You Will Overcome Adversity And Conquer Your Challenges: Plan Your Work And Work Your Plan

There will be times in Your Life when You are faced with difficult challenges and adversities. 

However, do not ever become discouraged because there is nothing that is stronger than You are.

You may have to reach deep down inside of Yourself to find Your Tremendous Inner Strength that will allow You to Overcome and Conquer anything You are ever faced with, but You will find this Tremendous Inner Strength because that is Who You Are.

You will Always be able to Overcome and Conquer any challenges and any adversities when You Relentlessly refuse to give up, and when You Relentlessly Plan Your Work And Work Your Plan One Day At A Time Every Single Day.

When we are faced with challenges and adversities, the stress we put on ourselves is primarily because we can get overwhelmed if we look at the entire big challenge.

But when we slow down and take a deep breath, and when we take the time to break down the entire challenge into small pieces, then we realize that we can defeat and overcome each one of these small pieces one small piece at a time.   

As I have written many times on our website and in our book, it is Always Possible To Find A Way To Win in any situation.

And so there is Always A Way To Win against any challenge and against any adversity.

Some of my favorite quotes about overcoming challenges and adversities are:

“To endure is greater than to dare; to tire out hostile fortune; to be daunted by no difficulty; to keep heart when all around you have lost it – who can say that this is not greatness.” – William Makepeace Thackeray

“Anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall.  Anyone can do his work, however hard, for one day.  Anyone can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, till the sun goes down.  And that is all that Life really means.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

“Would you like me to give you the formula for success?  It’s quite simple, really.  Double your rate of failure.  You’re thinking of failure as the enemy of success.  But it isn’t at all.  You can be discouraged by failure – or you can learn from it.  So go ahead and make mistakes.  Make all you can.  Because remember, that’s where you’ll find success.  On the far side of failure.”                              – Thomas J. Watson – Founder of IBM

“When you are playing against a stacked deck, compete even harder.  Show the world how much you’ll fight for the winner’s circle.  If you do, then someday the cellophane will crackle open off a fresh pack (of cards), one that belongs to you, and the cards will be stacked in your favor.” – Pat Riley, Former Los Angeles Lakers and Miami Heat Head Coach

The fact is that when we look at famous and very successful people, we see them after they have already achieved great success, and so we do not realize how many challenges and difficulties they had to endure along their path to success.

We only see the great athletes, the great coaches, the great entertainers, the great musicians, the great singers, the great actors and actresses, the great businessmen, the great politicians, and all the other great people in every career field after they have already become great.

We do not get to see these famous and successful people when they were not as good as they are now, when they were cut from previous teams and thought about quitting their sport, when they were trying to learn how to play the piano or the guitar or the saxophone, when they had to transfer colleges because they were not getting to play on the team where they were, when they were having to wait on tables or wash dishes in a small corner cafe to survive because they kept not being chosen for any acting parts, when they were trying to become a singer but were not good enough yet, when they were struggling with grades in school and threatened with failing out of school, when they were children and living homeless with their Mom or Dad in the back seat of an old car, when their first business failed and they had to wait for ten more years before they could save enough money to try to start all over again from scratch, when they got fired from a job early in their career and became unemployed for a long period of time, when they had to choose between turning the heat on in their tiny rented apartment or buying groceries to eat, when they had no apartment of their own and had to sleep on a friend’s couch every night, when they had such little money that every day they ate packets of dried noodles or a small amount of rice and beans, and when they were homeless with their children because they had lost everything they owned and were forced to start all over again.

We do not get to see these people before they were great, and so we make the mistake of thinking that these people did not have challenges or adversities.

When the reality is that each and every one of these great people had to work extremely hard to get to where they are now.

When the reality is also that each and every one of these great people had to overcome many challenges and many adversities throughout their Lives and throughout their careers.

When we look at these people now, then we are seeing the finished product of all their years of hard work they have put in, and we are seeing them after they have overcome all their many challenges and adversities.

Therefore, we do not get the opportunity to see what is Most Beautiful about Their Greatness. 

Which is how hard they have worked since the beginning and how far they have come.

“History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed.  They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.” – B. C. Forbes

For example, even the outstanding Michael Jordan had challenges and difficulties that he had to overcome. 

Famously, he was cut from his high school varsity basketball team when he was a sophomore, and that short-term failure continued to inspire Jordan throughout his entire basketball career.

