Give A Man A Fish And You Feed Him For A Day, Teach Him How To Fish And You Feed Him For A Lifetime: We Will Help Everyone To Learn How To Fish So That Every Man And Every Woman Will Live In Abundance And Can Very Proudly Feed Themselves And Their Families For A Lifetime

A nation should be judged by how we take care of our weakest and most vulnerable.  We should be judged by how we take care of those who need us most.

Our Goal is to help Every Person who needs our help, and our Ultimate Goal as a Country is to help Every American Person to be Tremendously Successful.

A famous proverb states, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”  This proverb is completely true in today’s America.

We need to be giving a fish Every Day to anyone who needs a fish Today, but while we are doing this we will also be helping Each and Every Person to Learn to Fish For Yourself in Abundance so that Every Person will Successfully Create Abundance For Yourself and For Your Family.

A large number of our politicians for the past 75 years have only wanted to focus on giving Our American People a tiny little fish every day, just enough of a tiny little fish to allow Our People to barely survive on for one more day, but not enough of a fish for Our People to be able to Succeed in Abundance For Themselves and For Their Families.

Father pointing where his son should throw the linesThese politicians have given Our People a tiny little fish to barely survive on for one day, but these unethical politicians have not allowed Our People to get ahead on Your Own.

As a result, Our People have continued to need these unethical politicians to keep giving us another tiny little fish the next day, and the next day, and the next day, forever.

However, Our Movement’s Plan and Our Movement’s 65 Policies build and provide the foundation for You so that Every Person will be able to Fish on Your Own with Abundance, allowing You to become Independent and Hugely Successful on Your Own. 

The Benefits for Every Person who learns how to Fish for Themselves go far beyond just having a larger fish because Every Person who learns how to Fish for Themselves will become filled with Happiness, and Pride, and Purpose for what You are Achieving and Accomplishing in Your Life.

Many unethical politicians have not wanted to help Our Men and Our Women to Learn to Fish on Our Own.  These politicians want to keep Our People struggling so that we need the politician to keep giving us a tiny little fish to eat every day.

A tiny little fish that is just enough to allow us to survive, but not enough for Us to be able to Get Ahead and be Successful on Our Own.

Our People keep being tricked into thinking that we need to continue to vote for those same politicians in every election so that we can keep being given another tiny little fish to survive on tomorrow.

But a tiny little fish is not enough for anyone to get ahead financially, and a tiny little fish is not enough for anyone to become Successful with For Their Family.  

A tiny little fish is not enough for anyone to feel Great Pride in themselves, and it is not enough for anyone to feel a Great Purpose For Their Lives.

Therefore, politicians who only want to give men and women a tiny little fish, without allowing us to Learn to Fish on Our Own in Abundance, are unethically using Our Men and Women to keep themselves in political power.

Back view of mother and daughter fishing together by lake in beautiful family bonding moment, copy spaceWe have seen this kind of political behavior in many of our largest cities for the past 50 years, and we also saw this political behavior during the last election when it was said that African American people were not Black if they did not vote for a certain political party candidate. 

These unethical politicians are using Our People to keep themselves in power and to try to gain more power for themselves.  Therefore, these unethical politicians are acting like modern-day political plantation owners.

Plantation owners took care of their slaves with the very bare amounts of food, clothing, and a place to live so that the slaves would be able to work on the plantation, and so the plantation owners would be able to stay in economic power and political power.

The slaves were never given enough food or money to be able to get ahead and survive on their own away from the plantation, and so the slaves had no option other than to stay on the plantation every day.

This same thing is true today with many of our unethical politicians trying to keep our American People on the modern-day plantation, except this time the plantation is in the poor, rough, and disadvantaged areas of town where many of our African Americans, other minority groups, and lower income people of all races live.

We have a large group of unethical politicians who do not want to help men and women to Learn to Fish on their own, politicians who only want to give a tiny little fish each day to our American People so that our American men and American women need to be given another tiny little fish today, tomorrow, and for every day after tomorrow.

Until the next election when these unethical politicians will ask for your vote again.

The reason these politicians do this is because this allows these politicians to stay in power.  

These unethical politicians are using Our People to stay in power.

A Great Leader and a Great President wants to help Every Man and Every Woman to Learn to Fish on His or Her Own.  

A Great Leader and a Great President wants Every Man and Every Woman to become Independent and Successful on His or Her Own because a Great Leader and a Great President Loves Each and Every Person.

A Great Leader and a Great President wants Every Man and Every Woman to become Independent and Successful because a Great Leader and a Great President deeply cares about and understands that Independence and Success and Abundance will bring Happiness, Pride, and Purpose to People’s Lives.

Our Alliance and Our Movement are going to help Each and Every Man and Woman to Learn to Fish Successfully and Achieve Abundance on Your Own so that You and Your Family will have Tremendous Happiness, Pride, and Purpose For Your Lives.

As a Country, we can no longer accept Our People being given a tiny little fish every day so that we are not ever able to get ahead and rise out of the poverty and challenges You are facing.

We will put Programs in place for Improved Schools, Better Education, Free Healthcare For You and For Your Family, Stronger Communities, Stronger Families, Better Neighborhoods, Stronger Support Structures, Higher Wages, Home Ownership For You, Ownership Shares in America For You, Generational Wealth For You and For Your Family, and Outstanding Business and Financial Management Programs That will help You to Start and Operate Your Very Successful Tax-Free Business That You Own.

We will give You a Fish when You need it, like all of us need a Fish sometimes, but while we are giving You this Fish we are also going to be helping You to Be Able To Fish On Your Own With Abundance.

We will not rest until Every Man and Every Woman in America, no matter what color Your skin is, or who You Love, or how You identify Yourself, or who Your Ancestors are, is able to Fish On Your Own in Abundance so that You Achieve Your American Dream For You and For Your Family, and so You Live a Very Successful and Very Happy Life filled with Abundance, Pride, Dignity, and Purpose.

And That Is Exactly What We Are Going To Do!


African American dad teaching his son to catch a fish with fishing rod

Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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