We Will Veto Every Bill From Congress That Does Not Compromise And Represent Both The Majority Of Americans And The Minority Of Americans: Every American Citizen Must Be Represented And Considered In Every Bill From Congress
  1. When we are in the White House, then we will veto Every Bill coming from Congress that does not represent every American, both the Majority of Americans and the Minority of Americans.
  2. We will also veto Every Bill that is not a Compromise between viewpoints because if a Bill does not Compromise then it does not represent Every American in our Country.  The Truth and the Solution is Always In Between.  The Truth and the Solution is Always In The Middle Between Viewpoints.
  3. We will also veto Every Bill coming from Congress where one of the political parties did not vote as representatives of the people in their districts and states who they are supposed to be representing, and instead all voted along party lines in favor of the Bill as an example of group think, because group think representatives are not representing the American people they are supposed to be representing. 

All three of these veto rules will improve our political system because they will force our Congress to consider the wants and needs of Every Person in America, and not just consider the 51% of people who voted for them.

Our three veto rules will force our Congress to consider the 49% of people who are in the minority, and so these three rules will force Congress to begin to compromise on their Bills.

If they did not consider all 100% of our Americans in a Bill, and if they did not compromise in a Bill to meet the wants and needs of all 100% of Americans, then we would veto the Bills they put forward.  

This will force them to go back to change the Bill, and add compromise into the Bill, before we would sign it.

Our three veto rules will also restrict political parties and groups who are trying to influence our political system by pressuring our Congresspeople to vote a certain way.

In addition, these three veto rules will benefit the Good and Great Congresspeople we have who truly want to represent all the People of their districts and states.

There are faults in our current political system that have caused most of our politicians, both in Congress and in the White House, to not be representing you if you did not vote for them.

This is not acceptable because we cannot allow 49% of our American people to be unrepresented and to not have a voice.

A government is supposed to represent Every Person in America, not just represent the 51% of people who voted for them.

We cannot allow a group of Congress people from one party, who happens in one brief moment in time to have 51% of the seats, to control the passing of Bills that do not in any way represent the other 49% of Americans.

A government is supposed to represent both the Majority and the Minority.

A government is supposed to Represent Every Person in America.

Most of us in America are very reasonable people, very nice and kind people who care about each other.  People who are willing to compromise in the best interests of our fellow men and women.

But the reason that our Country has become so polarized is because our citizens realize that every Law and every Bill coming out of Congress or out of the White House is an all-or-nothing event.  

American citizens have come to realize that every Bill that passes in Congress, or is signed by Executive Order in the White House, is going to either be on one extreme or on the other extreme, based only upon which party happens to have 51% of the seats in Congress, or the seat in the White House at that exact brief moment in time.

America has a Beautiful 248-year history, where Our Amazing and Wonderful Country has done so many Tremendous and Positive things for Our Citizens and for Our World.

But now our Beautiful Country is going through a time period where our government is choosing to pass polarized Laws that only represent 51% of our American people.  

Our government has lost its way, and this has caused our Wonderful Fellow Americans to become polarized because we realize there are no laws being made anymore that are 50/50 compromises.

As a result, people now feel that their only option is to fight as hard as they can to get every Law in their complete favor, because they understandably feel that if they lose, then they will get Laws that are completely against everything they Believe in.

Our government is no longer functioning properly because the Truth and the Solution to every problem and every situation is never on either extreme.  

The Truth and the Solution is Always in the Middle between the different viewpoints.

Our Congress has become extremely polarized because they have lost their way.

Our President has become just as extremely polarized and so our White House has lost its way.

Our Presidents have made the mistake of thinking they only have to represent their own political party, and that they do not have to represent the other 49% of Americans.

This polarization has currently reached its most extreme level in American history because never before in American history have we seen a President who has criticized and insulted and degraded the other 49% of our American People like we have seen for the past few years.

It does not matter to us which political party you are in because we have Wonderful American people in all our political parties.  

A political party is only a small part of who we are.  Each of us is so much more important than that.  

