We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation
America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart. 

We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors. 

Can you imagine if our ancestors were alive today and saw us, their great-great-grandchildren who they Love, fighting between ourselves and hurting each other? 

The primary reason we have gotten ourselves into this divided situation is because Our American People are very often living in a communication bubble where current technology pushes us toward hearing, or reading, or watching only one viewpoint and one side of an argument. 

Most media outlets have chosen sides, and they have become so biased in their reporting that they maneuver the facts to match their desired narrative, flooding the viewer and listener and reader with only one biased perspective of an argument. 

Likewise, social media companies design social media algorithms where readers and viewers are sent a continual flow of biased stories that match the stories that the readers and viewers have previously read and watched online. 

Therefore, the social media companies just keep sending stories and articles to us that only match the exact same narrative of articles and stories that we have read before, causing many of us to think that this narrative is the only narrative there is and so it must be correct. 

As a result, most people watch, read, and listen to only one side of every debate or argument. 

Without us being given the opportunity to see both sides of a situation, then people are not getting the information they need to make their own decisions about what they think is factual and true. 

As I continue to say and write, the Truth and the Solution is always in the middle between the viewpoints. 

The Truth is never totally one viewpoint that is on one side of a position. 

Sometimes the truth is 50/50 in both directions. Sometimes it is 60/40, or 40/60, or 70/30, or 30/70, or 80/20, or 20/80, or any other possible combination. Occasionally, it might even be 95/5. 

But the Truth and the Best Solution is never 100% of one viewpoint and 0% of the other viewpoint. 

Therefore, the only way to find the Truth and the Best Solution for anything is for us to take the time to talk with each other, and for us to take the time to Respect and show Understanding for the other person’s viewpoint. 

This is the only way we will be able to find the True Solution to any problem because the Solution is always positioned somewhere in the middle between our two viewpoints. 

In my many experiences, I have Always found that if we work to Listen with Respect and Understanding to Everyone’s viewpoint, then we will Always Find A Way to create and design a Solution that meets the needs of all viewpoints, so that we Create a Winning Solution for Everyone involved. 

Due to the very wide range of career experiences I have had, being able to accomplish this blending of viewpoints to find the solution in the middle has become one of my greatest strengths. 

I BELIEVE so strongly in this principle that I am constantly saying that no matter what the situation is, and no matter how tough the situation looks, there is Always A Way To Win. 

We Can Always Find A Way To Win. 

A Great President needs to be able to do this because a President is supposed to be finding Solutions for Each and Every Person in America no matter who the people voted for. 

As we work to Heal Our Nation, it is crucially important that we stop trying to criticize and belittle people who think differently than we do, and that we stop criticizing and belittling people who are in a different political party than we are. 

We need to Look Forward into our Future, and stop looking backward into our past. 

For our own benefit, we need to stop the anger and the retaliation against each other, and one of the very best guides we can use for why we should do this is to look back at the Civil War in America. 

In 1865, after four years of the most violent battles in American history, the Union Army in the North won the war, and Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his army to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox, Virginia. 

The men from both armies would have undoubtedly felt complete anger toward each other because of all the bloodshed and violence that had occurred between them for four years.  

As a result, there was reason and opportunity for the men and women on both sides of the conflict to hate and fight against each other forever. 

However, with the war over, then intelligent men in the Union army knew that we had to find a way to heal back together as a nation. 

Therefore, at the Appomattox surrender, as 27,000 starved and demoralized Confederate soldiers, who had fought so hard for four years, walked down the road in a several miles long line to turn in their guns and formally surrender to the two lines of Union soldiers and Union cavalrymen who were lining both sides of the road, Union Major General Joshua Chamberlain, one of my all-time heroes, who later became the Governor of Maine and the President of Bowdoin College in Maine, ordered his Union soldiers on both sides of the road to show their respect for their Confederate enemies by standing at attention and holding their rifles up in a salute. 

When the demoralized Confederate soldiers, with their heads down, heard the Union army snap into a salute, and they looked up to see the Union soldiers saluting them, then their spirits lifted and their anger toward the Union soldiers was reduced. 

Confederate Major General John Gordon, who had been wounded eight times during the war, and who after the war became a U.S. Senator and then the Governor of Georgia, honorably performed his own respectful salute back to the Union Army.

General Gordon reared his horse up on its back legs, and then had his horse bow down on its front legs as General Gordon bowed his head and touched his sword to the toe of his Confederate army boot. 

General Gordon then sent word back to the 27,000 Confederate troops behind him to salute the Union soldiers as they came in to surrender. 

