Compared to the Vastness of Our Universe, All Of Us On Earth Live in the Same Small and Beautiful Village.
We Are All One American Family and We Are All One Worldwide Family.
Our Alliance and Movement Includes All Americans From All Political Parties, and Together We Are Reuniting America and Bringing Peace To Our World.
When You Know What Your Life Purpose Is, and You Follow Your Purpose, then You Can Never Get Lost.
Our Life Purpose is to Lift Up Our American People And Build A Wonderful World For All Our Children And For All Future Generations.
Every Decision We Make Will Match Our Life Purpose.
Together We Will Reunite Our American Family With Love and We Will Unite Our World In Peace And Friendship With Every Country.
We Would Love To Have You Join Us.

Our mission & vision


We Will Build Our Government And Politicians Into One American Championship Team

Our Stance On Major Issues

There are many important areas where our Country has gotten off course from what our American People Believe. Here is how we can get ourselves back on course. 

Together As One Family We Will Courageously Rise Above The Historical Cycle Of Authoritarianism

Authoritarian governments have been a persistent threat throughout American and World history. Authoritarian governments gain control when situations look their most dangerous because it is human nature for people to be willing to give up our freedoms when we think we need the government to protect us.

Authoritarian governments try to gain and increase their authoritarian power by unethically exaggerating the dangers we are facing because they want to falsely increase our fears.

They exaggerate the dangers to falsely increase our fears because they want us to choose to give our freedoms away to their control so they can have more governmental power.

That is where we are today.

But through our combined 248 years of Faith, Belief, Courage, and Trust in Ourselves and in our Fellow Men and Women, we have learned that if we put aside our differences and Join Together In Unity then We Will Overcome any authoritarianism, just like We Have Always Overcome it when we have Joined Together, so that United Together We Will Build A Wonderful World For Our Children that is filled and overflowing with Life, with Liberty, and with the Pursuit of Happiness.

The Cycle Of Authoritarianism: The Time Period Cycles That Have Led Us To Today

The Jefferson Memorial in Washington, USA at sunset

George Washington’s Farewell Address To The Nation And What It Teaches Us

The History Of Empires: We Need to Save Our Country by Learning from 3,000 Years of World History

Rome, Italy at the Colosseum Amphitheater with the sunrise through the entranceway.