He has said two famous quotes about failure and overcoming failure.

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career.  I’ve lost almost 300 games.  Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed.  I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.  And that is why I succeed.”

“Maybe it’s my fault.  Maybe I led you to believe it was easy, when it wasn’t.  Maybe it’s my fault that you didn’t see that failure gave me strength, that my pain was my motivation.  Maybe I led you to believe that basketball was a God given gift, and not something I worked for, every single day of my life.”

Therefore, no matter how Great or Successful any person has been able to make themselves into being, all of these Great and Successful people have had to overcome many challenges and adversities along their Path to Greatness and Success.

As we set our Goal to overcome a challenge or an adversity in our Lives, one of the most important things I have learned over the years is that each of us, You and me, can accomplish whatever we very badly want to accomplish if we are willing to outwork everyone else who wants the same thing that we do.

To accomplish whatever you desire, you only need to Make A Plan that you are going to use as Your Directed Path for how you are going to Reach Your Goals, and then you just need to set your mind on doing at least All The Work that is in Your Plan Every Single Day.

When you first make your Original Plan, then you want to be detailed in writing Everything you are going to do to reach Your Goals.  Therefore, your Original Plan is going to be very specific, and your Original Plan is also going to have a set date on it for when you intend to Achieve Your Goal.

However, at the beginning of anything you are not going to know all the answers.  In fact, you are not even going to know many of the questions.

Therefore, although you are writing your Original Plan very specifically and in detail, you also want to be ready to adjust and fine-tune your Original Plan as you work toward Your Goals.

As a result, Every Day that you are Planning Your Daily Work and Working Your Daily Plan, your Original Plan will adjust slightly because Every Day you will be designing a Daily Plan of activities you are going to do That Day that you think are the most important ways you can spend your time to maximize your improvement on That Day.

Your Original Plan is your starting point, but because you cannot possibly know all the answers or see all the details when you are beginning your Original Plan, then Every Day you are going to be fine-tuning Your Plan as you gain new information, and as the daily situation and your daily priorities change.

This concept is like a very wide river that has a strong current and is flowing quickly but is only about a foot deep.  Making it shallow enough for small rocks to stick up out of the river by a few inches. 

You are standing on one side of this river, and the Goal you are trying to accomplish is on the other side of the river.

For you to reach your Goal on the other side of the river, you need to figure out a way to step on and walk across the hundreds of rocks that are sticking up above the water so that you can get across the river to your Goal on the other side.

As you stand there and scan the river and all the hundreds of rocks that you could potentially step on, you will come up with a Plan for the Path that you think you can go on.  This is your Original Plan.

Your Original Plan is important because you do not want to set off on a chosen path that gets you three-quarters of the way across the river, and then realize you are stuck because there are no more rocks to step on along that path.

Therefore, your Chosen Path, which is your Original Plan, needs to be well-thought-out before you step on the first rock because you are going to have to step on about a hundred rocks to get across the river.

And so, before you start, you want to have an Original Plan of the exact route you are going to try to follow, including a Preliminary Plan for the exact one hundred stones you intend to step on to get to your Goal on the other side.

This is Your Original Plan.

However, although you can see from a distance all the hundred rocks you think you can step on to get across the river, the truth is that because it is so far across the river, then it is not possible for you to see the details about each of these one hundred rocks that you Plan to step on.

Therefore, you begin on your Path that matches Your Original Plan, and you step on the first rock.  Then, you probably step on your planned rocks on steps 2, 3, and 4 because each of these rocks was close enough to your side of the river that you could see that those rocks were all flat and solid to step on.

However, as you continue across the river on Your Original Planned Path, you are going to get a closer and better view of each of the rocks you come to than the view you had of these rocks from way back at the side of the river where you began. 

Therefore, before you step on each rock you come to, you are going to analyze that rock from up close to see how flat it is so you can decide if you can balance on it, to see whether it looks solid and flat against the river bottom so that it does not turn over or tilt underwater if you step on it, and to see if it is wet or has any moss on it that would make it slippery.

In addition, as you are analyzing this rock for all these qualities, if the rock looks good to step on, then you are also going to look ahead of that rock to see if you think the next 3, or 4, or 5 rocks after this rock look solid to step on, because you do not want to choose to step on a rock that does not have good rocks and a good path to follow after that rock.