And so, for the entire day, as the surrender lasted from dawn until dusk, the two armies saluted each other while the Confederate soldiers ended the American Civil War by surrendering to the Union Army. 

This formal surrender between these two powerful American armies, after four years of a horrendous war between them, had the soldiers of both armies showing great respect toward each other as the war ended. 

This tremendously honorable sign of respect shown by Union Major General Joshua Chamberlain and the Union Army toward their enemy, and the responding honorable return of this salute by Confederate General John Gordon and the Confederate soldiers, began America’s healing process, and set the stage for America to become one unified Country again. 

General Ulysses S. Grant, the leader of the Union Army and future President of the United States, also understood the crucial importance of helping to heal America’s wounds, and so he carefully wrote very considerate and kind terms of surrender for General Lee to sign so that Confederate officers and soldiers could not be charged with treason.

General Grant could have pressed charges against the Confederate officers and soldiers, but instead he treated them with incredible dignity.

He let the Confederate officers and soldiers keep their guns and go home to their Southern homes.

He did not try to arrest anyone in the Confederate army, and he did not try to charge anyone with anything.  Instead, he trusted the Confederate soldiers, and allowed them all to go home on their own. 

Grant also told everyone he spoke to that, “The war is over. These are our fellow countrymen again.” 

When Grant became President in 1869, less than four years after the Civil War had ended, he always worked very hard to bring Our Entire Country together, including bringing together and uniting our Fellow Americans from the North, our Fellow Americans from the South, and our Fellow Americans who had formerly been slaves.

Our first African American man was elected to Congress in 1870, Mississippi Senator Hiram Revels, during Grant’s first term as President, which shows how far and how unified we had become as a Country between just 1865 when the Civil War ended, and 1870 when Senator Revels was elected to U.S. Congress from a Southern state. 

This amazing achievement by Senator Revels was only possible because General and President Grant made every effort to put the awful four years of the war into the past, and because he made every effort to lead America forward into the future so that all of our past enemies became Our Fellow Americans again. 

President Lincoln also welcomed every Confederate man and woman back into America when he wrote in his Inaugural Address to Congress and to the Nation, “With malice toward none, With charity for all, With firmness in the right, As God gives us to see the right, Let us strive on to finish the work we are in, To bind up the Nation’s wounds.” 

After an awful four-year Civil War that resulted in the most casualties of any war in American history, the Union Army and the Great Leaders General Grant, President Lincoln, General Chamberlain, and General Gordon knew that they had to put the war into the past and move forward into the future so that America could heal.

As a nation, we also need to have Great Leaders who are smart enough and strong enough to be willing to put our current disagreements and battles into the past.  

We need to have Great Leaders who allow us as past enemies and future friends to move forward into our bright future together so that We Can Heal Our Nation Again. 

If the Union and Confederate men and women found a way to heal themselves after the worst four years of war in American history, then surely we can find a way to heal ourselves when our arguments and differences are far less serious and not even comparable. 

Our Alliance and Our Movement will make certain that we bring All Our American People back together again into One Unified America so that We Will Heal Our Nation. 

Just like the Great Union Leaders of the Civil War, for us to accomplish this Healing of Our Nation, we will show Our Respect For Each Other by putting aside our differences and battles of the past.

We will have us look forward with Mutual Respect and Friendship and Love For Each Other, as we move into our Bright American future where We Are All One Family and One Unified Country again.

Along these lines, we are not going to be able to put our differences and our battles into the past, and move forward together into Our Bright Future, if some politicians are trying to prosecute and punish politicians and people from the other political party who they disagree with.

Therefore, we need to stop and put aside any of those legal or congressional cases that have been brought by both sides, and we need to move forward together as One Unified America.

There were 3.5 million men who fought in the Civil War, and we had 1.5 million casualties, including 620,000 men who were killed.

This 620,000 of men killed represented 2% of the entire population of the United States, which means that 1 in every 50 Americans was killed during the Civil War.

620,000 is more than all the Americans who were killed in the total of World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, combined. 

After fighting against each other for four long years in the Civil War that resulted in 1.5 million casualties, 620,000 killed, and the loss of 2% of our American population.  If our forefathers were strong enough to put aside their differences and move forward together as Fellow Countrymen again, then surely we can put aside our differences and become Fellow Countrymen again now, when we have nothing remotely comparable to a Civil War to have to forgive each other for.

There has been a whole lot that has happened during the past 3,000 years of world history, including many, many wars.

In just wars alone, it is estimated that between 150 million and 1 billion people have been killed in all the wars throughout world history. 

Therefore, all of us have ancestors who were killed in these wars, and all of us have ancestors and past family members who were treated very wrong in other ways.

