dignity, Professionalism, and Understanding to Every Person in America from Every Walk of Life, and to Every Person in Our World.

Therefore, We Promise You that when we are in the White House administration, then we will set a Far Greater Positive Example For America than any White House You have ever had.

We will also treat Every Person and Every Viewpoint with Respect by Listening to and Understanding Every Person’s Viewpoint so that we Truly Unite Our Country by finding the Truth and the Solution that is Always in the Middle Between Us.



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Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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