You Will Become What You BELIEVE You Can Become: By Us Working Together You Will Achieve Greatness For You And For Everyone
Most of Life is about Believing in Yourself.

The rest of Life is about Working as Hard as You possibly can without becoming discouraged.

Each of us is capable of achieving far more than we realize we can.

We each grow up in an environment that surrounds us, and although the environment surrounding us when we were young was random and by chance, without realizing it we subconsciously became used to that environment.  

As a result, we subconsciously built the same limitations and barriers on ourselves when we became adults that our random childhood environment made us think were our limitations when we were young.

Unfortunately, we often get ourselves trapped inside these limitations and barriers, and when we do, then we spend parts of our Lives, or even our entire Lives, moving around inside of and being held back by our perceived childhood limitations because we do not realize that we are incorrectly placing those same childhood limitations on ourselves as adults.  

Therefore, the limitations and barriers we place on ourselves as adults are self-imposed.

The thoughts and fears and limitations we had as youngsters, incorrectly become the thoughts and fears and limitations that we have as adults.

The limitations and barriers that we thought we had for our Lives as youngsters become the incorrect limitations and barriers that we think we have for our Lives as adults.

The same is true in sports.  Players and athletes think they can play and perform at a certain level, and without realizing it they subconsciously limit themselves to only being able to achieve the level of performance they Believe they are capable of.

As a result, players end up accomplishing the same level of performance that they Believed they could accomplish.

When we watch athletes in any sport, we see many athletes who are just as talented and skilled as each other.  However, we see some athletes who perform at a far higher level than the other players do, with the only difference being because they thought they could perform at that higher level.

There is no physical difference between the athletes, and the only difference between them is the self-expectation level of the players.  

The higher performing players just thought they could perform at a higher level, and because they thought they could then they did perform better.

These same factors of subconscious limitations, subconscious barriers, and Self-Belief have a very large effect on Our Entire Lives Every Day.

As a coach and as a teacher and professor, my Goal with every player I coached and with every student I taught, was to get each of my players and my students to BELIEVE in themselves more, and to get each of them to See A Vision For Themselves and For Their Lives that was Far Greater than what they had ever previously imagined.

My Goal was to get them to See A Far Bigger and Greater Picture Of Who They Could Be.

My Goal was to get them to See Themselves through the Same Limitless Eyes That I Saw Them With.

I BELIEVED They Could Achieve Anything They Set Their Mind To, and That They Could Achieve Anything That They Set Their Work and Their Willpower Upon.  

I BELIEVED There Were No Limits To What They Could Achieve In Their Lives.

I Believed that my role as their coach and teacher and professor was to get them to BELIEVE in Themselves as much as I BELIEVED in Them.

I came up with a way to describe this SELF-BELIEF Concept, and I often spoke about this concept to my players and to my students.

The way I see it is that in our Lives we all begin as youngsters standing at the bottom of a long staircase, with the top of the staircase leading up high into the Beautiful Blue sky and into the Beautiful White fluffy clouds.

Way Up in this Beautiful Blue Sky, far above the Beautiful Fluffy Clouds, at the very top of the staircase is our Complete Success and Greatness. 

This staircase represents our BELIEF in ourselves, our BELIEF in who we are and what we are capable of Becoming and Achieving at that given moment in time.

Each step up the staircase represents the Self-Expectation level and the Self-BELIEF level that we have for ourselves at that moment in time.  

Each step represents the level of performance that we Expect to be able to Achieve, the level of performance that we BELIEVE we can Achieve at that moment.

We each begin our Lives, and we each begin every new endeavor we take on, or any challenge we are faced with, with us standing at the bottom of the staircase looking up at it.

We begin at the bottom of the staircase, not even on the first step yet, because at this moment in time we do not have any experience of success in Life, or at this new endeavor, or against this challenge.

As a result of our inexperience, we are uncertain whether we will even be able to reach any level of performance or achieve any level of success at this new endeavor, or in this Life, or against this challenge on this staircase.

Therefore, where we stand at the bottom of the staircase is our foundation.  It is our base position, the position on the staircase that we Believe we belong at that moment because due to our inexperience we have yet to achieve any success on this staircase.

But if we have the Courage to begin to try to climb this staircase, and as we have the Courage to try to take on this new challenge, then we will have a small amount of occasional success, whether that low level of success is because of our improvement, or because of a random occurrence where we just happened to do something right by chance.

This very limited success causes us to think that, hey, we can do this a little bit, and this causes our Self-BELIEF level to go up by just a small amount.

This very limited success also causes our Self-Expectation level to go up a little bit, which means that we now expect to be able to perform at this low level of success.

And so we take one step up the staircase because we now BELIEVE and Expect that we can regularly perform at this slightly higher level.

This step up results in the first step on the staircase becoming our new base, our new foundation that represents our new and slightly higher Self-BELIEF level and Self-Expectation level.

As we step onto the first step of the staircase, then it is no longer the staircase because it has now become our staircase.  This staircase is ours alone now, we have taken claim to it as our own, and We Become and Our Lives Become permanently connected with our staircase.