When I think of our American People who tend to vote Republican, I think of Wonderful, Beautiful People who fly their flag proudly on the 4th of July because they Love their Country, who march in the Christmas parade in the cold of December and who march in the Independence Day parade in the heat of July, who hit their knees every night and Thank God for their families and for being Blessed with One More Day, and who cherish their children. 

When I think of our American People who tend to vote Democrat, I think of Wonderful, Beautiful People who care very deeply about protecting our climate and our environment, who can always be counted on to volunteer for any school event where they always make every event exceptional, who are often found serving underprivileged people and families at soup kitchens and charities across America, who Thank God for the Opportunity to pray for every person, and who cherish their children.

When I think of our American People who tend to vote Republican, I think about the Wonderful, Beautiful people who volunteer for every small town and local school volunteer position because they deeply care about their local communities, I think about the people who listen to country music because it tells beautiful stories about Life and about the values that matter, I think about the excited and enthusiastic fans on a Friday night or on a Saturday afternoon when these lovers of football go to proudly root for their local high school or college football team, and I think of beautiful and caring people who would give the shirt off their back to help someone else who is in need.

When I think of our American People who tend to vote Democrat, I think of Wonderful, Beautiful People who care deeply about every Person in our Country who is being unfairly treated in any way, I think about the people who are the life of any children’s soccer team party, I think about the people who are willing to do whatever they can to protect and defend each one of us who is in a minority or who identifies in any way with a minority, and I think of the beautiful and caring people who are powerfully ready to do whatever is necessary to provide food and housing and healthcare and money to anyone who does not have it.

We are not different from each other.

We are all the same.

We just express our sameness in different ways, but both ways are filled with Love and Kindness.

If we spend more time talking with each other and listening to what the other person was really trying to say, then we would very quickly realize how much alike we still are and how much we still Love Each Other.

When I think of our Wonderful American People who have helped to lead our Country as a Republican, I think of President Ronald Reagan when he stood as a Strong and Powerful American at the Berlin gates in Germany and demanded, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

And when President Reagan said in his farewell address, “As long as we remember our first principles and believe in ourselves, the future will always be ours.”

And when President Reagan again said, “These visitors to that city on the Potomac do not come as white or black, red or yellow; they are not Jews or Christians; conservatives or liberals; or Democrats or Republicans. They are Americans awed by what has gone before, proud of what for them is still…a shining city on a hill.” 

And when President Reagan said in his farewell address, “I’ve spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don’t know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it.  But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind-swept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity.  And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here.  That’s how I saw it, and see it still.” 

And I think of President George H.W. Bush flying fighter planes on D-Days in the Pacific to rescue people during World War II before going on to become our Vice-President and President.

And I think of President George W. Bush when he said, “Our country is strong.  A great people has been moved to defend a great nation.  Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America.” 

And I think of President Abraham Lincoln when he said, “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal…That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

And I think of President Donald J. Trump when he said in his farewell address, “This is a republic of proud citizens who are united by our common conviction that America is the greatest nation in all of history.  We are, and must always be, a land of hope, of light, and of glory to all the world.  This is the precious inheritance that we must safeguard at every single turn…As long as the American people hold in their hearts deep and devoted love of country, then there is nothing that this nation cannot achieve.  Our communities will flourish.  Our people will be prosperous.  Our traditions will be cherished.  Our faith will be strong.  And our future will be brighter than ever.”

And I think of President Dwight D. Eisenhower when he said, “Down the long lane of the history yet to be written America knows that this world of ours, ever growing smaller, must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect.” 

When I think of our American People who have led our Country as a Democrat, I think of one of my all-time heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who was probably the greatest speaker and one of the most intelligent people who has ever lived, standing on the steps in Washington and resetting America when he echoed through the ages in his Beautiful melodious voice, “I Have A Dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

And when Dr. King said, Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.” 

And when Dr. King said, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” 

And when Dr. King said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

And when Dr. King said, “There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us.  When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.” 

And when Dr. King said, “Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve.  You don’t have to have a college degree to serve.  You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.  You only need a heart full of grace.  A soul generated by love.” 

And when Dr. King said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” 

And I think of President John F. Kennedy when he said “And so my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” 

And again when President Kennedy said, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” 

And again when President Kennedy said, “Today the eyes of all people are truly upon us – and our governments, in every branch, at every level, national, state and local, must be as a city upon a hill – constructed and inhabited by men aware of their great trust and their great responsibilities.” 