Therefore, although you are going to begin along the path of rocks that you thought looked the best from your starting point on the side of the river, once you begin your journey along Your Original Planned Path, your actual Path is going to be adjusted and fine-tuned as you go, depending upon your evaluation of each of the next rocks that you decide to step on.

As a result, Your Path across the river is going to change and adjust as you work your way across the river toward Your Goal.

This river example is exactly what happens in Real Life with Your Plan to reach Your Goals.

Before you get started on your Real-Life Journey toward Your Goals, you want to put together an exact and detailed Plan for how you think you can reach Your Goals, just like you had an exact Plan for the one hundred rocks you planned to step on to get across the entire river before you ever stepped on the first rock.

However, just like you had to analyze and evaluate each of the rocks as you came to it before you chose to step on each rock as you made your way across the river, with your Real Life Plan and Goals, then you also have to analyze and evaluate how you are doing and what you need to do on a Daily Basis so that you can adjust and fine-tune Your Path toward Your Goals Every Day.

Each of the rocks in this river analogy represents the same as a Day in your Real-Life Journey toward Your Goals.

Therefore, just as you analyzed and evaluated each and every rock before you stepped on it, you also need to take the time Every Day to analyze and evaluate whether Your Plan and Your Path to Your Goals is on course.

Likewise, just as you looked three or four rocks ahead of the next rock before you chose to step on the next rock, in order to make sure that the path after that rock was good and that it connected you with your Best Path across the river, when you are making Your Daily Plan in Real Life that is going to bring you to Your Goals, before you finalize Your Daily Plan Each Day you also want to look into the future beyond Today to make certain that Your Daily Plan is going to connect you to the Best Path toward Your Goals.

This Daily Analysis and Evaluation that you work on Every Day allows you to Plan what you think is the most important thing you should be doing on Each Day

Providing you with the opportunity to Plan what you should be doing Every Day that you think will maximize your improvement and get you the farthest along Your Path toward Your Goals. 

This Daily Analysis and Evaluation also allows you to fine-tune and make any adjustments that you need or want to make that will provide you with the most benefit.

Being able to make slight adjustments Every Day keeps you moving in as close to a straight line as possible toward Your Goals.

This concept is like steering a boat.  If you have ever driven a boat, you will appreciate how there is a delay between when you turn the steering wheel and when the boat actually begins to turn in the direction that you steered.

As a result, when people first begin steering a boat, they often make the mistake of turning the steering wheel farther than they need to turn it. 

People do this because when they turn the steering wheel the correct amount and the boat has its regular delay in beginning to physically turn, then the boat does not immediately respond to the steering.

Therefore, it is natural for a new boat driver to think they need to turn the wheel again even farther during this delay period because the driver has not seen the boat respond to the first turning of the steering wheel.

However, turning the steering wheel a second time during this delay period will result in the boat beginning to turn way too much in that direction after the delay period has finished.

With the boat now heading off course at an angle, a new driver will quickly turn the wheel back in the opposite direction to try to correct their initial mistake.

However, once again there is a delay in the response of the boat, and so during this delay the new driver will very likely overcorrect by turning the wheel too far in that opposite direction.

This will result in the boat now going at too much of an angle in the new and opposite direction.

Therefore, until the new driver gets used to the steering delay of the boat, then the new driver will have the boat going back and forth at angles like a slalom snow skier, instead of keeping the boat in a straight line to where they want to go.

As a result, the more distance and time your boat keeps going back and forth, the farther the distance and the longer it is going to take for you to get to your destination across the lake, river, or ocean.

Now imagine the difference in time and distance traveled between getting to your destination in a straight line and getting to your destination by going back and forth at angles across the water.

By going back and forth at sharp angles, you may travel twice as far and take twice as long to get to Your Goal on the other side of the water.

Doing your Goal Path analysis and evaluation is exactly like this example of a boat being steered. 

The longer you wait before your next Goal Path analysis and evaluation, the farther distance you will be going at the wrong angle before you can make a steering adjustment to get you back on your Direct Path toward Your Goals.

Therefore, if you only analyze and evaluate once a year, then you are going to be going at the wrong angle for an entire year, which is going to cause you to get far off course from Your Goal Path, and is going to waste a large amount of time.

If you analyze and evaluate once every month, then this is going to keep you more on your Goal Path than only doing it once a year, but you are still going to be going back and forth at angles across the water.