We have created a personal and permanent connection with our staircase through the personal challenge, or endeavor, or goal that we have chosen to take on and that our staircase represents.  

As we continue to Live our Lives, or play our sport, or work hard to achieve our goal, or take on a new challenge, then our level of performance will stand firmly on that first step because this first step has become our new base and our new foundation level.

After we have taken one step up our staircase, then most of our performances will be at the success level of that first step.  There will occasionally be performances slightly above or slightly below the level of this first step, sometimes just at random, but for the most part we will perform at the level of that first step.

However, as we have the courage and the commitment to continue with our efforts of working hard to try to improve, then we will continue to improve little by little, until at some point we will have begun to perform at the second step level of our staircase instead of at the first step level.

This increase in performance will result in us developing a higher level of Self-Expectation for ourselves, and result in us having more BELIEF in ourselves that we can perform at this higher second step level.

And so we will take another step up our staircase, to the second step, because we now BELIEVE and Expect that we can perform at this second step level.

From the moment we step up onto that second step, then that second step level becomes our new base and new foundation, and as a result, our performances regularly match this second level of performance because that is our new Self-BELIEF level and our new Self-Expectation level.

The process of Becoming Great at Life, or Great at any sport, or Great at any endeavor, or Great at overcoming any challenge, is this same repeated process of working hard to improve, performing better because of our work, taking steps up our staircase as our BELIEF in ourselves increases, and as what we expect of ourselves, our Self-Expectation level, increases.

With each step up our staircase, then that new level of Self-BELIEF and new level of Self-Expectation becomes our new base and our new foundation, and so we regularly produce better performances that match up with this higher step level that we are now at on our staircase.

Two of the key points we want to take from this are:

  1. Our level of performance at any moment in time is based upon the level of the step that we are standing on.  Therefore, our level of performance is based upon the level of our Self-BELIEF and Self-Expectation.  Two people, who are of equal ability, very often perform at different levels only because one person has more BELIEF in themselves and a higher level of Self-Expectation than the other person does.
  2. The level we are at on our staircase is based upon the influence of the environment we grew up in that imposed subconscious limitations and barriers on us, the amount of work and commitment we have put in to improve, the random occurrences of higher performance that have increased our Self-BELIEF and Self-Expectation, and the teachers and coaches we are blessed with who can get us to BELIEVE in ourselves more than we would have Believed in ourselves on our own.

Therefore, I have Always seen my Role and my Goal as a Coach, Teacher, and Professor, to be to get my Players and my Students to BELIEVE in Themselves at a higher level than they have ever BELIEVED in Themselves before, to get them to have a Higher Level of Expectation for Themselves than they have ever had before, to get them to See a Bigger Vision for Their Lives than they have ever seen before, and to get them looking through their own eyes to See Themselves and Their Enormous and Vast Potential and Possibilities in the same INCREDIBLE and LIMITLESS way that I See Them Through My Eyes.

I BELIEVE That A Great President Should Fulfill This Same Role For Every Person In America.

When I have been a Coach, and a Teacher, and a Professor, then my Goal has been to help every one of my Players and my Students to get Up Their Staircase So Far That They Are Above The Fluffy Clouds And Into The Bright and Limitless Blue Sky of Complete Success and Greatness.

In my maximum and continuous effort to help them on their climb up their staircase, I am constantly Encouraging them, and Motivating them, and Getting them to BELIEVE more and more in themselves.

When they accomplish any successful performance, no matter how small, that is higher than the level of the step they are on, either because they have improved or because of a random occurrence, then I Leap Up with Tremendous Enthusiasm to get them to BELIEVE that their one-off performance is now their New Higher Base and New Higher Foundation for all their future performances.

Through Encouraging them, Motivating them, and Increasing their SELF-BELIEF, I am regularly able to get them to take a Big Jump of two, or three, or four steps at the same time.

And when they have this one big performance that matches that much higher step level, then I am All On It Complimenting Them, Encouraging Them, Motivating Them, and Getting Them To BELIEVE that Their Much Higher Level Of Performance on that one occasion is Now Their New Base Level and Their New Foundation Level for All Their Future Performances.       

Our President Needs to Realize that We Each Become What WE BELIEVE We Can Become.

Our President Needs to Realize that Our Country Becomes What TOGETHER WE BELIEVE We Can Become.

I Think and I Know that it is our President’s role To Paint The Picture And Create The Vision For Every Person In America.

That it is our President’s role To Paint The Picture And Create The Vision For America.

And that it is our President’s role To Paint The Picture And Create The Vision For Peace And Love And Kindness Throughout Our World.

America has not had a President like this for a long while, and it is more than past Time that we have a  President like this Now.

Can You Imagine How Our Country Would Be Transformed For The Better?

There Is No Limit To What You Can Accomplish And Achieve In Your Own Life When WE BELIEVE TOGETHER.

And When WE BELIEVE TOGETHER There Is No Limit For What You and I, and Our Alliance, and Our Movement Together Can Accomplish And Achieve For You, For Your Family, And For Our Country.





September 26th page from the book Terry Smith wrote in 1999

Version 1.0.0

Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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