We Will Eliminate All Capital Gains Tax On Your Profits From The Sale Of Your Home: Let Us Help You To Build A Tremendous Generational Wealth World For Your Children
We want to help you to Build A Powerful Financial World For Your Children, and one of the ways we are going to do this is by us making it the law that You Do Not Have To Pay Any Capital Gains Tax On The Profits You Make When You Sell Your Home.

Your Family Home is the largest investment that most people and most families will ever make, and therefore the Profit that you make on the resale of your home will very likely be the largest specific Profit amount that most of us will ever earn.

We Believe that You deserve to be able to keep all of your Profit from the sale of your home, without you paying any taxes on your Profits, because you will have spent many thousands of hours working very hard on your home during the years that you owned it. 

We also Believe that you should not have to pay taxes on your Profit because you will have invested many years paying your mortgage and loan interest, and paying for home repairs, upgrades, maintenance, insurance, and property taxes on your home.

Therefore, when you sell your home, it is not fair or accurate for the government to attempt to say that you have made a Profit on your home that is equal to the higher price you sold your home for, minus the lower price that you paid to purchase your home for many years earlier.  

This is not fair or accurate at all because you will have paid many bills on your home during the years that you owned your home, and you also will have personally worked on your home for thousands of hours that you were not paid for.

The government’s oversimplified method to compute your Profit is also not accurate because a large amount of the Profit you will receive from the resale of your home is actually the result of inflation that will have caused the prices for everything to increase during the years that you owned your home.  

For example, if you own your home for ten years, and then you sell your home for a 25% Profit compared to what you purchased it for ten years earlier, it is not fair for you to have to pay tax on this entire 25% Profit amount because inflation will have caused the actual value of the Profit to be worth much less than 25% when you go out to spend any of it.  

This is because during those ten years that you owned your home, the value of the U.S. Dollar will have decreased due to inflation.

Therefore, because inflation raised prices on everything that you need to buy, then the increased price that you sell your home for will show a much larger numerical profit than you will have actually gained in purchasing power from your home’s sale price.

We think this is double taxation by our government if you have to pay taxes on the resale of your home after you have paid mortgage payments and paid loan interest on your house, after you have paid for many repairs on your home from your earned income that was already taxed, after you have worked unpaid for thousands of hours to maintain and improve your home, and after your purchasing power has decreased very significantly over those years because of inflation. 

As a result, we will allow you and your family to keep all the Profits that you make from the sale of your home, tax-free.  

Your tax-free Profits from the sale of your home will supply You with a tremendous lump-sum financial windfall that will provide Financial Security and Generational Wealth for You and For Your Family.

This is one of the ways that we are going to help You to Build a Tremendous Generational Wealth World for Your Children.

From an American economic standpoint, removing any tax on the resale of homes will also have advantages for our economy because removing this tax will provide an impetus to get our American real estate market moving again.

The inventory supply of homes for sale in our current economy is very low because with the steep rise of interest rates during the past two years, then homeowners do not want to sell their current homes that have low mortgage rates on them, since the homeowners would then need to purchase a different home with a much higher mortgage rate on it.  

As a result, most homeowners have been choosing to stay in their current homes so they can keep the very low interest rates they currently have on their mortgages.

By staying in their current homes, then this has caused the supply of homes for sale across America to be very low, which in turn has caused home prices to be high because of the low supply of homes that are for sale.

Through us allowing homeowners to sell their home and keep all their Profits from the sale without paying any taxes on their Profits, then this will result in more homeowners choosing to list their homes for sale so that after the sale they can deposit a large tax-free Profit into their bank accounts For Themselves and For Their Families.  

With our new law that we will be implementing, then homeowners whose children have grown up and moved out of the house will especially benefit from the sale of their current home because they will also be able to downsize by purchasing a smaller home.

This will allow them to deposit a large portion of their tax-free Profits into their bank account to Save and Build Generational Wealth For Their Children.  

By choosing to downsize the size of their home, homeowners with grown children will be able to sell their home and maximize their benefit from our new law.

They will be able to deposit a very large lump sum of tax-free money in their bank accounts that they can utilize for retirement and to give to their children and grandchildren, and they will also be able to save additional money when they buy a smaller home that has the benefit of a smaller mortgage payment each month.


Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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