If you analyze and evaluate once every week, then this is a big improvement from doing it every year or every month, but it is still not ideal.

However, if you analyze and evaluate Your Goal Path Every Day, then you are going to make every small and tiny adjustment to your steering that you need to make so that you are never going to be getting off course from your Direct Path toward Your Goals.

Since a straight line is the shortest distance between two points, then by you analyzing and evaluating where you are in relation to your Goal Path Every Day, then you are going to keep yourself in a direct and straight line to reach Your Goals in the shortest distance and in the shortest amount of time.

Just think about the difference between driving a boat straight across the water, in comparison to driving it at angles back and forth across the water.  Going straight across the water is going to get you there two or three times as fast because you are going to be traveling much less distance.

In addition, going in a straight line across the water allows your boat to gain momentum and speed because the boat is not needing to go through the slow process of turning and changing direction.

Achieving Your Goals works exactly the same way. 

By you evaluating and analyzing your situation and your location Every Day so that you stay in a straight line toward Your Goals, then you save distance, you save time, and you increase your speed and your momentum so that you are able to reach Your Goals more quickly than you ever thought was possible.    

This Every Day process of Planning Your Work and Working Your Plan allows you to maximize the benefits and the improvements You Receive from Each and Every Day.                

As you make Your Plan Every Day, and as you commit yourself to the Process of working as hard as you can Every Day, then You will improve by a small amount Every Day.  And all these small amounts will add up on top of each other until You reach Your Desired Goal.

I Promise You that this will work for you because this is One of the Laws of Our Universe.

As soon as You commit yourself to the Process of Planning Your Work Every Day, and Working Your Plan as Hard as You Can Every Day, then Everything else takes care of itself.

For example, I remember my own days growing up.  My school had me skip over second grade, going straight from 1st grade to 3rd grade.  As a result, I was always a year younger than everyone else in my classes, and often two years younger than some of my classmates.

I was also a late grower, and so being a year or two younger than everyone, and being a late grower, caused me to be the smallest person of any gender in my high school during my freshman year.

But because I worked harder than everyone else, and also grew, then I ended up playing four sports in high school, winning championships in three of them and finishing second in the fourth sport, being chosen as team MVP three times, twice as a quarterback in football and once in baseball, being chosen to All-Conference teams in three sports, and being chosen the most outstanding athlete.

Despite this success, I was recruited in college to play baseball, but I still had to be a walk-on for football in college, and so once again I had to start the work process from the bottom where again I totally committed myself to my Goals.

As a walk-on for college football, I began as the ninth-string quarterback because I had been recruited for baseball and the football coaches did not recruit me or consider me as one their players.

Ninth string was the last string there was at quarterback, and no other playing position had nine strings.

The coaches had a giant depth chart on the wall in the main hallway with a row of key hooks under every playing position.

Every day they would hang our names on the hooks based upon what string we were that day on the depth chart.

This depth chart was in the main hallway, and so you had to walk past it and see it many times every day.

It was embarrassing.

My name was so far down the depth chart that they had to put in an extra hook off the bottom of the chart just for me.  They actually had to drill a hole in the wall below the chart to put my hook in.

Of the 150 players on the team, no one else had a hook and their name off the bottom of the chart. 

You do not get any reps in practice when you are ninth string, and so I stood there at practice every day as the coaches had no idea whether I was a good quarterback, or not.

After the first week of not getting any reps in practice, I decided to move to slot receiver because that got me elevated to seventh string, which felt like a move up to me even though it was still last string.

As I mentioned, when I was at quarterback, my name was so far down the depth chart that they had to put in an extra hook off the bottom of the chart for me.  And so seventh-string slot receiver looked pretty good to me at that point because at least my hook and my name were on the actual chart.

As the first couple of games went along, I noticed that I hit people much harder than any of the other slot receivers, and so I figured out that my best chance of moving up the depth chart at slot receiver was to become a great blocker. 

The other receivers did not like to block very much, and so I thought I could separate myself from them by helping our running game with my blocking.

I made myself into a very dominant blocker, nailing defensive backs and linebackers all over the field, and by doing so I worked my way into becoming the starting receiver by the fourth game of the season.  

In the first quarter of my first game as a starter, I caught a short flat pass, broke some tackles, cut back to the middle, and scored a 50-yard touchdown on the first pass they had ever thrown to me in a game.  This began a season where I went on to lead the team in receiving.     