And I think of President Barack Obama when he said’ “And if we walk away now, if we simply retreat into our respective corners, we will never be able to come together and solve challenges like health care, or education, or the need to find jobs for every American.” 

And I think of President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he said, “In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory.” 

And I think of President Bill Clinton when he said in his Farewell Address, “We must remember that America cannot lead in the world unless here at home we weave the threads of our coat of many colors into the fabric of one America.  As we become ever more diverse, we must work harder to unite around our common values and our common humanity.  We must work harder to overcome our differences, in our hearts and in our laws.  We must treat all our people with fairness and dignity, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, and regardless of when they arrived in our country – always moving toward the more perfect Union of our Founders’ dreams.” 

And I think of President Clinton when he said, “If you live long enough, you’ll make mistakes.  But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person.  It’s how you handle adversity, not how it affects you.  The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit.”

And I think of President Clinton when he said, “Our democracy cannot survive its current downward drift into tribalism, extremism, and seething resentment.  Today it’s ‘us versus them’ in America.  Politics is little more than a blood sport.  As a result, our willingness to believe the worst about everyone outside our own bubble is growing, and our ability to solve problems and seize opportunities is shrinking.  We have to do better.  We have honest differences.  We need vigorous debates.  Healthy skepticism is good.  It saves us from being too naïve or too cynical.  But it is impossible to preserve democracy when the well of trust runs completely dry.”

And I think of President Clinton when he said, “When one candidate is appealing to your fears, and the other one’s appealing to your hopes, you’d better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope!”

And I think of President Clinton when he said, “Gerald Ford once said that an impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives says it is.”

And I think of President Clinton when he says, “In other words, our constitution was designed by people who were idealistic but not ideological.  There’s a big difference.  You can have a philosophy that tends to be liberal or conservative but still be open to evidence, experience, and argument.  That enables people with honest differences to find practical, principled compromise.  On the other hand, fervent insistence on an ideology makes evidence, experience, and arguments irrelevant: If you possess the absolute truth, those who disagree are by definition wrong, and evidence of success or failure is irrelevant.  There is nothing to learn from the experience of other countries.  Respectful arguments are a waste of time.  Compromise is weakness.  And if your policies fail, you don’t abandon them; instead you double down, asserting that they would have worked if only they had been carried to their logical extreme.”

And when President Clinton said, “Our democracy must be not only the envy of the world but the engine of its own renewal.  There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.  The road to tyranny, we must never forget, begins with the destruction of the truth.  We want to live forever, and we’re getting there.”

And I think of President Clinton when he said, “Whether our ancestors came here on the Mayflower, on slave ships, whether they came to Ellis Island or LAX in Los Angeles, whether they came yesterday or walked this land a thousand years ago, our great challenge for the 21st century is to find a way to be One America.  We can meet all the other challenges if we can go forward as One America.”

And when President Clinton said, “we are a nation of immigrants.  But we are also a nation of laws.  It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.”

And when President Clinton said, “That’s why we need a new approach to government, a government that offers more empowerment and less entitlement…A government that is leaner, not meaner; a government that understands that jobs must come from growth in a vibrant and vital system of free enterprise.”

And when President Clinton said, “More choices for young people in schools they attend-in the public schools they attend.”

It is Time for us to Come Together.

In fact, it is well past time for All of our Wonderful and Beautiful American People to Come Together. 

A President should never only represent one political party because his or her job is to Represent Every Person In America.

A President’s job is not to just represent the people who voted for him or her.

Our Presidents have recently been siding with their own political party on every issue, and the extreme polarization of our Presidents, along with the extreme polarization of our Congress, have caused America to become extremely polarized.

Our Government and our Congress have created this situation in our Country because they have forgotten about the 49% minority.  They have forgotten how to Compromise and how to create Win-Win situations for Everyone.

As President, we would make sure that our Congress Remembers again, and so we would veto every Bill that Congress puts forward unless the Bill represents both our 51% majority and our 49% minority.

Because both the 51% and the 49% are Us.

The 51% is Us.