But if we focus on anger and revenge for the past, then the revenge will never stop.  It will just keep going on back and forth forever.  Our retaliation against each other would be a never-ending process. 

Therefore, as a Country we cannot continue to seek revenge by looking back at the past, and instead we need to look forward to our Bright Future Together as One American Family.

There is no doubt that Every Person and Every Country is a work in progress.  We are all developing and improving Every Day.  

Therefore, as a Country we still need to work very hard to improve ourselves as a Country Every Day.

But if we do not look Forward to the Future and Unify, then America is not going to survive.

The famous book, The Fate of Empires, by Sir John Glubb, shows that when nations are at the point of collapse, then the collapse is caused by the politicians and citizens becoming very divided and polarized.

Sir Glubb found that even when great nations were at the absolute point of collapse, when you would think that the Country would pull together for its own survival, then the politicians and citizens of the collapsing nation were still not willing to put aside their differences and unify.

In fact, throughout history, as the collapses of these nations became more imminent, instead of people pulling together to survive, the politicians and citizens became even more polarized and more divided.

That is where we are today.  That is where America is today.

We are at the point of near collapse, but instead of us realizing the difficulties we are in and putting our grievances and anger into the past, and instead of us pulling together for the Future to Fight Together for our own survival, we are allowing ourselves to be destroyed by ourselves.

When Our Alliance and Our Movement are Blessed with the opportunity to help to Save Our Country, then We are going to Bring Us Together.

We Are Going To Speak Of Nothing But Unity.

We Are Going To Reunite Everyone And Unify Our Country Again Like We Used To Be Unified In America.

We are going to leave the past in the past and Move Forward Into A Bright Future For All Of Us Together.

We are not that far apart from each other.  We have nowhere near the amount to forgive and forget that our Civil War forefathers did.

We are just making the mistake of focusing on the few things that we think differently about, instead of focusing on the millions of things that we agree on.

We are just making the mistake of focusing on the few things we think divide us, instead of us focusing on the unlimited number of things that bring us together.

And so, if our Civil War forefathers could Unify and Become Fellow Countrymen Again, then So Can We.

And the first step to Unifying Ourselves is to Look Forward and to Never Look Back.

We are going to Make Our Needed Changes For Our Country, and We Are Going To Begin to Treat Every Single Person with Greater and Absolute Love, Dignity, Respect, Kindness, Thoughtfulness, Caring, and Understanding.

We are going to make All these Positive Changes as a Country so that We Are Treating Every Single Person in All These Beautiful Ways.

To motivate ourselves to make All these Positive Changes, we need to realize that none of us are going to be treated in any of these Beautiful Ways if Our Country collapses.

If our Country collapses, then all of us are going to realize that we made a huge mistake by not Coming Together.

However, by then it would be too late for us to Save Our Country.

Unfortunately, our current politicians are not willing to put aside our differences and move forward.  

Our politicians all want to pick a side and fight against each other, and they all want us to pick a side and fight against each other.

Therefore, it really makes no difference which politicians are elected because any of them result in nothing more than a continued divided nation where we are still on our way to collapse.

But if You Will Trust In Our Alliance and In Our Movement, then We Promise You That We Will Represent You and Everyone.

We Promise You That We Will Treat Every Single Person with Absolute Love, Dignity, Respect, Kindness, Thoughtfulness, Caring, and Understanding.

We Promise You That We Will Make the Changes We Need to Make to Restore The American Dream For You And For Your Family.

And We Promise You That We Will Unify Us As One Nation Again.

America will be a New Place.

But we will still be the Old Place, also.

Because we will have taken the Best of the Old and combined it with the Best of the New.

Everything, including a Country, must Become New and Change to Survive and Grow.

If something does not Change and Grow, then it dies.

But if a Country tries to get rid of the Best of the Old, then it dies, too, because the Best of the Old is what Built Our Country.

And if Our Country collapses because the Best of the New and the Best of the Old refuse to compromise and stop fighting, then it all dies for Everyone.

Therefore, our Only Option for Survival and Growth is to Combine The Best Of The Old with The Best Of The New.

We Will Accomplish Our Survival and Our Growth By Holding Onto The Areas Of Excellence We Have Already Built, and by Making the Changes We Need to Make to Survive and Grow and Prosper with Abundance as a Wonderful and Incredible Nation.

We Will Again Become The Greatest Country In The World.  

But This Time Even Better Than Before. 

We Can Do This!

We Promise You We Can!

But To Have Enough Time To Accomplish This Before It Is Too Late, Then We Need To Begin Right Now.



View of the Mall and Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC

Our Philosophies Of Life