Therefore, I formulated a strategy at the beginning of the season, adjusted this strategy several times based upon the changing situation and opportunities, and in the end I figured out a way to be successful.

Through my years in college, just like in high school, I worked so hard that I played football, baseball, and ran track, to become the only three-sport athlete in Furman history for the past 50 years. 

During my career I had to overcome two broken ankles in football, but I was still able to play free safety on two championship teams, was chosen on various occasions as the most outstanding college defensive player in the state of South Carolina, set single game tackling records, single season tackling records, and career tackling records in football, won medals in track for the sprint distances, was chosen as the Most Valuable Player in baseball, set career batting records in baseball, as a centerfielder finished my career as the second-leading career hitter in school history, set career stolen base records in baseball, was nominated as the Furman Athlete of the Year, and was nominated as the Southern Conference Athlete of the Year.

Therefore, I began as a ninth-string quarterback, but I improved tremendously because throughout my college career I worked Every Day exactly like I have written here to recommend to you.

Which just goes to show that there is no limit to what you can accomplish, and how much you can improve, when You Make An Original Detailed Plan to Reach Your Goals, when You Make A Daily Plan Every Day for what you are going to do Every Day to get you closer to your Goals, and when You Follow Your Daily Plan to Work as Hard As You Possibly Can Every Day.

When I went to the NFL, because I had outworked everyone for so many years, then for the first time in my Life I was starting from a position where I was a better athlete at the start of my NFL career than the players I was competing against. 

In the player testing combine, I was the strongest defensive back on the team as I bench pressed 325 pounds, I was one of the fastest players on the team in every sprint distance, and I scored off the top of the NFL charts in all three of the agility drills with a score of 10-plus in every agility drill that was faster in every drill than the top of the NFL charts even had a category for.

In addition, I was the hardest tackler on the team, as shown by how the coaches chose me as the gunner/headhunter on the kick-off teams, whose job it was to go straight to the football to make the tackle, and I led the team in interceptions during training camp, including two interceptions I returned for touchdowns.

As a result, if I had not torn up my knee making a tackle in a game against the Eagles, that resulted in me having to get major knee surgery that players in those days did not come back from because the surgery techniques were different than they are now, then I was in a better position to be an outstanding player in the NFL than I had been when I began in high school or began in college.

It would have only been a matter of time because my Daily Work Plan would have been just as effective as it always had been.

I then played professional baseball as a centerfielder, went to Europe where I played American football for ten years, setting more than 40 Team, League, and National records for both receiving as a wide receiver and for interceptions as a free safety, leading Europe in receiving, leading the nation in interceptions for a season, for a career, and for a game, being selected to many All-Europe teams, being chosen by the government as the greatest American defensive player to ever play in Great Britain, being chosen as the Great Britain Coach of the Year three times and as the European Coach of the Year twice, being chosen as the Great Britain National Team Head Coach, being chosen for the Great Britain Hall of Fame, being chosen for the International Football Hall of Fame, winning 2 Bowl Games, and most importantly winning 12 different championships including 3 National Championships and  2 European Championships, to become the only Head Coach in European history to win the European Championship with two different teams.

In summary, the only reason I am mentioning my background is to emphasize to you that the process I am recommending to you does really work.

I began as the smallest person in my high school, and as a walk-on in college, but somehow through my many years of outworking everyone that I was competing against on a Daily Basis, and by following the same Every Day Work Plan and Evaluation Plan that I have described here to you, then I was able to improve a tiny bit Every Day until all these Days of tiny bits added up on top of each other, and I became a better athlete than the best athletes in some of the most athletic professional sports in the world.

My story is not unique.  Every Person has his or her own personal story, just like you have your own personal story of how hard you have worked and all the challenges and the adversities that you have overcome.        

Therefore, the Plan I have described to you will definitely work for you.

By you working as hard as you can Every Day so that you improve a tiny bit Every Day, and by you analyzing and evaluating your progress Every Day so you can gain the most benefit and gain the most improvement from Every Day of Your Work, then Your Result will be that All of These Days of tiny bits of improvement are going to add up on top of each other for you.

As a result, after several months or years of You doing this, then One Day you are going to be able to look back and be Amazed at how much you have Accomplished and how Far You Have Come.         

I Promise You that this Plan works.

As further examples of how it works for any Career Field and any Goal. 