And the 49% is Us.

The entire U.S. is Us.

We are all Equal Americans whether we are in the 51% or whether we are in the 49%.

Every person deserves to be listened to, every person deserves to be understood, every person deserves to be emotionally related to and cared about, and every person deserves to be represented in full. 

Therefore, we will veto Every Bill coming from Congress where one of the political parties did not vote as representatives of the people in their districts and states who they are supposed to be representing, and instead all voted along party lines in favor of the Bill as an example of group think, because group think representatives are not representing the American people they are supposed to be representing. 

An American citizen who lives in and votes Democrat in Memphis, Tennessee, and an American citizen who lives in and votes Democrat in New York City, do not agree on every issue because they have different needs and different challenges.

Likewise, an American citizen who lives in and votes Republican in Greenville, South Carolina, and an American citizen who lives in and votes Republican in Sacramento, California, have different needs and different challenges facing them. 

Therefore, Congressional Democrat representatives who represent the Democrat voters in Memphis and in New York City should not be voting the same way on every issue, and Congressional Republican representatives who represent Republican voters in Greenville and in Sacramento should not be voting the exact same way on every issue.

If these two Congressional representatives in each party are voting the exact same way on every issue, then they are not representing the American people in their districts, and they are instead just representing themselves and their group think political party without caring about our American people.

If Congresspeople are doing their jobs in a district or state, then it really should not matter whether the Congressperson is a member of the Democrat party or a member of the Republican party because a Congressperson from either party should be making the decisions that are best for every American who lives in their district or state.  The Congressperson should not just be making the decisions that are best for the 51% of people who voted for the Congressperson like they are doing now. 

Our Congress has not been working for the American people.  They have been working for themselves and for their political parties because they have been selfishly focused on keeping their jobs and staying in power, instead of working for and representing the American people in their districts and states.

Does our Congress actually think that the American people they represent want Congress and our President to keep making decisions that are pushing us closer and closer to a nuclear World War?

But our Congress, our President, and our government do not care what American citizens think because our Congress and our President have lost their way.  

They have lost touch with the Constitutional fact that they are supposed to be representing every Person in America.  They are supposed to be representing 100% of the People in America.

They are not supposed to be representing themselves or their political party, and they are not supposed to be representing only 51% of the Country who voted for them.  They are supposed to be representing You and Everyone.

Many people think there should be term limits for Congresspeople.  However, term limits would force Congresspeople who are doing an excellent job serving our Country to have to leave, which would be a negative for America and for us.

Therefore, the solution with our Congress is not about term limits.  

The problem we need to fix is that the election system is set up unfairly by giving incumbent Congresspeople such huge fundraising and campaign staff advantages in every election that it is almost impossible for any new person to defeat them in an election.

Once a person is elected for the first time, then they basically have a job forever, no matter how well they do their job.

We want the good and the Great Congresspeople to be re-elected, but if other Congresspeople are not representing the voters of their districts and states correctly, then there should be a way for voters to replace them.   

However, there is not currently a fair or genuine way to replace them in the current system.

Statistically, 90% of all Congresspeople currently in office won their first election when the office was open because the previous Congressperson in that position had retired or had moved into a different government position.  Therefore, 90% of our current Congresspeople did not have to defeat an incumbent to win an election.  Instead, they only had to win the election for an open seat.  

Similarly, 5% of all Congresspeople currently in office defeated a Congressperson who had only been in office for a year and a half because it was their first re-election attempt, which was before they had become well-known.

This leaves only 5% of all Congresspeople currently in office who defeated an incumbent.

As a result, in recent elections, 96% of incumbent Congresspeople have won their re-elections. 

Therefore, nearly the only way for a new person to have a chance to defeat an incumbent Congressperson is for a competitor to have enough money of their own to outspend the incumbent. 

This is very difficult to have because the incumbent has the benefits of being financially supported by their political party, and financially supported by other campaign donors they have met while being in office.

In addition, a new person running for office has to hire and pay for his or her own campaign staff, while the incumbent Congressperson has a very large complete staff of workers who can help with their campaign, and that are being paid for by the American taxpayer.

