We Will Build Our American Championship Team By Creating A Political Structure Where Everyone Is Working Together
Presidents are elected to represent every person in the entire United States, not just to represent the people who voted for them.  

Therefore, Great Presidents need to put their party affiliation to the side after they are elected, and not allow their party affiliation to have any influence on their actions or on the decisions that they make for America during their Presidency.

The role and job of a Great President is to represent every person in America, and so the political party that he or she aligns with should have no influence on his or her ability to make decisions that are in the best interests of every American person and all the American people.

In addition, a Great President should never publicly discuss political party affiliations, should never say negative things about citizens and politicians who are affiliated with any other party, and should treat every U.S. Senator and U.S. House of Representatives member the exact same no matter which party the Congress members are affiliated with.

It is the responsibility of the President to bring people together and Our Country together, and a primary way to bring people together is to have regular meetings and conversations with all the political representatives from every state, no matter which political party these representatives are affiliated with. 

The Democrat politicians and the Republican politicians have to work together like the offensive unit and the defensive unit of an American football team.

In today’s political landscape, the Democrats are much like the offensive unit of a team, looking to be aggressive and score points by spending money on programs they think are important and necessary.

Likewise, in today’s political landscape, the Republicans are much like the defensive unit of a team, looking to play defensively and conservatively by being very careful with our spending so we do not take unnecessary risks for our Country.

To have a Championship football team, it takes a Tremendous offensive unit and a Tremendous defensive unit, and to have a Championship team you also need to have the Offense and the Defense working together.

You are not going to win the Championship if you have the League’s number one offense and the League’s last place defense, or vice versa.

Likewise, the offensive play-calling has to compliment and work with the defensive play-calling.  

In America, we need this same working together of our Democratic politicians and Republican politicians so that their decisions and strategies are in the best interests of our Team America as a whole.

As a Head Football Coach, then you need to always be working to mold your offensive players and your defensive players together into one Championship team.

A Head Coach cannot just want to work with the offense and not work with or listen to the defense, or want to work with just the defense and not work with or listen to the offense.

But that is what we have seen happen with most of our Presidents, especially in our current situation.

In the same way, if the defense gives up a touchdown, then the offensive players cannot be on the sideline yelling and mad at the defensive players.

Likewise, if the offense is having trouble scoring, then the defensive players cannot be on the sideline yelling and mad at the offensive players.

To build and have a Great Championship Team then you need all of your players and coaches to play together as one Tremendous unified Team.  

You win as a Team, and you lose as a Team.  

If your team loses the game on the scoreboard, then it does not matter whether the offense or the defense played well on their own.  

The same is true of our American Political Team.  

We are either going to Win Together or we are going to lose together.  

There is no in-between because if our Country fails then none of our parties Win.

However, we have not been seeing this One For All and All For One team concept in our current political system.        

When we are in the White House, then we will Unite Our Country and work closely together with everyone by setting up a schedule where we meet with every Governor from every state at least once every three months.

We will meet with all 50 Governors separate from each other, once every three months no matter which party the Governors are affiliated with.  

We will also meet with the two U.S. Senators from each of the 50 states at least once every three months, thereby having 50 separate bipartisan meetings with the U.S. Senators from each state once every three months. 

We will also meet with every U.S. House of Representatives member at least once every three months, thereby having 50 bipartisan meetings with the 435 House members once every three months.

We Believe that the role of the Federal Government is to work with each and every state in a bipartisan way to help every state to be tremendously successful for its own citizens.  

Our Plan for the Federal Government is to support and help Our States to be tremendously successful, because if Our 50 States are successful individually, then the United States, as a whole, has to be successful, also.

We also Believe the role of the Federal Government is to assist with the bringing together of all the political representatives from each state so that all political representatives within a state are working together in a bipartisan way for the best interests of their entire state.  

Therefore, we will schedule our three-month meeting rotation so that we meet once every three months with the Governor of a state in combination with the two U.S. Senators from that same state.

Some of these U.S. Senators will be Democrats, some will be Republicans, and a few will be Independents.  But we will all meet together in a bipartisan meeting once every three months.   

Meeting in combination like this will allow us to work together with the three highest political representatives from each state so that we are in partnership making decisions and implementing plans that are in the best interests of every citizen in that state.

Therefore, we will meet with all 50 Governors and all 100 U.S. Senators from each of the 50 states in this way, which will require 50 separate state meetings every three months.

We will also schedule our three-month meeting rotation so that once every three months we will meet with the two U.S. Senators from each state in combination with all the U.S. House of Representative members from that same state, in a bipartisan meeting.

For example, Georgia has 14 U.S. House of Representative Members, some of whom are Democrats and some of whom are Republicans, and so once every three months we will meet with the two U.S. Senators of Georgia and the 14 U.S. House of Representative members of Georgia, all together in a bipartisan meeting.  

Meeting in combination like this will allow us to work together with all of the U.S. Congressional representatives from each state so that we are in partnership making decisions and implementing plans that are in the best interests of Every Citizen in that state.

Therefore, we will meet with all 100 U.S. Senators and all 435 U.S. House of Representative members in this way, which will require an additional 50 separate state meetings every three months.

In total, then, this will be 100 state meetings every three months, including two bipartisan meetings every month with the Governors, U.S. Senators, and U.S. House Members of each of the 50 U.S. States.

Utilizing this three-month rotation, we will have 100 meetings every 90 days, and so we will average more than one of these very important State Meetings every day. 

Working together like this will also be Tremendous for reducing the polarization that our political environment currently has.

In addition, we will structure it so that all our 50 Governors, 100 U.S. Senators, and 435 U.S. House of Representative members meet on their own at least once every three months with their own State Senators, State House Members, County Mayors, City Mayors, and Town Mayors.

The combination of these bipartisan meetings will create a situation where Every State House Representative, State Senator, County Mayor, City Mayor, and Town Mayor has a path to communicate directly with our President of the United States through the meetings they have with their Governors, U.S. Senators, and U.S. House Members, in combination with the meetings that their Governors, U.S. Senators, and  U.S. House Members have with our President. 

Can you imagine what a fantastic system this will be where every political representative in the entire United States is working together in a bipartisan way for the good of all our American Citizens?

Can you imagine how tremendous it will be for us in the White House to be able to listen firsthand to the concerns, and needs, and plans that are going on within Every District, Every County, Every City, and Every Town in Every State?

Can you imagine how much good we will do in the White House for Every State and for Our Country when we are blessed with the gift of being able to meet 100 times every three months, and 400 times every year, with all our political representatives from All Of Our 50 States?

It excites me just thinking about the possibilities of working so closely together for the Benefit of each of Our 50 States, and for the Benefit of You and Every American Citizen.

We will treat Every Governor, Every U.S. Senator, Every U.S. House Member, Every State Senator, Every State House Member, Every County Mayor, Every City Mayor, and Every Town Mayor with the exact same amount of Respect, Kindness, and Professionalism, no matter which political party they are with, and we will work extremely hard for each one of them, assisting them in Any Way and Every Way possible to help them to become tremendously Successful for their States. 

This is what our President should have always been doing.

It amazes me that previous Presidents have not been doing this, because the most important thing to do as a Leader is to bring people together to Listen and to Work as One Unified and United Team to Solve Everyone’s difficulties and challenges.

This is the Work we will do For You in Your White House Every Day.

Working For You to Make Your Life Better and More Successful.

As One American Championship and World Championship Team.


Sports, champion and hands of team with trophy for achievement, goal and success together. Celebrat.

Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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