We Will Protect Our Children And Stop All Child Trafficking
As we work together To Build A World For Our Children, above all else we need to make sure that Our Children are Safe.

Unfortunately, there are millions of children worldwide who have been forced into child trafficking.

Hundreds of thousands of these children end up in America, primarily because of the millions of immigrants who have been allowed to illegally cross into America through our Southern border.

Oftentimes, children are brought to our border by immigrants entering Our Country who are not related to the children because these adults think it will be easier for them to gain entry into the United States if they have a child with them.

Our President, Vice-President, and current government have been doing nowhere near enough to try to determine if these children are actually related to the adults they arrive with, and our government currently does not even allow border agents to interview the children on their own or conduct DNA tests on the children and on the adults.

Instead, our excellent and very hardworking border agents are only able to watch the children and adults interact with each other from a distance, forcing our border agents to try to read minds and body language to try to guess at which children are being trafficked.

Hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children also arrive at our border on their own, and our current government has been making the mistake of turning these children over to child “sponsors” who often plan to traffic the children.

Once again, our President, Vice-President, and current government do nowhere near enough vetting on these sponsors before entrusting these adults with the Precious Lives of Our Immigrant Children.

It has been reported recently that 85,000 of Our Unaccompanied Immigrant Children have gone missing during the past few years after crossing the border and being turned over to sponsors.

Our President, Vice-President, and government authorities do not even know where Our Immigrant Children are, or how to try to contact them.  

This is an incomprehensible failure to Our Immigrant Children, to Their Families, and to All of Humanity by the President, Vice-President, and current politicians.

The President, Vice-President, and current politicians have been letting tens of millions of immigrants enter illegally into Our Country because these politicians think that the immigrants will help them to win elections.

However, in the process of this selfish action by our current politicians that is damaging America, hundreds of thousands of Our Wonderful Immigrant Children have been severely harmed by the President, Vice-President, and current White House administration.

Therefore, we need to assign a complete government department to work 24 Hours A Day, Every Single Day, until We Find All These Wonderful Children.

This is what Our Movement will do on Our Very First Day that we are in a government position.

After Finding Our Immigrant Children, then we will locate their parents and family members either in the United States or in their Home Country, and then we will return Our Wonderful Immigrant Children to Their Families.

We will also strengthen our border security rules and regulations by allowing and requiring our border agents to interview All Our Immigrant Children who arrive on their own, and All Our Immigrant Children who arrive at the border with adults.

These interviews will allow us to make certain that Our Immigrant Children are Safe, and will allow us to make certain that Our Immigrant Children and the adults they have arrived with are actually related to each other.

We will also give DNA tests to All Our Immigrant Children and adults who have arrived together at the border, and if any of Our Immigrant Children are found not to be related to the adults they are traveling with, then Our immigrant Children and the adults will be separated.  

We will deny the adults entry into Our Country, and we will arrest the adults if there is any evidence of possible child trafficking.

In addition, we will hold These Immigrant Children in our Social Services Departments until their Families are located.

This will result in a small number of Our Immigrant Children being held in Social Services when this law is first started, but very quickly the immigrant adults will stop bringing trafficked and unrelated Children to our border because word will rapidly spread to immigrant countries that adults are not allowed entry into the United States if they bring an Immigrant Child who is not related to them.

Therefore, this single law on its own that we will begin on Our Very First Day will automatically stop almost all child trafficking across our border.

The President, Vice-President, and the current White House administration has not placed anywhere close to as much importance as they should have been doing on making sure that Our Immigrant Children are Safe, and on rescuing Our Immigrant Children from traffickers.

The current White House administration just continues to focus its attention on allowing as many immigrants as possible to enter America for their own political purposes, instead of focusing on the protection of Our Immigrant Children like the White House administration should be doing.  

The actions pf the President, Vice-President, and White House administration are unforgiveable because Our Immigrant Children are all alone and have no way to protect themselves.

In summary, if we are going to be the Tremendous Country that we have Set Our Goals on becoming, then we first must Protect All The People who are our weakest and most vulnerable, and more than anyone else this includes Our Children.

When Our Movement is in the White House, then we will have a Government Department that works 24 Hours A Day, Every Single Day, to locate Our Trafficked Children at our border and to locate Our Trafficked Children inside of America, and then return Our Children to their Families.

Until families are found, or when parents are not able to be found, then we will allow Our Children to move into Our Outstanding Village Communities, just like our Foster Care Children do, where they will be able to have housing, receive food and basic needs, attend an excellent school, receive medical care, receive training for personal development skills, be trained in career skill development, receive career guidance, and eventually be hired for a job by Our Village Corporate Partners.

You can read more about Our Villages by reading the three chapters on this website and in our book titled, “We Will Create A New and Wonderful World For Our Foster Children”, “The Villages We Will Build For Our Homeless People And Families”, and “The Villages We Will Build For Our Homeless Military Veterans”.

In conclusion, as we Build An Incredible World For Our Children, then we are Building A World For All God’s Children no matter whether they arrived in America by birth, whether they were brought to America by a parent or a family member, or whether they arrived completely on their own because they were brought to America by a stranger who we saved Our Children from.


Our Philosophies Of Life

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

We Must Come Together And Heal As A Nation

America has become politically divided because we have forgotten that there are far more things that bind us together than things that pull us apart.  We are All One American Family, and we are all related to each other by our past ancestors.  Can you imagine if our...

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