Since these odds are so much in the incumbent’s favor that a new candidate has very little chance to defeat the incumbent, then the only real re-election fear that a Congressperson has is if their own political party gets mad at them and puts forward a competitor candidate that their own party financially supports against them in the next re-election primary.  

They refer to this as being primaried by their political party.

In recent years, some parties have begun to openly and publicly threaten Congresspeople in their party with being primaried if a Congressperson does not vote exactly like the party wants them to on every vote.

Since being primaried is nearly the only way for a Congressperson to lose an election, then this primary threat gives political parties far too much power, which results in most Congresspeople being willing to do almost anything to keep their political party happy.  

Congresspeople will even vote on every bill and on every law exactly how their party wants them to vote, even if the Congresspeople have to vote the exact opposite to what the citizens in their districts or states want, who the Congresspeople are supposed to be representing.

Congresspeople’s fear of being primaried by their own party is the main reason that most Congresspeople will display group think by choosing to vote for whatever their party wants, instead of voting for what You and the American people want.

Which gets us back to why we usually see every Congressperson in a party voting exactly the same way, whether they are Democrats from Memphis and New York City, or Republicans from Greenville and Sacramento.

These party threats of primarying their Congresspeople should be illegal because they are an attempt by the political parties to affect voting by forcing Congresspeople to vote how the party wants and demands for them to vote.

This controlling of votes is detrimental to America because forcing every Congressperson in a party to vote the same way has increased the polarization of our Congress, which has further resulted in the increased polarization of our American citizens.

Therefore, the three veto rules we will follow as President that I have written here will keep these primarying threats and group think votes from happening because we will veto every Bill that does not meet the standards of our three rules.  

  1. We will veto Every Bill coming from Congress that does not represent every American, both the Majority of Americans and the Minority of Americans.
  2. We will veto Every Bill that was not a Compromise between viewpoints because if a Bill does not Compromise, then it does not represent Every American in our Country. Because The Truth and the Solution is Always In Between.  The Truth and the Solution is Always In The Middle Between Viewpoints.
  3. We will veto every Bill coming from Congress where one of the political parties did not vote as representatives of the people in their districts and states who they are supposed to be representing, and instead all voted along party lines in favor of the Bill as an example of group think, because group think representatives are not representing our American people. 

America has many good Congresspeople, and even many Great Congresspeople.

However, the way the system is currently set up keeps these good and Great Congresspeople from being able to do their jobs and have the Positive effects on America that they could and should have if the system was operating more efficiently and more effectively.

Therefore, our job in the White House will be to help to support these good and Great Congresspeople, so they can effectively do the Great jobs that they personally want to be able to do.

The three veto rules I have listed above will help our good and Great Congresspeople to be able to do their jobs in a far more positive and beneficial way.

When these good and Great Congresspeople first decided that they wanted to run for Congress, they had Hopes and Dreams that they could really make a huge and positive difference for America and in the Lives of Every American.

Therefore, every Congressman and Congresswoman began their political careers for entirely all the right reasons, including because of their Love for America and their Love for You the American People.

However, the current Congressional system is not allowing these tremendous Congresspeople to make the positive impact that they are devoting their Lives to.  Which is a main reason why we have seen so many Congresspeople resign and not seek re-election recently.

And so, our focus is to improve the working structure that will allow these good and Great Congresspeople to do outstanding work in the very important jobs they have been called to do.

In closing, we Believe that a President should not be a member of a political party, just like George Washington was not a member of a political party.

Even if a President has run for office as a member of a political party, we think it should be a requirement that upon election the new President resigns from that political party and becomes independent and neutral before beginning the Presidential term.

No President should ever act like a member of one of the political parties because that creates an imbalanced situation.  

A President should Always be independent and neutral in every discussion with both parties because a President’s job is to represent Every American.  

A President’s job is to Represent both the 51% majority and the 49% minority.

A President’s role is to Serve, and to Nurture, and to Guide.

A Great President is someone who works with a Great Congress. 

The three veto rules we have written on this page are not because we want to exert authority.

Instead, they are rules that we will follow because they improve the foundation of an excellent working structure so that we can eliminate the polarization of our government, and so that we allow our government to Represent, Truly and Completely Represent, Every Person in America.