In addition to me working very hard from being the smallest person in my high school to winning 22 Championships and reaching my goal of playing two professional sports, I have seen this Plan work many times for me for everything from:

  • Being a head coach in three sports that won 12 championships, including three National championships and two European championships.
  • Being a high school teacher and head coach who became the high school’s all-time coaching leader for winning percentage in both football and baseball.
  • Being a professional sports team owner, chief executive, and general manager of three different professional teams including teams that became National Champions, European Champions, and Cup Champions.
  • Being the first American to ever own an English or European soccer team.
  • Being the first American to ever be the chief executive, general manager, manager, and head coach of an English or European soccer team that was the basis for the Ted Lasso television series.
  • Being a key contributor to the development of the sport of women’s soccer in England by having one of the first women’s professional teams, and by hosting the Women’s FA Cup Final at his stadium.
  • Being a college professor in math, business, sport management, and business communications, and head of two departments in the Business and Management School who wrote the complete curricula to redesign an entire College Major and to create three new College Minors.
  • Being a movie screenwriter.
  • Being a television host and sports announcer for more than 1,000 television programs and more than 500 games in a total of seven different sports.
  • Being a television station general manager and owner for ten years where the station grew from being on only one cable network in only two countries, to being on 16 cable networks in six states to increase the number of station viewers by 10,000%.
  • Being a business owner of 22 different businesses.
  • Being a movie producer and director.
  • Being a college defensive coordinator and head coach whose team led the nation in defensive categories.
  • Being a television producer and director of national television shows.
  • Being the Great Britain National Team Head Coach for American football where the team won the European Championship.
  • Being a manager of a thoroughbred racehorse farm that has won many Triple Crown horse races and become the most successful racehorse farm in the Country.
  • Being a motivational book author.
  • Being the television host and producer of the Veteran’s Voice television program that created many hundreds of television show interviews with World War II veterans to honor and show his great respect for America’s Veteran Heroes. Shows that are the largest compilation of personally told World War II history in the world and are archived in libraries and war museums across the United States.
  • Being a weekly columnist and magazine feature writer in national newspapers and magazines.
  • Being the program director of a high school who put together and designed 50 new courses and an entire new high school program, resulting in the school being chosen one of the 10 Super Schools in the United States.
  • Being the program director of a high school who redesigned the entire high school with seven new technology and performance rooms, and who was invited by the U.S. Congress to speak with Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington DC about his school’s educational achievements and the Future of Education in America.
  • Being the president of the NFL Alumni Association chapter in Washington DC, that included work with Toys For Tots and their book literacy program for underprivileged children, with Gallaudet University who are the greatest hearing impaired university in the world, and being a champion for women’s football and the Women’s Football Alliance that includes creating the partnership between the Women’s Football Alliance and the NFL Alumni Association.

Some people may think I have done many different things, but none of these things I have done in the past impress me at all.

I do not think anything about any of what I have done, and in my opinion I should have done a whole lot more.

The reason I do not think anything about these things is because I know that in every one of these cases, all I did was come up with a Plan, and then I just worked as hard as I could Every Single Day to try to be successful.

By working as hard as I could Every Single Day, then I improved and accomplished a tiny bit Every Day, and after many, many Days of this I had improved enough that I was able to generate some amount of success.

The reason I am not impressed by any of these things I have done is because I know that anyone could have done these same things if they had been as committed as I was, and if they had worked as hard at them as I did.

All of us are the same.  We are all equal.

And we all can do the same things and achieve the same amount of success as each other.  The only variables we need to control are How Focused we are on our Plan and Goals, and How Hard we are Working.

I remember hearing a story one time that if you have a Dream, then you do not want to tell someone about your Dream who has not accomplished that Dream because a person who has not accomplished it will tell you all the reasons and obstacles that make it seem impossible for you to Achieve Your Dream. 

You do not want to tell your Dream to someone like this because if they haven’t achieved Your Dream themselves, then they cannot see or have a vision for how Your Dream can be accomplished. 

They can only see the obstacles that they think held them back from achieving it.

Instead, you want to go and tell Your Dream to a great person who has already achieved Your Dream.  Because that person will tell you, “Of Course You Can Achieve Your Dream”, and he or she will completely BELIEVE in You and give You Confidence in Yourself.

The person who has already Achieved Your Dream Believes that You Can Achieve Your Dream, too, because he or she does not think that they are special or any different from You.

