Creating An America Where We Treat Everyone With Respect, With Dignity, And With Kindness

All we need to do is turn on the television, or listen to the radio, or read a newspaper, and we are shocked by the disrespectful, unkind, mean, and violent behavior that is currently happening in America.

Never before in Our American History have we seen the kind of behavior that we are currently seeing.  

Since Leadership in any organization is important, not only to guide and direct the path of the organization, but also to create and establish and model the entire culture and traditions of the organization, then bad behavior by members of an organization can always be traced directly back to who the Leaders of the organization are.

People in an organization are influenced by and Copy the Behavior, Actions, and Language that they see their Leaders take part in.

Therefore, we can see that a large part of the disrespectful, unkind, and mean behavior shown by some of Our American People, and even some of the violent behavior, has been caused and continues to be caused by our politicians and bad leaders showing this same disrespectful, unkind, and mean behavior toward each other and toward Our American People.

As a result, if we are going to get Our American People acting in more Respectful, Kind, Thoughtful, and Understanding ways, then we need to choose New Leaders who are Respectful, Kind, Thoughtful, and Understanding Toward Everyone.

Our Leaders need to model the behavior that we want Our American People to have.

We cannot have Presidents who say very mean and unkind things to politicians and to Our American People.

We cannot have Presidents who belittle and criticize Half of Our Country.

And we cannot have Congresspeople who are always fighting and treating each other with complete disrespect.

Our Media is also being far too disrespectful, unkind, and mean to politicians and people they do not agree with.

However, Our Media is not the primary fault in this because they are just following the lead of the politicians they support.

For example, a journalist is not the person who has ignited the emotional fight between two political parties if the parties themselves have continually spoken about each other in very disrespectful, aggressive, and unkind ways.

Our Media can choose to take the anger and emotions of politicians and turn these emotions up higher to make them sound even more angry and aggressive, but Our Media cannot take calmness in our politicians and make a fight out of nothing.

This is a similar situation to what we see in sports when a player or a coach is quoted in the media saying something negative about an opponent.

Throughout the history of sports, these quotes have been referred to as “Bulletin Board Material” because when the opponent sees the negative quote in the newspaper, then their coach will often cut out the quote and put it on the bulletin board in the team locker room to motivate the players to win.

In such a case, it is not the newspaper or the newspaper journalist who is wrong for writing and publishing the quote.

Instead, it is the fault of the player or coach who said the quote to begin with.

The same is true for our politicians and for Our Media.

If a politician gets angry and says something disrespectful and critical about the other political party, or about one of their politicians that ignites an emotional fight between politicians, then it is the fault of the politician.  

It is not the fault of the journalist or Our Media for publishing the quote.       

Therefore, it is our politicians who are setting the tone for both them and for Our Media, and so when we get Great Leaders in to replace the negative leaders we currently have, Great Leaders who treat Everyone with Respect, Dignity, Kindness, Thoughtfulness, and Understanding, then Our Media will greatly improve their rhetoric, also.

Likewise, when Our Media improves their rhetoric, then Our American people will become calmer because Our American People are currently paying attention to Our Media and copying the bad behavior of our politicians.

In summary, the bad behavior currently being displayed in America all starts with our Presidents and with our politicians, and this bad behavior is then passed on through Our Media to Our American People.

Therefore, if we want to improve the behavior of Our American People, then we need to first have Presidents and Congresspeople who are True Statesmen.  

High quality and High-Class Statesmen who Treat Every Person, even their political opponents, with Respect, Dignity, Kindness, Thoughtfulness, and Class.

Since we do not currently have Presidents and politicians who are behaving with this level of Class, then we need to replace our current politicians so that Our Entire Country can begin to treat each other again with Respect, Dignity, Kindness, Thoughtfulness, and Class.

When Our Alliance and Our Movement are in a position of Political Leadership For You in America, then we will Love to have the Opportunity to Treat You and Every Person in America with Respect, Dignity, Kindness, Thoughtfulness, and Class.

This is how We Always Treat Everyone because it is the Only Way We Know How To Treat People.

Therefore, Our Alliance and Our Movement will Cherish the Opportunity to be in a political position where we can Exhibit this Positive Behavior Toward You and Toward Every Person in America that will help to Lead Our Country back to becoming the Respectful, Kind, Caring, Loving, and Thoughtful Nation that You and Our Tremendous American People Want For Us To Be.

Through Our Alliance and Our Movement Treating You and Every Person in America With Respect, Dignity, Kindness, Thoughtfulness, and Class, then we will also be setting a very positive example For Our Children that will Help Our Children to Become This Way, and that will Help To Make Our Children’s Lives Far Happier, More Respectful, More Thoughtful, Much Kinder, and More Loving.


Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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