With our working foundation established, then we will be able to develop excellent working relationships and close friendships with every Congressman and Congresswoman in our Congress, no matter which party they are representatives from.

If we are ever in the White House, then we will Unite Our Country and work closely together with everyone by setting up a schedule where we meet with every Governor from every state at least once every three months.

We will meet with all 50 Governors separate from each other, once every three months no matter which party the Governors were affiliated with.  

We will also meet with the two U.S. Senators from each of the 50 states at least once every three months, thereby having 50 separate bipartisan meetings with the U.S. Senators from each state once every three months. 

We will also meet with every U.S. House of Representatives member at least once every three months, thereby having 50 bipartisan meetings with the 435 House members once every three months.

We Believe that the role of the Federal Government is to work with each and every state in a bipartisan way to help every state to be tremendously successful for its own citizens.  

Our plan for the Federal Government will be to support and help the states to be tremendously successful, because if the 50 states are successful individually, then the United States, as a whole, has to be successful, also.

We also Believe the role of the Federal Government is to assist with the bringing together of all the political representatives from each state so that all political representatives within a state are working together in a bipartisan way for the best interests of their entire state.  

Therefore, we will schedule our three-month meeting rotation so that we meet once every three months with the Governor of a state in combination with the two U.S. Senators from that same state.  

Meeting in combination like this will allow the three highest political representatives from each state to be working together with us to make decisions and implement plans that are in the best interests of every citizen in that state.

Therefore, we will meet with all 50 Governors and all 100 U.S. Senators from each of the 50 states in this way, which will require 50 separate state meetings every three months.

We will also schedule our three-month meeting rotation so that once every three months we meet with the two U.S. Senators from a state, along with all the House of Representative members from the same state, in a bipartisan meeting.

Therefore, we will meet with all 100 U.S. Senators and all 435 U.S. House of Representative members in this way, which will require an additional 50 separate state meetings every three months.

In total, then, this will be 100 state meetings every three months, including two bipartisan meetings every month with the Governors, Senators, and House Members of each of the 50 U.S. States.

Utilizing this three-month rotation, we will have 100 meetings every 90 days, and so we will average more than one of these very important state meetings every day. 

Working together like this will also be Tremendous for reducing the polarization that our political environment currently has.

We will also structure it so that all our 50 Governors, 100 U.S. Senators, and 435 U.S. House of Representative members meet on their own at least once every three months with their own State Senators, State House Members, County Mayors, City Mayors, and Town Mayors.

The combination of these bipartisan meetings will create a situation where every State House Representative, State Senator, County Mayor, City Mayor, and Town Mayor has a path to communicate directly with our President through the meetings they have with their Governors, U.S. Senators, and U.S. House Members, in combination with the meetings that their Governors, U.S. Senators, and U.S. House Members have with our White House. 

Can you imagine what a fantastic system this will be when every political representative in the entire United States is working together in a bipartisan way for the good of all Our American Citizens?

Can you imagine how tremendous it will be for us in the White House to be able to listen firsthand to the concerns, and needs, and plans that are going on within every State?

Can you imagine how much good for each State and for our Country we will do in the White House by us being blessed with the gift of being able to meet 100 times every three months, and 400 times every year, with the political representatives from all of our 50 States?

It excites me just thinking about the possibilities of us working so closely together for the benefit of each of our 50 States, and for the benefit of You and Every American Citizen.

We will treat every Governor, every Senator, and every House Member with the exact same amount of Respect, Kindness, and Professionalism, no matter which political party they were with, and we will work extremely hard for each one of them, assisting them in any and every way possible to help them to become tremendously Successful with their States. 

This is what a President should have always been doing.

As I have written before, if the federal government focuses on helping each of Our 50 States to be tremendously successful, then America as a Country has to be successful also, because A Rising Tide Raises All Ships. 

It amazes me that previous Presidents have not been doing this, because the most important thing to do as a Leader is to bring people together to Listen and to Work as One Unified Team to solve everyone’s difficulties and challenges.

That is the Work we will be doing For You in Your White House Every Day.

Working for You to Make Your Life Better and More Successful.

As One American Championship Team and World Championship Team.




Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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