The person who has already Achieved His or Her Dream knows that You have just as much chance to Achieve Your Dream as they did because they know that all they did was Have A Plan, Evaluate and   Fine-Tune That Plan Every Day, and Work As Hard As They Possibly Could Every Day.

We Are All Equal.

You can go and meet anyone in this world, from someone with the lowest job position or even unemployed, to someone who is world famous in any career field.                                                              

And both of these people will be the same.

We are all Human Beings.  We are all Equal.

We see famous people, or people on television, or people in movies, or singers, or athletes, or politicians, and we think these people are different and have something special that we do not have.

I can assure you they are not better.

Everyone is the same.  We are all Equal.

Some people just had a Goal, made a Plan for how they thought they could get to their Goal, and then Focused on Their Goal and Worked Very Hard toward it on a Daily Basis.  Evaluating and Fine-Tuning Their Goal Path Every Day as they went along.  

With the different career things I have done, all I did was put in Very Hard Work on a Daily Basis, and apply my Complete Focus to whatever I did. 

A Focus that allowed me to adjust and fine-tune my Plan Every Day as I went along.

None of us have all the answers when we begin Our Journey toward a Goal, and we often do not even know most of the questions when we begin.

And so, if it is impossible to have all the answers when we begin, then we cannot possibly design a Perfect Plan at the beginning.

Therefore, we need to Completely Focus our Attention Every Day on what we are doing so that we can adjust and fine-tune Our Plan as we go along.   

As we look to all the challenges we currently face in America, Our Movement is now offering to You and to America this same Complete Focus and Hard Work Every Single Day.

So that we can Serve You and Serve America in whatever role You would like for us to serve. 

I have never thought about it before, until I am writing this to You here tonight, but that is what Sir Winston Churchill said when he took over as Prime Minister of a very demoralized British people to inspire and lead Great Britain to victory with America in World War II.                                                                              

Prime Minister Churchill said, “I have nothing to offer but Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat.”

That is all that any of us can ever offer to anything. 

Our Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat are displayed by Our Daily Maximum Commitment to Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan.

And Prime Minister Churchill also said, “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”

That attitude to never give up is what saved Great Britain in World War II, and this same attitude to never give up is what it will take for You to reach Your Goals when You are giving Your Maximum Commitment Every Day to Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan.

In addition to me being able to find some success because I followed this Simple Plan of Hard Work and Focus Every Single Day until I reached my goals, I have also seen this Same Plan work hundreds and thousands of times for my players, for my high school and college students, for my children, and for many people all across America and around the World.

Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan Every Day, and You Will Be Amazed At What You Can Accomplish.

All of us go through ups and downs in our Lives, the ups when things are going well, and the downs when we do not know how we are going to make it through.

But you cannot allow the down periods to cause you to give up on Achieving Your Goals.

When things are not going well for you, then instead of giving up, just Focus your Attention on the Process of Your Daily Hard Work.

Instead of giving up.  Fight on the beaches to Reach Your Goals, and fight in the fields to Reach Your Goals, and Fight in the hills to Reach Your Goals. 

Never surrender!

The Truth is that if Any One Of Us can do something, then ALL OF US can do it. 

Because we are All Equal.  We are All The Same.

You know that by You Working Hard then You are going to be able to make some Progress Every Day.

And so, when things are not going well for you because you are going through one of those down periods, then stop thinking about results, and instead start thinking about and Focusing on the Process of Your Work Every Day.

Because You Know and BELIEVE in the Universal Law that if You Work Hard Every Day, then One Day in the Future You are going to be able to look back and Be Amazed At How Far You Have Come.

All it takes is For You to just Trust and Have Faith In The Process.

Just Focus Yourself on the Process Of You Planning Your Work Every Day and Working As Hard As You Can Every Day. 

And as You Improve Your Situation By A Tiny Bit Every Day, then One Day You are going to be Amazed when You look back and See that You Have Overcome All The Challenges You were facing before, and that You are Already Far Along Your Path to Achieving Your American Dream.

I Know You Can Do It!

And You Know You Can Do It!

Because if Any One Of Us can do something, then ALL OF US can do it. 

Because We Are All Equal! 

We Are All The Same!

Every Accomplishment You Desire is Achievable. 

You Will Achieve What You Desire When You Follow This Every Day Process.


Mountains in Sagarmatha region, Himalaya

Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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